Lord of the Runes

Chapter 453 Killed

Han Feng's expression froze slightly. He didn't expect this feminine-looking man to be so powerful. He did not know what kind of skill he was using. It was so sharp. Fortunately, he used the Batian Fist from the very beginning and severely injured this man. Otherwise, this man would be in danger. Under the best conditions, it would take a lot of effort for him to deal with this person.

It's not far from Moon Cloud City, only a few thousand miles away, so it's hard not to be bumped into by others, or this guy has sent a message back to ask for help.

If the big troops of the Tiger Wolf Gang come over, then he really can't stand it, who knows if there are any powerful characters in it!

At this moment, Han Feng dodged several black beams of this feminine-looking man again, and suddenly raised his hand to slap, a large scarlet-like light emerged again, turning into a high wall of fire, like the tip of a needle pointing at the awning of wheat. Yes, shoot out a series of rockets, with full firepower, and shoot at this person.

After this feminine-looking man took a jade-like pill, his aura rose sharply, and the injuries on his body seemed to have been completely eliminated. I saw his hands and fingers moving together, seals flying, and a ball suddenly appeared between his eyebrows. The dark light and the cold and gloomy atmosphere spread out. At this moment, even the scorching sun on the top seemed to have dimmed a little. The temperature plummeted, and thousands of ice spears condensed out. , Explosions continued, air waves billowed, and the mountains below were completely annihilated like ice and snow encountering hot sunlight, and disappeared from the surface of the earth.

The man's eyes flickered, as if he knew that he was not Han Feng's opponent, and suddenly he took out a shimmering talisman from the storage ring, and his soul power poured into it like a tide, making it even more radiant, like a needle, Very dazzling.

"Boy, I won't play with you anymore, just wait to be besieged and killed by my tiger and wolf gang!" The man laughed loudly. At this moment, the crystal light had already enveloped him, and it seemed that he would be teleported away in the next instant. .

Han Feng decisively took out the broken sword, and at the same time, the blood on his body was condensed. Regardless of the ice spears all over the sky, he moved and rushed over.


All the ice spears shattered, fragments flew, and in an instant, Han Feng came to him, slashed down with his sword, the light was as bright as the sun, split the crystal light without any accident, and landed directly on the man , accompanied by a scream, the blood suddenly appeared.

Then, a figure swept out, blood splashed everywhere, and the remaining crystal light dissipated, revealing this feminine-looking man, his face was pale, and he stretched out his hand to cover his left chest. There was still a scorching light flickering on it. The glow still hasn't subsided, making it impossible for him to stop the blood.

He was very surprised. Generally speaking, the higher the rank, the stronger the crystal light of the teleportation talisman. His talisman is an eighth-grade teleportation talisman, and the crystal light emitted is enough to resist the blow of a fake alchemy master. The thought was broken by Han Feng's sword at the last moment.

"You are not Guiyuan monk, you are a fake alchemy powerhouse!" The man raised his finger to Han Feng and said in horror.

Han Feng didn't answer, but stared at the silk thread exposed from the wound on his body, the color of purple and gold, like a layer of inner armor.

"Is this secret gold?" Han Feng thought to himself, no wonder this person was able to survive the attack of his Ba Tianquan before. It turned out that he had an inner armor made of secret gold. If it wasn't for his this The broken sword is special, and it is close to slashing, otherwise it is really impossible to break through the opponent's defense.

The feminine-looking man was apprehensive and didn't dare to fight any longer. He clutched his chest, turned around and fled.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Han Feng will naturally not let him go, otherwise it will be like letting the tiger go back to the mountain, and there will be endless troubles.

With a dodge, he caught up with the opponent, raised his fist, and suddenly blasted out, another Batian fist, the power of the fist was boiling, covering the void, and roaring endlessly.

Naturally, this person would not sit still, turned around, black light flashed between his brows, and a majestic aura surged out, directly forming black light curtains around his body, freezing everything, and resisting the bombardment of Batian Fist.

Helpless, his strength was really inferior to Han Feng's. After only holding on for a while, Han Feng punched him again and his defense exploded. His whole body completely collapsed like a broken kite. On a mountain, the peaks of more than two hundred feet were suddenly shattered, boulders flew horizontally, and dust shot up into the sky.

Han Feng didn't give him the slightest chance, he swooped down immediately, and punched out again, completely obliterating the mountain and leaving a deep pit on the ground, hundreds of feet wide, full of dust and smoke. After a while, Just now when the dust settled, the man with a feminine appearance was revealed.

At this moment, he was completely out of shape, with countless bones broken in his body, his face was like gold paper, he was coughing up blood one after another, and he was out of breath.

"call out……"

Han Feng dodged and came to him, standing on a higher ground in the pit, overlooking him, silent.

"Don't, don't, don't kill me..." The man's complexion changed drastically, and he gasped.

Han Feng remained expressionless, standing indifferently, slowly raised his hand and clenched his fist, about to strike him down.

"Don't, don't kill me, I can compensate you!" The man said anxiously.

"If you kill you, everything about you will be mine. Why do you need compensation!" Han Feng said coldly, and when he punched down, the force of his punch burst out, covering the opponent instantly, and with a bang, he was like a bubble When it exploded, the blood mist spread and filled the surroundings, and the stench of blood spread throughout the pit.

Han Feng stretched out his hand, and the storage ring and the secret gold inner armor at the bottom of the pit flew towards him. He refined them on the spot and threw them into his storage ring.

Then he flew out of the big hole, started to clean the battlefield, collected all the storage rings of the burly man, and then flew to the valley, observed carefully, and directly radiated his soul power to sweep away without making a move. But found that it couldn't penetrate, and was blocked by the blue light curtain.

He frowned, and was about to blast away the restriction, but at this moment, a woman's voice suddenly came from inside: "Sir, wait a minute, I will come out!"

"Okay!" Han Feng nodded, lowered his right hand, and said calmly.

After a while, the blue light curtain in this valley suddenly dimmed and faded away quickly.

Immediately afterwards, a beautiful woman in red came out of the valley, stood [-] or [-] feet away from Han Feng, and slowly saluted, "I've seen you, sir. I don't want to thank you for your kindness. Please accept my favor." Ladies bow!"

"Stop following me with these false courtesy, I don't take this kind of thing." Han Feng stared at the woman in red with bright eyes and said lightly.

The woman in red was stunned, as if she didn't expect Han Feng to be so direct.

"Tell me, what is your relationship with the Tiger Wolf Gang? Why did they chase you down? And what about this valley?" Han Feng said coldly with an indifferent expression.

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