Han Feng laughed dumbfounded when he heard the words, and after a while he said: "It's a trivial matter, you don't have to worry about it, if you don't think it's safe to stay by my side, you can leave anyway, I will cancel the soul power contract between you and me !"

"Am I the kind of ungrateful person!" Didi raised his neck and said, after a pause, he sighed again, and then said: "I'm really worried about your safety, but I can't do anything to solve it, what should I do? ?!"

Han Feng smiled and said nothing. The reason why he accepted Didi at the beginning was precisely because he saw his character. Otherwise, Han Feng would only save him once and would not have any entanglement with him.

"Why don't we run for our lives overnight? I know that after passing through this city, the wild Gobi is behind us. It is one of the famous dangerous places. We hide there to avoid the limelight. After ten or eight years, things will fade away. Now, it’s not too late to come back here again!” Didi didn’t have the slightest intention of joking, rolled his eyes, and suddenly suggested like this.

"You're thinking too much, there's no need to do that, but there's something I want to ask you." Han Feng restrained his smile and asked suddenly.

"What's the matter, tell me!" Didi respectfully said.

"I don't know what conditions are there to challenge the monks on the Guiyuan Thousand Talents List?" Han Feng asked.

"There are no conditions, as long as you have registered with the Loose Cultivator Alliance, you can challenge the bottom [-] monks on the Guiyuan Thousand Talents List!" Didi said.

"Oh, why can you only challenge the bottom three hundred monks?" Han Feng raised his brows, wondering.

"The reason is very simple. If you don't control it like this, anyone can challenge the top monks, so wouldn't they be too busy to die? Moreover, such challenges are usually life-and-death battles, and the Yuxianzong and the Loose Cultivator Alliance don't want to It caused too many unnecessary casualties, so there is this regulation!" Didi explained.

"Moreover, the bottom three hundred monks can only challenge the top one hundred monks, and so on. If the monks ranked within six hundred want to leapfrog the challenge, they can only choose the ones ranked within five hundred. As for the challenges of the same level, there is no such restriction, you can go up or down!" Didi added.

"So, if someone wants to challenge the top [-] monks, shouldn't they have to be in the top [-] at least?" Han Feng asked after a calculation.

"That's the way to ensure that the top [-] monks will not be busy with challenges every day! But even so, they spend half a year coping with various challenges. They are so busy that even There is very little time to practice, and it will take ten years to be recognized by the Yuxian Sect and be accepted into the door!" Didi further explained.

"Since that's the case, then there's no need to delay. Let's go to the Loose Cultivator Alliance to register now, and I will challenge the [-]st cultivator on the Guiyuan Thousand Talents List!" Han Feng said suddenly without any hesitation.

"Ah, are you serious?" Didi asked in surprise.

"Of course, hurry up and take me there!" Han Feng said solemnly.


Half an hour later, Didi brought Han Feng to the foot of a big mountain. At the foot of the mountain, there was a giant tower towering into the sky. It was much higher than the mountain, and it was three or four thousand feet high.

According to Didi's introduction, this tower is called a thousand-story tower, and it is actually a magic weapon of a very high rank. .

In fact, the real number of floors of this tower is one thousand and one floors, because the first floor is the transmission floor, and there are complicated formations inside, which are responsible for teleporting the registered monks to the corresponding floors for the purpose of diverting records .

With Didi leading the way, Han Feng went straight to the tower alone. At this time, there were actually quite a few people gathered here, which shows how popular this list is.

There are monks in armor stationed around. Judging from their logos, these people should be the monks of the Loose Cultivation Alliance in Didi's mouth, and they are actually members of the three major gangs in this giant city.

After a while, Han Feng just entered the first floor.

The place is empty, but judging from his perception as a talisman master, his eyes are wide open. On the dome of the inner walls, there are indeed complex runes engraved, densely packed, covered like spider webs, faintly exuding terror People with little strength may not be able to survive under this kind of spiritual pressure.

Of course, those who dare to come forward to challenge must have strength, otherwise they would not be able to pass this level just now, they might faint, and then the members of the Loose Cultivation Alliance would throw them out.

There are serial numbers from one to one thousand marked on the floor of the hall. Han Feng looked around, then went directly to the [-]st area, and stood still.

After 50 people gathered in the hall on the first floor, someone came to close the door, and after a while, the teleportation circle was suddenly activated, and a dazzling light flashed out, drowning all of them.

Han Feng only felt that his eyes went dark, and then he lost his sense of direction and his head felt a little dizzy. When he saw the light again, he was already in a closed room with a width of fifty or sixty feet.

The place is extremely empty, without any decorations, and without any figures, it is deadly silent.


Suddenly, a strange sound came down from the top several feet high. The pale blue light flickered, and then it fell down, gradually condensing into a figure, which slowly solidified, with the same height, body shape and even facial appearance as a real person.

Han Feng was stunned for a moment, and finally recognized that this light blue figure was the person he wanted to challenge, Mu Chun, who was ranked [-]st on the Guiyuan Thousand Talents List!

"Challenger, who is it?" The figure suddenly spoke, but the tone seemed a bit blunt, as if artificially set.

Han Feng truthfully reported his name, and then followed the guidance of this figure, imported his soul power and imprinted it on its body, and finally paid 71 high-grade spirit stones, saying that it was the fee for this challenge .

The challenge time is to be determined, and the location is on this floor!

The pale blue figure suddenly condensed into a ball, slowly turning into a dark blue jade pendant, and a voice came out of it: "Please accept, this is your challenge pendant, and I will notify you of the specific time through this jade pendant!"

Han Feng felt that this place was mysterious and wonderful, and most of this thousand-story pagoda magic weapon came from Yuxianzong, it was really extraordinary!

After he took away the jade pendant, a large ray of light suddenly appeared here, submerging the package, and was quickly teleported to the hall on the first floor.

At this time, the door of the hall opened again, Han Feng calmed down his slightly excited mood, and walked out of the thousand-story pagoda quickly. .

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