Lord of the Runes

Chapter 428 Cultivation

When Han Feng and Didi returned to the "Yun Lai Feng" inn, it was already the beginning of the lights, and the streets and alleys were filled with resplendent scenes. Boys and girls all took to the streets, which was extremely lively.

Han Feng was naturally not interested in participating in the hustle and bustle among these mortals, and Didi was not interested either, so he went straight back to their courtyard, chatted for a while, and then went to their rooms to meditate.

It is said to be a room, but it is actually very large inside, with a space of ten feet, and there are spirit-gathering circles inscribed in all directions. the whole house.

Han Feng was very satisfied, and immediately felt that the price of the [-] spirit stones a day was very affordable. Even though the sixth-order spirit-gathering circle was only open for three hours a day, it was still very valuable.Not to mention the construction cost of the sixth-order spirit-gathering circle, the spirit stones consumed every hour after opening are also astronomical. Fortunately, this inn has a high occupancy rate, which can even out the cost.

After sitting down cross-legged, Han Feng closed his eyes and meditated for a while, before he took out the Fire Spirit Fruits that he bought during the day from his storage ring. There were 230 four of them, each one was only the size of a thumb, but the price was very high. It was so high that it cost [-] spirit stones a piece, and this small pile of fire spirit fruit cost him nearly [-] top-grade spirit stones.

However, the effect was really good. After he took ten pills, he practiced the Sunshine Reaching Heaven Jue, and it really got twice the result with half the effort, and the progress was extremely smooth.

Two hours later, Han Feng consumed nearly a hundred Fire Spirit Fruits. With such ample spiritual energy, he finally finished the first layer of the Sunshine Tongtian Jue. Although he still couldn't condense the Sunshine Form, his strength has also increased Quite a lot, at least twice as powerful as when he used the Heavenly Dragon Yuqi Jue.

This is the preciousness of the Heaven Rank Kung Fu!

Han Feng suddenly felt that 180 million Lingshi was worth it!

When Didi heard the price, especially when he realized that the cultivation cost of this technique was extremely high, he muttered a few words in a low voice, thinking it was too expensive, and looked at Han Feng with a bit of resentment. Maybe he felt that Han Feng was a bit of a prodigal, spending spirit stones like water, even if these spirit stones were stolen, he couldn't make such a fuss!

However, after reaching the first floor of the Luminous Sun Tongtian Jue, it seems that it is impossible to practice it any further before it has condensed the form of the Luminous Sun. It can be resolved only when there is a phase of generating a sun.

This is also clearly pointed out in the Yaori Tongtian Jue, do not act recklessly, otherwise you will be burdened by it, at the slightest, your previous efforts will be wasted, and at the worst, you will go crazy, and your meridians will rupture and you will die!

And if he wanted to condense the appearance of the sun, it was obviously impossible to achieve it only by the medicinal power of the fire spirit fruit. He had to find a more advanced thing of the sun.

Since it couldn't be done overnight, Han Feng naturally wouldn't act recklessly, so he stopped.He also understands the way of cultivation, one can only go a long way by opening and relaxing.

He adjusted his breathing for a while, then changed his exercises, and began to practice the ten-picture secret book, and once again assumed that strange posture, persisted for 56 breaths, and after sweating profusely, he devoted himself to the practice of refining the vajra formula.

It can be said that the time of this inn's sixth-order spirit gathering array is not wasted at all!

During the practice of Lingling Vajra Jue, he did not forget to take the Fire Spirit Fruit, anyway, the Lianling Vajra Jue melted everything, and for this vermilion fruit with strong medicinal power, the more the better.

As the fire spirit fruits entered his stomach one by one, Han Feng's body was as hot as a furnace, and the power of the medicine was at its peak. However, under the operation of the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, the power of the medicine disappeared like ice and snow melting, and all of them were transformed into special spiritual power quenching. Refining his flesh and blood, his qi and blood were stirred up, constantly promoting the improvement of the cultivation level of the Spirit Refining Vajra Art.

Cultivation does not know the years, so it will naturally forget the passage of time, as if four or five hours have passed in the blink of an eye.

Early the next morning, Han Feng woke up from his sedation, the small pile of fire spirit fruits in front of him had long since disappeared, and he swallowed them all, transforming them into the true energy of the sun and the blood energy of his body.

After a night of practice, not only was he not a little bit tired, but he felt refreshed and full of strength. Although his cultivation level had not improved much, his overall combat power had increased a lot.

He stood up, stretched out his soul power, and through the soul power contract with Didi, sent a sound transmission to Didi through the air.Then, he walked out of his room, stood in the courtyard, and waited silently.

After a while, Didi appeared, walked quickly to his side, and respectfully saluted: "Fellow Daoist Han called, I don't know what to order."

"You and I signed an equal soul power contract. You don't need to do this, just treat me with a normal heart. If you do this, it will make me uncomfortable, haha." Han Feng slapped haha, reached out and patted Pat him on the shoulder.

"Understood, then what's the matter with you?" Didi changed his words, but the respectful expression on his face did not decrease in the slightest. Feng lost to Zhao Jiaqian, but to him, it was as majestic as a mountain, so naturally he could not be neglected.

Han Feng knew that he would not be able to change his attitude for a while, so he simply stopped forcing, and immediately said: "Help me to buy a batch of pure yang things, okay?"

"No problem, I don't know what type of pure yang thing you need?" Didi quickly responded.

"Of course, spirit flowers and spirit fruits are the main ones. The more pure and yang things the better, the price is not an issue!" Han Feng added.

As he said that, he also took out a space storage bag and stuffed it directly in Didi's hand.

"There's no need for this. The storage ring you gave me before is worth nearly ten million spirit stones, and I have enough to spend!" Didi declined.

"One yard is one yard, so don't shirk it. I still count on you to help me buy good things. Your few spirit stones won't last for many days!" Han Feng said with a stare.

When Didi saw Han Feng's staring eyes, he was stupefied immediately, so he nodded and took the bag of spirit stones. After bowing his hands, he quickly left the place and went to make arrangements for Han Feng.

Han Feng watched him leave, then turned around and returned to his room to practice again.

Didi is the leader of this city. It's hard to say without spirit stones. With spirit stones, there is no disadvantage. With Han Feng's bag of 300 million spirit stones, the efficiency is extremely high, and soon from all major shops, They purchased a lot of high-quality pure yang things. According to Han Feng's requirements, most of them were spirit flowers and fruits, such as Qingyang flowers, Xuanyang fruits, Yanxu grass, etc.

He came back just before night fell, and handed over all the things he had purchased to Han Feng, and there was still a little surplus, more than ten high-grade spirit stones left.

Han Feng was full of joy, took the spiritual materials, and gave Didi all the remaining spirit stones, which surprised him, and finally realized that the master didn't care about these spirit stones at all. .

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