As soon as the big tree demon gave a strange laugh, the ground below began to swell without warning, and the soil layer was like waves, separating to the two sides, and tree roots with a size of tens of feet emerged one after another, ejected, and some They were stabbed like giant pillars, some were stabbed like spears, and most of the others were whipped like long whips. The void was shaken and distorted, reflecting bursts of splendor .

Han Feng's face changed slightly, he shook his body, and a glaring bloody light erupted all over his body. In the blink of an eye, he transformed into a blood-colored giant tiger with a size of seven or eight hundred meters. top.

He didn't keep his strength anymore, he stretched out his claws, bloody blades, extremely sharp, and cut off dozens of tree roots with just one face-to-face, the emerald green liquid splashed in all directions, and fell on the ground like a torrential rain. Let the land rise in bursts of blue smoke, it seems that this liquid contains strong corrosive power.

Some of the liquid bounced onto the blood-colored giant tiger, causing it to emit strands of blackened smoke, dimming its light.

"I didn't expect you, a big tree demon, to look vibrant on the surface, but it contains the poison of corrosion inside. Sure enough, a monster is a monster, and a tree can't look like a tree!" Arriving in front of the big tree demon, he suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed out a bright red light beam, spanning a distance of nearly a thousand feet in an instant, and rushed towards the tree trunk of the big tree demon.

The green light of the big tree demon exploded, and quickly condensed into a thick shield hundreds of meters tall in front of the tree trunk, blocking Han Feng's beam of light, and there was a deafening loud noise between them.

This time, there was no violent wind, but it distorted the void, and the strange light was refracted, which was extremely gorgeous.

Han Feng blasted out another Domineering Fist. The berserk power of his fist surged out and hit the emerald green light shield with a crackling sound, smashing the light shield into pieces, but his fist power was also exhausted. .

Han Feng's attack did not stop at all, the place between his brows was glittering, he stretched out his hand, and a large black fire mark emerged, with black light shining, he rushed towards the opponent roaring.

The big tree demon let out a sneer, the canopy shook suddenly, countless drops of green liquid dripped down, gathered into streams, turned into long green snakes, plunged into these black fire marks, and disappeared one after another with a loud bang.

"Hmph, water is coming to cover you!" Han Feng snorted, his technique changed abruptly, he stretched out his hand and waved again, and a large piece of earthy yellow thick soil print flew out. After a few flashes, he went to those green long snakes and smashed them. They exploded with a bang, and then they were smashed into powder by the force of the thick soil, leaving nothing.

A series of thick earth marks stretched out and turned into mountains, each of which was more than a hundred feet in size, blasting towards the trunk of the big tree demon like cannonballs.

The big tree demon turned pale with fright, and quickly dropped thousands of wooden whiskers, shining green light, criss-crossing and forming a ball, blocking these thick soil marks like a spider's web, making a bang, bang, and extremely dull.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The tree roots in the ground leaped over again, their tips shining with a dazzling green light, attacking like sharp knives.

Han Feng flicked his hand casually, a white light flashed, and a large piece of Xin Jin Yin appeared, and the sharp golden aura filled the air, cutting everything at a very fast speed, and in the blink of an eye, it met those tree roots. Cut into two pieces.

However, Xin Jinyin was also wiped away by the billowing blue light, annihilated each other, the white light collapsed, and debris flew across.

"Break it for me!"

Han Feng suddenly took out the broken sword, poured the power of the sun into it, and slashed out with the sword, the sword light, which was as hot as the scorching sun, flew away. In an instant, it rushed to the opponent's wooden beard, with a snap, It pierced through it directly, and with a bang, it slashed on the tree trunk, leaving a sword mark tens of feet deep, almost cutting it off in the middle.

A large amount of emerald green liquid spewed out wildly, like its blood, dimming the light of its entire trunk.Moreover, its backbone's defensive power is not strong, no wonder it repeatedly blocked Han Feng's approach.

"Don't attack anymore. If it dies, the Resurrection Grass will wither, and we'll be out of water!" Yan Yanfang hurriedly reminded Han Feng when he saw that Han Feng was about to chop with his sword.

With a slight movement of his wrist, Han Feng put away the broken sword, and immediately shrunk the blood-colored giant tiger to only ten feet in size. Taking advantage of this gap, he directly rushed through the dense wood bushes around it, and went up into the canopy of the tree.

Going deep into the most powerful part of the enemy is naturally extremely risky, but Han Feng has no other choice, after all, the Resurrection Grass is within the crown of the tree.

Sure enough, as soon as he came in, thousands of branches flew towards him, surrounded by green light, turning into a big sword, slashing around Han Feng, making the bloody giant tiger shake slightly, clang.

Han Feng raised one hand, the power of the sun burst out, condensed into a long sword, his wrist shook continuously, and the sword moved continuously, fighting fiercely with the opponent, sweeping all directions with vigor, knocking down many branches and leaves.


Suddenly, a cloud of green light fell from the branches and leaves, and turned into a big bell, which was tens of feet in size, shining brightly, and directly towards Han Feng!

Yan Yanfang hadn't found the exact location of the Resurrection Grass. Han Feng didn't dare to make a big move, so he could only control the blood-colored giant tiger to raise its claws and push it up. The bloody light shone, supporting the big clock.

"Did you find it?!" Han Feng urged Yan Yanfang while supporting the big clock.

Yan Yanfang turned her wonderful eyes and looked around, as if she was also carefully determining the location of the Resurrection Grass, but it was obvious that she couldn't find it for a while.


Another branch rushed over, and the bright green light rose up like a flame, and quickly split into thousands of green snakes, biting towards Han Feng.

Han Feng didn't care about that much, he opened his mouth and spewed out a large amount of Gengjin Qi, which turned into a sword, whirled out, chopped them all down, and there was not a single one left.


Han Feng let out a roar, exerted strength with one hand, and slashed out with one palm. The power of the sun gushed out, blazing like flames, and suddenly hit the big clock, rumbled and exploded inside, making it appear fine and dense on the outside. crack.

But the next moment, the branches and leaves in the canopy swayed slightly, and a sea of ​​green light flooded in. In the blink of an eye, the big clock returned to its original state, and continued to suppress Han Feng, preventing him from escaping for the time being.

"If I can't find it anymore, I will destroy this area!" Han Feng said deliberately as he turned his head to look at Yan Yanfang.

If he wasn't worried that he would destroy the canopy if he used all his strength, otherwise he would not allow the other party to act wildly.

"What's the rush? I'm still sensing it!" Yan Yanfang said angrily.

At this moment, dozens of thick branches turned around, bursting out with brilliant light, as if dozens of big palms slapped over, as if they wanted to slap Han Feng to death!

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