Lord of the Runes

Chapter 47 Fighting Talisman

After the middle-aged talisman master took it over, his face was solemn and he wrote carefully, but this time he successfully completed his part and successfully passed it on to the next talisman master.

The next few talisman masters succeeded in relaying the past, and unknowingly returned to Situ Shaomei's hands. She pondered for a moment, and deliberately made things difficult again, but after a slight change this time, the auxiliary line drawn by Han Feng before But it suddenly dimmed, and in an instant, the entire talisman chain reaction, every section of the route began to darken, and finally collapsed completely, and she ended in failure.

"You..." Situ Shaomei suddenly turned around and looked at Han Feng, her face was flushed, and she felt a feeling of anger turning into anger, pointing at him for a long while speechless.

"Junior Sister Situ, why are you pointing at me? It looks like I'm your first place." Han Feng said pretending to be innocent.

"Hmph!" Situ Shaomei snorted coldly, took out ten spirit stones and put them on the table.

Her first person was also a woman, about thirty years old, and she looked dignified. She immediately thanked her and accepted her spirit stone with a smile.

Situ Shaomei slowly stabilized her emotions, took out a piece of copper-colored talisman paper, her expression became focused and devoted, she drew and drew in one go, completed her part in a short while, and handed it over to Han Feng.

Han Feng swept his soul power and found that Situ Shaomei didn't follow the conventional way of drawing the fireball talisman at all, and almost created a talisman path by himself. He couldn't help giving her a high look, but he didn't feel embarrassed, and immediately followed the talisman The law of force fluctuations, lifting the pen and pulling down, also completed her own part in one go, and also improved to a higher level, perfecting the beginning of her own creation.

Situ Shaomei kept staring at Han Feng with all her soul power. Seeing this, she opened her small mouth and remained silent for a while.

But when it was the turn of the middle-aged talisman teacher, he had a sad face. He couldn't grasp the rhythm of the fluctuation of the power of this talisman, so he had to follow the trend. There was a loud noise, and it ignited spontaneously, and he ended in failure.

"Sure enough, a new generation is replacing the old ones. The old man is convinced!" The middle-aged man sighed, took out ten low-grade spirit stones and gave them to Han Feng, then stood up suddenly, clasped his fists at everyone and said, "I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave first." It's over!" After speaking, he turned around and left regardless of the expressions of the others.

"Uh, Senior Brother Sun seems to be a little angry, so shall we continue?" the dignified woman in her early thirties asked.

"Of course!" Situ Shaomei said firmly.

"It's okay, it's still early in the night, let's play for a while, I haven't broken my fast yet, hehe!" A purple-clothed boy sitting first under the man in red said with a smile.

"Then let's continue, it just happens to be my turn to start." The man in red nodded and said to everyone.

As he said that, he took out another piece of copper-colored talisman paper, started with a pen, and started according to the usual talisman path, but this time it was not a fireball talisman, but a ground thorn talisman.

Then the five talisman masters successfully completed their own parts, and it was Situ Shaomei's turn to relay the drawing. This time, she no longer changed the talisman path without authorization, but completed her own part in a regular manner, and soon handed it over to Han Feng.

Han Feng saw that there was really no trap set up, and he was naturally too lazy to intentionally make things difficult for others, so he also followed the talisman path and transferred it to the man in red after a while.

The man in red chuckled, but this time he took the initiative to attack. With a twist of his wrist, the path of the talisman suddenly changed, and the power of the talisman fluctuated violently in an instant, but it did not collapse. , the purple-clothed boy immediately wrote with a sad face, but he did not fail. He stabilized the entire talisman path and handed it over to the next talisman master.

This talisman master is also a slightly older man with a tuft of beard. As soon as he wrote the pen, the power of the entire talisman suddenly changed, and then quickly dissipated. He sighed, and took out ten low-grade spirit stones for Zi Yi. juvenile.

"Hey, it's finally time to break the fast!" The purple-clothed boy smiled triumphantly.

The bearded talisman master calmed down, took out a piece of copper-colored talisman paper, and no longer drew the ground thorn talisman, but the wooden stake talisman. He changed the regular talisman path as soon as he came up, trying to earn back the lost spirit stones.

But his first talisman master didn't give him this chance, successfully cracked it, and handed it over to that dignified woman. The dignified woman tried her best to stabilize the situation, and gave the hot taro to Situ Shaomei.

Situ Shaomei let out a snort, unleashing her soul power, and with a few strokes of her pen, she controlled the runaway wild horse's rune power, and immediately set up two traps for Han Feng in response.

After Han Feng took it over, his face remained calm, as if he hadn't seen the trap set by Situ Shaomei, with three strokes, the entire talisman path was completed, and it was handed over to the man in red smoothly.

The man in red laughed, looked at Han Feng meaningfully, and then skillfully wrote down the pen, transitioning over with ease.

Because the entire talisman road was rounded by Han Feng's three wonderful strokes, the talisman power became extremely docile, but it seemed very fragile. To Situ Shaomei's hands.

Seeing that the move just now failed, Situ Shaomei held her breath. Although she knew that it was not appropriate to modify it at this moment, out of her anger and confidence in herself, she chose to change the talisman. Everything was normal, but when she was about to finish, the previous strokes of Han Feng suddenly went dark, and the trap she had set up before burst out suddenly, and the power of the talisman fluctuated violently, causing the entire talisman to collapse in an instant.

The dignified woman was immediately happy, looked at Situ Shaomei with a smile, and said with a smile: "Junior Sister Situ, I've accepted it!"

Situ Shao Meiyu's face turned red, and her towering chest moved up and down, obviously very angry. She was completely shooting herself in the foot, which made her very depressed, and angrily took out ten low-grade spirit stones and gave them to the other party.

Situ Shaomei took a deep breath, took out a piece of talisman paper, drew the beginning of the water bullet talisman, and handed it over to Han Feng, this time she didn't dare to mess around again.

Han Feng's expression remained the same, he passed over at random, and handed over to the man in red. The man in red successfully completed the handover, and returned to Situ Shaomei's hand in a short while. When it was about to be completed, one of the branch lines slowly diverged into two, and the talisman immediately became agitated. With a buzzing sound, the entire talisman flickered with violent spiritual light fluctuations, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye, completely scrapped.

Situ Shaomei's face turned livid, and she suddenly turned her head to look at Han Feng. The branch line that suddenly diverged just now was drawn by Han Feng before, and she didn't expect it to be so deeply hidden.

"Hehe, Junior Sister Situ, you've accepted it again!" the dignified woman said happily.

Situ Shaomei snorted, stood up abruptly, took out ten low-grade spirit stones and gave them to her, glared at Han Feng viciously, turned and left.

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