Lord of the Runes

Chapter 449 White Crocodile Cave Mansion

Han Feng kept his composure, sat cross-legged on the spot, held his breath, and did not emit any breath, letting Didi summon him.

"Fellow Daoist Han, there will be a large-scale auction at noon tomorrow, which will be held in the atrium on the second floor of the Qianyang Chamber of Commerce!" Didi paused for a moment, and then sent a message: "It is reported that there will be three Zhiyang objects in this auction. You can't come back yet, please show me!"

Han Feng didn't reply immediately, and it wasn't until Didi returned to his own room that Han Feng restrained all his breath and walked out from behind the rockery.

His eyes flickered, and he went straight back to his room to continue meditating. He didn't go to Didi, as if he didn't want him to know about his cultivation practice in hiding outside.

After more than half an hour, he further consolidated his state in the middle stage of returning to heaven, and then replied to Didi's message.


Han Feng didn't go to the auction, but arranged for Didi to go for him, and brought Didi a big bag of spirit stones before leaving.

Of course, Han Feng was not idle either. He went straight to the Thousand-Story Pagoda early the next morning, passed the teleportation array in the hall on the first floor, went to the [-]th floor, and registered for the challenge.

Afterwards, he returned to the "Yunlaifeng" inn, instead of going into his room, he sat cross-legged behind the rockery in the courtyard, as if he wanted to practice here again to avoid their surveillance.

It's just that not long after he sat down, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. If he didn't show up in the room last time, he could still get away with it. If he didn't practice in it this time, then the people in this inn would definitely become suspicious. After all, they all knew that he came in through the gate of the inn. If he wasn't practicing in his own room, where else could he go?What's more, there is no back door here.

He didn't dare to take risks, if he was really targeted by someone, he would be in big trouble, who knows who is standing behind this inn!

He stood up, without the slightest hesitation, left decisively, turned around and returned to his room.

After entering the room, immediately meditate, exhale and condense the power of true essence.

It wasn't until evening that Didi came back, knocked on Han Feng's door, and sent a message to him, saying that he had photographed three hydrangeas and brought them to him specially.

When Han Feng heard this in the room, he couldn't help being overjoyed. He immediately stood up, opened the door, and let him in.

"So smooth? Did no one intentionally drive up the price?" Han Feng asked while taking a space storage bag from Didi.

"Of course there are, but the spirit stones you gave, Fellow Daoist Han, are too abundant, and I suppressed them one by one with full confidence!" Didi said triumphantly, obviously getting some limelight today.

"Then how many spirit stones did these three hydrangeas cost in total?" Han Feng asked lightly after putting away the space storage bag, his eyes flickering slightly.

"This item is very popular. I had to call a high price at the beginning. After several rounds of bidding, the price was finally fixed at 400 million spirit stones. Only then did I finally overwhelm them and win it!" Didi said.

"Well, although the hydrangea is only a low-grade medicine, it is hard to come by. The price lies in its purity, and there are so many of them, and 400 million spirit stones can be taken down, which is not far off the mark!" Han Feng nodded, not in the slightest. Did not feel expensive.

Didi kept observing his expression, and saw that he was not too expensive, so he couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately took out another space storage bag, and then said: "By the way, I have nearly a million more spirit stones here. Give it back to you!"

Han Feng took it, took out a large handful of high-grade spirit stones from the space storage bag, more than a thousand pieces, controlled by him with the power of true energy, floated in front of Didi, and said with a light smile: "This is your hard work, accept it, and continue to work hard in the future to help me collect more sun objects!"

Didi was flattered, and quickly waved his hands and said: "No, no, it's just a matter of raising your hands. This is all my job! Besides, when I robbed Zhao Jiabing and the others before, I got nearly ten million spirit stones, and I can't take yours anymore." something!"

Han Feng didn't take back those spirit stones, he stared and said, "I'll take it if I give it to you, what are you talking about, you deserve it, I have other things to ask you!"

"Okay, just ask!" Didi didn't dare to disobey Han Feng, and immediately put away those floating spirit stones, and said respectfully.

"I'm wondering why the Longyuan Gang and the Zhao Family Gang didn't do anything else. They suffered so much. What did the Zhao Family Gang do? Why didn't they show up?" Han Feng asked.

Since he defeated the sharp blade mercenary group sent by Long Yuan and Zhao Dongyuan last time, they seemed to have died down, and there was no movement at all, so he asked this question.

"Zhao Jiaqian is preparing to challenge Yao Bin, who ranks [-]th in Guiyuan Thousand Talents List, so he probably won't have time to pay attention to us in a short time." Didi was stunned for a moment, then reacted and said hastily.

"Oh, he has a new goal! Didn't he say that only the top [-] people have a chance to become an outer disciple of the Yuxian Sect? Why is he in such a hurry? He doesn't even care if his own brother is robbed!" Han Feng Surprised.

"Fellow Daoist Han, you don't know this. If you enter the top [-] of Guiyuan Thousand Talents List, you will get a trial opportunity to enter the underground world of Baicrocodile River for a period of one month." Didi said.

"Is there another world under the White Crocodile River?" Han Feng was dumbfounded when he heard this.

"Yes, it is said that there is an opportunity for people to greatly increase the strength of the physical body, which will lay a solid foundation for the formation of alchemy in the future! However, it is not easy to obtain it, after all, this trial will gather all the people on both sides of the river. Elites, by then there will really be a gathering of heroes, shining brightly!" Didi said with longing.

Through studying Ge Sheng's collection of secret books, Han Feng learned that he must have a strong physical body when breaking through the alchemy state, otherwise he would not be able to withstand the tremendous pressure of the true essence condensed into an alchemy, and he would be in danger of exploding and dying.

"Do you know what the chance is?" Han Feng asked.

"I don't know too well. In short, it is said that there is an extraterrestrial cave. It is very likely that it was left over from the ancient times, or it was accidentally collapsed during the battle between the powerful man of Yuxianzong and the white dragon crocodile. Otherwise, we might not have discovered its existence so far!" Didi explained in detail.

"Shiwai Cave Mansion?" Han Feng's eyes flashed, and his heart was already a little moved. After a moment of silence, he continued to ask, "When will it open this time?"

"It will be opened once a year. If there are no accidents, it should be after autumn, and it will be less than two months from now." Didi replied.

Han Feng silently calculated in his heart, judging by his own speed, he still had a chance to grab this ticket.

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