Lord of the Runes

Chapter 461 Tempering

Without any accident, the two front paws of Han Feng's blood-colored giant tiger were torn apart again, and the whole body was also sent flying, rolling nearly a thousand feet before stabilizing its shape.

A large area of ​​the forest was crushed, and the dust rose violently!

Yan Yanfang was thousands of feet away, observing all this through her soul power, she couldn't help but feel anxious, she would not know what to do for a while, she didn't know if she should retreat, otherwise it would be too late for her to escape later.

"Haha, can you still hold it?!" Wu Nan laughed, and flashed into the air with the golden eagle, looking down at Han Feng from a height.

The blood-colored giant tiger outside Han Feng's body returned to its original state under the operation of the Spirit Refining Vajra Art in his body, but the blood light on the surface of his body dimmed a little, and it seemed that there was a feeling of powerlessness. That's why Wu Nan taunted him like this.

But at this moment, waves of warmth burst out of Han Feng's body without warning, and he subconsciously divided part of his soul power to look inside. It turned out that it wasn't the innate energy, but the medicinal power left deep in his body before. The bubbling came out, driven by the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, they were transformed into special spiritual powers, continuously nourishing his physical body, making his blood more vigorous, and the realm of body refining was slowly improving.

It's just that this state lasted for a short time, and after three breaths, it gradually fell silent, and the remaining medicinal power could not be stimulated again.

Han Feng was puzzled, thought for a while, and suddenly thought of the reason. He immediately looked up at Wu Nan, rolled his eyes, and said coldly, "You're so weak? You're so weak, just warm up for me!"

As he spoke, he manipulated the giant blood-colored tiger to stand up again, raised his head to the sky and let out a silent roar, the momentum was astonishing, shaking the surrounding fields, and the invisible coercion crushed and shattered the emerald green forest!

"Looking for death!" Wu Nan was furious, regardless of the enormous power of his true energy, he swooped down with the big golden eagle outside him, opened his sharp eagle beak, and ruthlessly pecked at the head of the blood-colored giant tiger.

Where would Han Feng let him peck at him? He quickly punched out a Batian fist from the air. The power of the fist that boiled like boiling water oscillated away. It hit the golden eagle, forming waves of ripples on its surface. Can break through its defenses.


Wu Nan let out a hearty laugh, and controlled the golden eagle to flap its wings with extreme savagery, thousands of golden saber lights emerged again, spinning to break up the fist power of the sky, and annihilated both of them together.

In order not to make Wu Nan suspicious, Han Feng immediately took this opportunity to move several hundred feet horizontally to avoid his peck.

"Can you escape?!" Wu Nan sneered, the golden eagle spread its wings outside him, and swept across thousands of feet like a golden lightning, and went to the front of Han Feng's rampage first, a pair of big claws fell, violently Grasping the scarlet giant's belly, golden light flashed, and the incomparably sharp force almost penetrated the scarlet giant's body.

Han Feng's complexion changed slightly. At the critical moment, he squeezed the fist mark and blasted out the Batian fist. The full force of the fist shook the golden eagle and opened a little distance from each other, allowing Han Feng to dodge to avoid the attack of its big claws. Attack further.

"Didn't you say that you are warming up? Why do you dodge again and again? You are as embarrassed as a street mouse, are you ashamed? Haha!" Wu Nan laughed loudly while releasing a more dazzling light , shining thousands of feet, chasing Han Feng with momentum like a rainbow.

In the next moment, he caught up with Han Feng, and his claws fell again, colliding violently with the two front paws of the blood-colored giant tiger, and sent the blood-colored giant flying again.

The huge blood-colored tiger rolled rapidly in the air, the blood in Han Feng's body surged, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth involuntarily. Transform into special spiritual power, nourish his physical body, and improve his cultivation!

This time the medicinal power generation seemed to last for a longer period of time, and Wu Nan drove the golden eagle to fly above him, opened his mouth and pecked down on the head of the blood-colored giant tiger.

Han Feng made a tactic with both hands, and controlled the blood-colored giant tiger to shoot a blood-colored beam of light, which instantly hit the sharp beak of the golden eagle.

Layers of golden light surged out, spreading out like an upside-down plate, colliding with the bloody light one after another, making loud bangs and billowing air waves, sweeping across a large area of ​​the ground and everything.

"Hmph!" Wu Nan snorted coldly, and suddenly spread his wings and shook, shooting out countless arrow-like blades of light again, all of which hit the bloody giant tiger with a puff sound, causing circle after circle of ripples.

Han Feng was under more and more pressure, but he gritted his teeth and persisted. He didn't take out the broken sword and unleash a more powerful attack. Instead, he frantically ran the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, continuously absorbing the remaining medicinal power in his body and transforming it into special spiritual power. It gurgled and flowed into his body like flowing water, quickly improving his body training.

Now he feels like a medicine bag, but without external force beating, he can't squeeze out the medicine. After Wu Nan's stormy attack, his body was tempered with bursts of medicine power, nourishing the body, allowing He is very useful.

However, this is also an extremely dangerous thing. Han Feng is like dancing on a tightrope. If he can't resist Wu Nan with his physical strength, he may die!

Wu Nan didn't find out what was going on in Han Feng's body. Even if he did, he probably wouldn't show mercy. He might use a more powerful move to kill Han Feng with one blow!

At this moment, seeing that the blood-colored giant tiger resisted, Wu Nan couldn't help flapping his wings more vigorously, shooting out a bigger golden saber light, but after a few breaths, he couldn't break through Han Feng's defense.

His face darkened, and he immediately brought down the giant golden eagle claws, slashing like a big knife, and hit the blood-colored giant fiercely.

Han Feng's complexion changed slightly, and the tactic with both hands flew faster. Under the urging of the Spirit Refining Vajra tactic, the blood on his body surface became more intense, and the seal tactic flew into the blood-colored giant tiger, and even the blood-colored giant tiger It also grew a few points, completely enlarged to five hundred feet, extremely thick, and forcibly blocked the attack of the opponent's giant claws.

But he also suffered a violent shock, the huge blood-colored tiger retreated uncontrollably, its limbs scraped four ravines tens of feet wide on the ground, and the smoke and dust rose up into the sky.


Suddenly, a series of abnormal noises appeared in the depths of his body, and the shackles were broken one after another, and the shackles that originally bound him were opened, blood qi surged, and the remaining medicinal power inside the body rumbled out, as if breaking through a cage The ferocious beast attacked, and instantly filled his whole body, from the inside to the outside began to radiate bright blood!

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