Lord of the Runes

Chapter 462 Rapidly Become Stronger

Han Feng deeply felt that he was rapidly becoming stronger. A large amount of medicinal power in his body entangled him and nourished him, allowing him to break through the shackles one after another. His blood became stronger, and bloody rays burst out from his body, all of which were poured into the bloody giant tiger outside his body. Let it grow bigger again and again, and in a blink of an eye, it becomes six hundred feet in size, and it is still growing, expanding outwards, and the aura it emits is violent, and it explodes a large area of ​​land unconsciously, one after another big pits out of thin air Emerge, sand and dust splash, and rocks hit the air!

"How is this going?!"

Wu Nan in the distance was astonished, his face full of surprise and uncertainty, but in the end his expression was firm, and he rode the golden eagle galloping towards him, opened his mouth and pecked down again, trying to peck through the blood-colored giant tiger, breaking his body. Defense, kill him completely.

The golden eagle's mouth glared brightly, and within a short breath, it charged towards Han Feng and stabbed at Han Feng!

Han Feng was still in the process of breaking through his physical body, and his breath became stronger and stronger. He raised his hand and slapped it, and immediately brought a big claw of the blood-colored giant tiger upright, and swung it towards him suddenly. A terrifying white mist was aroused. Vigorously, the fire burst out, colliding with the opponent's dazzling light.


A deafening sound rang out, and there were countless different lights, mixed with thousands of lightning bolts that struck away and scattered in all directions, leaving ravines in this area again!

Wu Nan lost for the first time, and was knocked back by the claws of the blood-colored giant tiger. The light of the golden eagle was slightly dimmed, and his aura became weaker.

"Do you still want to turn the boat over? This is absolutely impossible!" Wu Nan stared at Han Feng with cold eyes, and suddenly pinched the magic formula with both hands, and followed each seal formula into the golden eagle outside his body , this huge golden eagle, which is already five hundred feet tall, has gradually grown in size, and within three breaths, it has grown to more than two hundred feet in size. Twisted like an electric flash.

However, at this moment, the blood-colored giant tiger transformed from outside Han Feng's body has reached more than 700 feet, and its momentum is like a rainbow, not weaker than the golden eagle.


With a low growl, Wu Nan rode a golden eagle to collide with Han Feng's externalized blood-colored giant tiger in an instant, emitting terrifying air waves and dazzling rays of light. The strong fluctuations covered a radius of nearly a thousand feet. The entire land was sinking, but the entrance of the underground palace was not destroyed. Even though earth and rocks were constantly falling on its surface, it was not destroyed. Instead, the light white stone surface was as smooth as jade, shining brightly.

"Bang bang bang..."

Wu Nan could no longer knock Han Feng into the air, and fought with each other endlessly, colliding with each other one after another, making a fierce loud noise, and the air waves soared into the sky, which could be heard tens of miles away.

The scope of the battle between the two of them has expanded, from the sky to the ground, the wind and clouds are turbulent, and the gravel is flying, sweeping a radius of fifty or sixty miles.

Yan Yanfang has already retreated repeatedly, and now she has retreated more than a hundred miles. Although she can't see their battle scene anymore, she can still feel the fluctuations of the battle in that area, which shows how intense the two of them are fighting!

At this moment, the blood-colored giant tiger outside of Han Feng's body suddenly opened its mouth and spewed out a giant beam of light that lifted the sky, slashing across like a heavenly sword, instantly chopping down the swooping golden eagle, heavily The ground rolled down to the ground, and at the same time as a huge dust wave was set off, a large forest collapsed and exploded, and sawdust splashed everywhere!

Even so, the golden eagle didn't collapse. With a flash of golden light, he flew into the air, hanging high above the sky, looking down at Han Feng.

"Boy, I haven't used my full strength yet! How dare you be presumptuous!" Wu Nan's angry voice came from inside the golden eagle.

As he spoke, he made a talisman with both hands, and suddenly a huge disk appeared behind the head of the golden eagle, like a golden sun, emitting a blazing golden light and a majestic aura.

Under the infusion of the golden light of this round of great sun, the golden eagle became more and more powerful, and it grew more than a hundred feet. With the spread of its wings, countless storms rose, and golden arrows evolved one after another, shooting at Han Feng.

Han Feng let out a low growl, without any fear, and no longer reserved his strength at this moment. With a flick of his right hand, the power of the sun gushed out, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a large sea of ​​flames, and the red clouds shone. The golden sharp arrows touched together, and with a puffing sound, the golden sharp arrows were melted and dissolved.

The remaining power of the sea of ​​flames still exists, and it continues to rush towards the golden eagle transformed by Wu Nan, with the potential to burn everything.

Wu Nan was a little startled, he calmed down, quickly formed a seal with his hands, and manipulated the golden eagle's wings to close together, with a golden light shining in his mouth, and lightning bolts suddenly emerged, lingering around his body, covering a range of tens of feet, like layers of electric clothes protecting the golden eagle.

The next moment, the golden eagle shrinks rapidly, and with a crackling sound, it becomes more than two hundred feet in size in the blink of an eye, but the scorching sun-like thing behind its head becomes even bigger, as large as a hundred feet. The golden lightning slanted out from it, and collided with the sea of ​​flames in an instant, with a crackling sound, and just a face-to-face, the scarlet-like sea of ​​flames was completely destroyed.

The golden lightning roared and continued to rush over. In just an instant, it drowned the blood-colored tiger transformed by Han Feng, without giving him any time to dodge.

Han Feng didn't show any nervousness, since he couldn't dodge it, he should go all out to resist the attack of these golden lightnings!

It has to be said that these golden lightning bolts are really strong, tightly wrapped around the bloody giant tiger, slashing wildly, creaking and creaking, constantly wearing away the bloody light of the bloody giant tiger.

Unfortunately, after a few breaths, the blood on Han Feng's body became even brighter, and orchid-shaped blood-colored flames suddenly appeared, swaying and rushing into the blood-colored giant outside him, making it grow more than a hundred feet. Pushing open the shackles of the golden lightning in one fell swoop, two huge front claws stretched out, and slapped towards each other rumblingly. The energy boiled, and the blood-colored waves surged, and they rushed towards the golden eagle at a high speed.

At the same time, a strange force spread out, suddenly sealing the golden eagle, and the huge blood-colored wave submerged it without any accident, as if hitting a rock, making a loud bang!

The golden eagle rolled hundreds of feet uncontrollably, with countless cracks all over its body, and it seemed that it would explode in the next moment, but after the scorching sun behind its head shone brightly, the golden eagle began to heal quickly , Just one or two breaths, and he was completely restored to his original state, even more majestic than before!

Wu Nan's voice suddenly came from inside the golden eagle: "Boy, it's time to end all of this!" As he said that, the golden eagle's mouth once again condensed bright lightning, which was golden, bright and dazzling, and suddenly turned into a thick spear. The lightning spear exuded a terrifying aura, causing the void to be slightly distorted.

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