Lord of the Runes

Chapter 450 Simon Divination

Didi is not stupid, on the contrary, he is extremely intelligent, otherwise he would not have the title of know-it-all. As soon as he heard that Han Feng was inquiring about this matter, he knew that the other party was moved, but his face still couldn't help. Showing a little worried look, he opened his mouth to persuade: "Fellow Daoist Han, I know that your strength is much stronger than I imagined. But, not to mention whether you can successfully grab this opportunity, even if you enter that world, you have no With the assistance of other companions, I am afraid it will be difficult to compete with the heroes on both sides of the river, this is not a joke, there is a danger of death at any time!"

"I have my own measure, you don't need to worry too much!" Han Feng said this vaguely, and waved him away.


Two days later, Ximen Bu, who was ranked [-]st on Guiyuan Thousand Talents List, accepted Han Feng's challenge, and the day of the competition was set on this night.

After Didi learned about this, she was very nervous, so she found out about this monk named Ximen Bu for Han Feng.

Speaking of which, Ximen Bu was born and bred in Dachuan City. He was born in an ordinary family before awakening, but after awakening, he began to soar into the sky, and his cultivation speed was extremely fast. With almost no nourishment from heaven and earth, he relied on The aura around the Baicrocodile River was forcibly promoted to the state of perfect qi storage, and later with the assistance of the Tianyuan Gang, it successfully broke through to the ground level Guiyuan.Now only 22 years old, his cultivation base is in the late stage of Guiyuan, and he is only one step away from the perfect state of Guiyuan.

After Han Feng learned the information, he didn't pay much attention to it, but he was a bit grudged that he was actually a member of the Tianyuan Gang. After all, the Tianyuan Gang was one of the three major gangs in Dachuan City, and they had the old monster who formed the alchemy. exist!

Don't look at Han Feng who can even fight against monks in the fake alchemy realm, but he is still powerless in front of the alchemy old monster.The last time he was completely defeated by Situ Kong, the old monster of alchemy, he had been brooding on it all the time, and had a clearer understanding of the strength of the old monster of alchemy. This kind of creature is as unfathomable as the sea. It is definitely not what he can resist now.

Fortunately, after he asked carefully, Ximen Bu was not the core figure of the Tianyuan Gang, that is, a peripheral member. Even if he picked him out, because of the rules, it is expected that the Tianyuan Gang would not stand up for Ximen Bu.

That night, Han Feng arrived at the Thousand-story Pagoda according to the hour. After a while, he went to the [-]th floor through the teleportation array in the hall on the first floor, and saw his opponent Ximen Bu.

This man's skin was as dark as ink, and he had a bitter face, as if someone owed him millions of spirit stones, with a frowning face and no smile at all.

He glanced at Han Feng and didn't speak. After the light film in the middle fell down, he rushed over directly, and a phantom of a blue wolf appeared on his body, like lightning, and rushed to Han Feng in an instant. In front of him, a big claw grabbed it.

Han Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and with a thought, a scorching light radiated from his body surface, and the heat wave was billowing, forming layers of scarlet-like light waves to block Ximen Bu's attack.

Ximen Bu stared wide-eyed, the wolf shadow outside him opened his mouth wide, and suddenly spewed out a dark blue light beam, slashing obliquely like an epee, causing layers of light waves to shake for a while, and a series of ripples appeared on the surface , Strange light, colorful.

Han Feng didn't move. He raised his hand and clenched his fist. He punched out suddenly. It wasn't Batian Fist, but a shadow of a fist condensed with the power of the sun. It was as big as a casserole. Fragments, the afterglow radiated in all directions, knocked Ximen Bu into the air.

Immediately afterwards, Han Feng opened his palm and slapped it hard. The power of the sun gushed out, it was extremely hot, and instantly formed a large sea of ​​flames, sweeping towards Ximenbu.

Ximen Bu stabilized his body, let out a loud roar, and stretched out his hand to grasp the void in front of him, a cyan light erupted, and a long halberd suddenly appeared in his hand.

He poured all his strength into the long halberd, suddenly the halberd merged into one, the blue light exploded, and turned into a blue wolf in an instant, with hair spouting, about ten feet high, and with one step, he charged directly into the area in front of him In the sea of ​​fire, he ignored the heat of his body, cut through the sea of ​​fire like a sharp knife, went straight forward, and rushed towards Han Feng.

His speed was extremely fast, before Han Feng could react, he rushed to Han Feng's approach, there was no extra trick, just opened his mouth and bit down.

Han Feng didn't dodge, he grabbed it forward with his big hand, and flames from all directions gathered towards his hand like a sea of ​​rivers, and a big sword of fire suddenly appeared in his hand.

Han Feng's eyes were firm, and he slashed down with his sword. The air on the whole floor seemed to freeze. An invisible force enveloped the ten directions, and it actually imprisoned the wolf's movements in an instant. The great sword of fire hit it hard. There was a loud bang on his body.

Qinglang's hair exploded, and layers of blue light suddenly appeared, blocking the attack of the great sword of fire.

A cold light flashed in Han Feng's eyes, and with a shake of his right hand, the big sword of fire suddenly transformed into a big python, which suddenly fell down, entangled the wolf tightly, no matter how hard it struggled, it couldn't push it away .

"Small skills, you can't restrain me!" Ximen Bu's angry voice came from Qinglang's body.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, the blue wolf suddenly swelled several times, as if it was about to break free from the shackles of the fire python, but while it was growing, the fire python also swelled, and it didn't allow it to get rid of it.

But at this moment, Ximen Bu jumped out of Qinglang's belly suddenly, with claws, he grabbed Han Feng, swift as thunder, and as keen as a cunning rabbit.

This change was so sudden that even Han Feng had no time to dodge. He subconsciously opened his mouth and spewed out in one breath. The snow-white airflow made a whistling sound, and instantly changed into dozens of sharp swords. In the blink of an eye, Ximen Bu's defense was split open, both palms and fingers were severed, causing him to scream in pain.

Enduring the severe pain, he dodged the sword qi's frontal slash without time, but was still scratched by the qi sword on his side, and a large gash was exposed on his body, blood flowed horizontally, and he fell to the ground, unable to stand upright for a long time stand up.

Han Feng looked at him with flickering eyes and was deeply surprised. This guy is not simple. If he didn't have the aura of Gengjin, he would be terrible. Although he may not be seriously injured, minor injuries are inevitable after all. of.

He didn't speak, and stretched out his hand to pat it, the flames flashed, and the wolf was immediately tightened, and then burst completely, reverting to a long halberd.

He raised his hand, and the power of true essence gushed out, wrapped it up, and held it in his hand.

"This halberd is not bad, but it's a pity that you failed to exert its due power!" Han Feng stroked the halberd, then threw it out suddenly, and flew to Ximen Bu's feet, making a ding sound.

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