Lord of the Runes

Chapter 452 Strong Absolute

Han Feng still kept a faint smile on his face, ignoring the attacks of the three burly men behind him, he swooped down, punched out with infinite power, and directly enveloped this feminine-looking man.

It is the Batian Fist!

Han Feng didn't seem to have reserved his strength, and used his real skills as soon as he made a move.

With one punch, it was earth-shattering, and the aura was too strong, far surpassing the average monk who returned to the original level.

This feminine-looking man originally had an indifferent face, but at this moment he instantly turned into a bitter face. He hastily took out a talisman and activated it at the fastest speed. A large amount of khaki-yellow light shone out. Layers of shields were formed to block the wave-like punches, and they collided with each other, making loud bangs and deafening noises.

Han Feng's punch was invisible and infinite, and he kept smashing the earth-yellow light shield, but this talisman of the opponent seemed to be of a very high grade, and it could generate endless light shields out of thin air, inexhaustible!

For a moment, the two sides were deadlocked in the air, and the two sides collided, emitting gorgeous brilliance, colorful and beautiful.

Han Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect this guy to have a talisman of this level, at least at the eighth-rank level. Otherwise, why would he be so miraculous.

Just at this moment, the three burly men behind Han Feng approached his back with attacks. There was a blue sword, a red light, and a golden broadsword, each of which was only about ten feet in size. But the momentum is like thunder, and the breath is majestic. If an ordinary person is hit, he will be seriously injured if he does not die.

"Humph!" Han Feng snorted coldly, without turning his head, he stretched out his hand and threw it back, a large scarlet-like light emerged out of thin air, and instantly turned into a vast sea of ​​flames, blocking their attacks like a wall more than a hundred feet high. .

The blue sword, the red light and the golden broadsword all fell into the sea like mud cows, and were all submerged in the sea of ​​flames, without even a single bubble appearing, they just disappeared.

What was even more frightening was that the giant wall of fire suddenly squirmed, and thousands of rockets shot out from it, shooting towards the three burly men like a storm.

The three of them turned pale with fright, they didn't dare to take it too seriously, they sacrificed their true spirits, and tried their best to resist, but to no avail, the defense was soon breached, no one part of their bodies was intact, and the hole was everywhere, dying.

Han Feng ignored the three of them, his eyes were still fixed on the feminine man below, and he said coldly, "Since one punch is not enough, then two punches, three punches!"

After saying this, he swung his hands out and punched five times one after another, each of which was a Batian fist!

In this state, the power of the fist seemed to be boiling in the air within a radius of several hundred feet, and the shock was unbearable. It swept away the endless stream of earth-yellow light shields below, and suddenly descended on the feminine-looking man.

At this moment, a piece of jade pendant flew out of his body. It was so clear and brilliant, it spread out like flowing water, and in the blink of an eye, it wrapped around him, resisting the punching power of the stormy waves in all directions.

All of this is cumbersome to say, but in fact, from the time when this feminine-looking man ordered to attack Han Feng to the scene where he was suppressed, it only took two or three breaths.


Suddenly, the jade pendant of this feminine-looking man couldn't withstand the attack of the Batian Fist, and it shattered, adding tremendous force to his body, causing him to let out a shrill scream.


The man yelled loudly, was sent flying, and fell to the ground below like a kite with a broken string.

Those [-] or [-] burly men who besieged the valley just now realized that they didn't care about attacking the light curtain of the valley, they rushed over in a swarm, some stopped Han Feng, and some went down to treat the feminine man.

"Master, are you alright?" Someone asked worriedly as he helped the feminine-looking man.

"Cough, cough, cough..." The man didn't pass out, but coughed up blood from time to time, and it took him a long time to recover. He raised his head to look at the sky, and looked at Han Feng who was still calm. Said: "This son is invincible, let's evacuate from here!"

"But that bitch snatched that thing and hid in this magical valley. If the master blames it, how should we explain it?!" A burly man with a scar on his face said hesitantly.

"Let's talk nonsense, I'm the master's back, do you want me to die? Hurry up and help me get up and evacuate!" The man was furious, and opened his mouth to curse.

The four people around him didn't dare to hesitate anymore, they immediately flew up into the air with support, and rushed towards Moon Cloud City.

Han Feng naturally saw all this in his eyes, sneered, and took a step forward. In an instant, he was [-] feet away. Before the group of burly men could react, he rushed out of the encirclement.

They were shocked one by one, growled again and again, and hurriedly chased after them.

Han Feng's speed was far faster than those in front, not to mention that they had to take care of that feminine man, so he overtook them after a while.

Han Feng flashed across the sky, and suddenly circled in front of them and stopped them.

"Are you really going to kill them all? Don't you know that my Tiger Wolf Gang is a well-known gang in Yueyun City?! Be careful that my brother kills you!" The feminine-looking man did not beg for mercy, but sternly shouted.

"It is for this reason that we cannot let you go back alive!" Han Feng said indifferently.

After saying that, Han Feng stopped hiding his clumsiness, and fully developed his cultivation to disturb the situation.

These members of the Tiger Wolf Gang were stunned, and they all wondered what kind of enemy their young master had provoked.

"Since that's the case, the members of our Tiger Wolf Gang are not cowards, kill!" The feminine-looking man suddenly roared, instructing the group of people behind to rush over in a swarm, trying to defeat Han Feng with crowd tactics.

Han Feng's figure was like lightning, and a single flash was a distance of thousands of feet. Their crowd tactics were useless at all, and they were quickly broken by him. One punch after another, the sound of explosions continued, and bursts of blood mist rose. , a faint stench filled the entire sky.

Not long after, all of this group of burly men died, leaving only the feminine man.During this period, regardless of the injuries on his body, he kept using spells. Black beams of light shot at Han Feng like sharp arrows. The speed was extremely fast, and he could fly thousands of feet away in one breath, but Han Feng dodged them one by one.On the other hand, some burly men were not so lucky. When they were hit by these black beams, a hole appeared in their body, emitting black smoke, and it would continue to expand. It was so corrosive that even they died in an instant.

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