Lord of the Runes

Chapter 46 Fighting Talisman

Han Feng felt baffled, thinking to himself that this was the first time he had seen this woman, how could he offend her, he couldn't figure it out, sighed secretly, and had to walk towards his courtyard a little depressed.

After a while, he passed a lake at the foot of the mountain. At this moment, in a pavilion several feet wide in the center of the lake, a small group of people gathered in a circle, and there were loud noises from time to time.

Han Feng was a little curious, so he couldn't help but turned a corner and went there along the winding wooden bridge. It turned out that the group of them were fighting amulets, and Situ Shaomei was among them.

The so-called fighting talisman is a unique competition method for talisman masters. One talisman master takes out a piece of talisman paper, starts with a talisman pen, and another talisman master relays the drawing. This person paid the compensation for a finished talisman to the previous talisman master.This process requires the talisman master to have an extremely skilled and fast drawing level, and if you are not careful, you will fail.

For the third-rank talisman masters, the talismans they compete with can only be limited to first-rank, otherwise it will be difficult to control, so even if they lose, they will not lose badly. It is one of the games that talisman masters like to play very much.

The group of them also saw Han Feng, and a third-grade talisman master in fiery red clothes lit up his eyes slightly, stood up, and said enthusiastically: "This brother came just in time, the seven of us just got together, and you too Come on."

Han Feng was taken aback. He had never played such a game before, so he immediately shook his head.

Situ Shaomei suddenly sneered and mocked: "Are you afraid of losing?"

Han Feng glanced at her, and was immediately stared back by her, which made him a little annoyed, but his face was calm, and he smiled and said, "Since Junior Sister Situ warmly invites you, I'd rather be respectful than obedient. How big is it?"

Situ Shaomei snorted, and was about to refute a few words, when the man in fiery red clothes just stepped forward and said, "We're playing very small, just for fun, and we'll pay for each fight."

The so-called one-for-one fight means that the talisman drawn by the relay is a first-grade talisman, and the payout is also a first-grade talisman, so the stakes are really small.

"Brother, if you have no objection, then please sit down." The man in red smiled at Han Feng, saying that he would sit down first, and took out a piece of copper-colored talisman paper, eight boxes of talisman ink, and eight Charm pen.Obviously, he is the organizer of this game, and he still looks organized, skillfully distributing the talisman ink and talisman pens to every talisman teacher.

Han Feng nodded, glanced at the large round table, and had no choice but to sit down on the only stone bench left, which was actually the first place under Situ Shaomei. Fortunately, the round table was very large, and everyone was several feet away from each other. Mei glared at him with a stern face, and suddenly said: "Brother Yuan, after all, we are also third-grade talisman masters, and we only play one for one, isn't it too stingy?"

"Oh, what is the intention of Junior Sister Situ?" The man in red looked up at her and smiled gently.

"At least ten low-grade spirit stones must be paid for!" Situ Shaomei replied.

The man in red looked calm, he glanced around at the talisman masters, and asked with a smile: "I personally have no objection, what do you guys think?"

Ten low-grade spirit stones in a game is not a big bet for a third-grade talisman master, and they all nodded in agreement.Han Feng has earned a lot during this period, so he naturally has no objections. He looked up at the man in red and nodded with a smile.

"Hey, I'll draw the fireball talisman for the first time, so I'll start with the pen first!" The man in red chuckled, and immediately raised his pen to draw on the copper-colored talisman paper, and then with a flick of his wrist, the talisman paper moved steadily In front of the third-grade talisman master on his left, this talisman master took advantage of the power of the talisman to quickly continue to extend the stroke of the man in red on the talisman paper, and then transferred it to the next person.

Not long after, he relayed five times successively, and the rune path has traveled to one-third, the rune power has become more unstable, and the time it can last is shorter.

And it happened to be Situ Shaomei's turn at this time, but she didn't look very nervous, as if without thinking, she raised her hand and started to draw, without any sense of hindrance, she completed her part in a short while, and the corners of her mouth seemed to twitch slightly , with a move of the slender finger, it was transferred to Han Feng.

Han Feng pressed lightly with his left hand and caught it. His soul power had already been released to cover the talisman paper. He frowned slightly. He found that the talisman power on the talisman fluctuated extremely violently and was rapidly weakening. I can see the problem at a glance. It is Situ Shaomei who pressed hard in the last stroke, which made the talisman ink a little bit more. The power becomes abnormally fluctuating, and it will be completely wiped out in just a few breaths.

But Han Feng's brows quickly relaxed, and with the pen in his right hand, he tapped the talisman ink lightly, and quickly drew two small branch lines on the talisman paper following the heavy stroke drawn by Situ Shaomei, and they meandered and interlaced to form an arc. The shape immediately resolved the blockage left by the opponent, and the talisman force stabilized immediately, and continued to extend downwards. After a while, he completed his own part and transferred it to the next talisman master to draw.

Han Feng's first talisman master was a slightly older middle-aged man, his expression changed as soon as he took it, he was surprised by Han Feng's defusing method, but in this way, the talisman path of the first-grade talisman fireball talisman changed , He didn't know how to continue for a while, so he had to bite the bullet and draw the conventional talisman path. Unfortunately, as soon as he wrote the pen, the entire talisman path suddenly flashed, the power of the talisman collapsed, and the drawing of the talisman failed in advance. end.

"I lost!" The middle-aged talisman master's face turned ashen, and it took him a long time to say this, and took out ten low-grade spirit stones from his waist pocket and gave them to Han Feng.

Han Feng chuckled, took it and put it in his pocket.

The other three or four talisman masters laughed one after another, and the man in red laughed even more: "I didn't expect Senior Brother Han to win the battle."

Situ Shaomei's face was ugly and she didn't say a word.

According to the rules, the loser of the previous round started the second round. The middle-aged talisman master adjusted his mood slightly, took out a piece of copper-colored talisman paper, picked up a pen to outline, and quickly started.

The next five people completed it successfully, but the sixth person made a mistake, he couldn't stabilize the rune mutation and failed in an instant.

The third round started with this person, and the next relay person was Situ Shaomei. Her expression was concentrated, and her writing was as steady as Mount Tai, like flowing water. It was completed in a blink of an eye and handed over to Han Feng.

When Han Feng saw it, he cursed inwardly. Although Situ Shaomei didn't increase the strength of the brush this time, she deliberately reduced the ink on a side line, making the power of the rune uneven, and it was about to collapse. Draw a pen between the main lines to stabilize the situation, then turn around, and draw an auxiliary line on the side of the branch line to connect with the main line, share the pressure of the branch line, and then follow the trend to extend downwards and hand over to the middle line smoothly. Year Talisman.

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