Lord of the Runes

Chapter 418 White Crocodile River

Han Feng turned to look at him and remained silent.

This young man's name is Didi. He is not very strong, but he is not weak at all. He knows a lot. From Han Feng's feeling, this guy seems to know nothing about Jianyun Mountain Range.

Before, he was besieged by a group of casual cultivators who tried to scrape some spiritual stones from him, saying that it was to collect protection money, or Han Feng rescued him, otherwise he would have to bleed profusely.

Afterwards, he followed Han Feng shamelessly. According to what he said, Han Feng was his savior, and he had to be Han Feng's aide, giving him advice in order to repay his kindness.

Han Feng couldn't get rid of it, so he could only give up and let him stay by his side. Anyway, he had just become a casual cultivator, and he really needed such a know-it-all to explain something by his side.What's more, he is a brave man, so he is not afraid that Didi will deceive him and deliberately set traps for him to jump.

It is true that Didi can speak well, and at this moment he is now eloquently introducing the White Crocodile River in front of him.

"Fellow Daoist Han, you don't know that this White Crocodile River is vast and stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles. Along the banks of the river, there are abundant auras and beautiful mountains and rivers. It has nourished many sects and monks!" Didi said to this Bai Crocodile was full of praise and talked eloquently.

"Moreover, there is really a white crocodile in it, and even a dragon crocodile appeared in the early years. It is said that the whole body is white, and its strength surpasses that of the alchemy realm. One of the most powerful people in the world took action and surrendered him, and now he should still be guarding the gate of Yuxianzong, which is embarrassing to think about it!" Didi said with a sigh.

"In addition, we can't cross this big river across the sky, otherwise we will die a miserable death!" Didi added.

"I was wondering just now, why did you ask me to land down? Could it be that this White Crocodile River is also controlled by the various sects, and if it is not crossed across the sky, you need to pay a fee?" Han Feng looked around, but he didn't see it either. Other sects or gangs set up checkpoints by the river, so they couldn't help but open their mouths and ask.

"No, it's mainly because of the inexplicable lightning falling above the White Crocodile River. Most of the monks who passed by were smashed into pieces by those strange white lightning, and those who died were also seriously injured." Didi shook his head. He opened his mouth and explained.

"Without exception?"

"Of course!"

"Is it impossible for a strong person in the Alchemy Realm or a great monk above him?" Han Feng didn't believe it.

"Then I don't know. After all, it's rare for a character like me to meet a strong man of that level. But what is certain is that no one can pass through the sky with a monk below the core formation!" Di said Dee.

"Why are you so sure?" Han Feng wondered.

"Hey, because in the Yuxian Sect, there is a list of heroes, which is to assess whether the monks can successfully cross the White Crocodile River. So far, no one has succeeded, but there are some Tianjiao who have crossed halfway and were drowned by a large amount of lightning. Dead and wounded, all wailing!" Didi laughed.

"Rushing over, what's the benefit?" Han Feng asked with a slight expression on his face.

"The benefits are too great, you can become a disciple of the Yuxian Sect, and you are given the status of an inner disciple. It is reported that there will be various other rewards. Anyway, there are many benefits. Unfortunately, I am not strong enough, so I don't have this life! Didi's eyes lit up, but finally he sighed again.

Han Feng remained silent, sighed inwardly, and dismissed that thought, he didn't want to create another entrance wall just yet.

"Fellow Daoist Han, why don't you give it a try, maybe you will succeed. If that's the case, then you will really ascend to the sky in one step, jump over the dragon gate with a carp, and become an inner disciple of the Yuxian Sect in one fell swoop. How many monks will say that glory How many years!" Didi suddenly urged, looking at Han Feng.

"Hey, I still want to live a few more years, so stop encouraging me!" Han Feng laughed and shook his head again and again.

"That's true, so many arrogance figures from sects have failed to succeed, and I will have no chance when I wait for casual cultivators!" Didi nodded and said seriously.

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense, how should we cross this great river!" Han Feng glanced ahead a few times and stared.

"There's no rush, it won't be too late for us to go there when there are more people," Didi said.

"Then how do we get there?" Han Feng said angrily.

"Fellow Daoist Han, you will know later, it will definitely open your eyes, don't ask now, okay? Hehe!" Didipi said with a smirk.

"Do whatever you want, just don't mess it up." Han Feng flicked his sleeves, turned around and went under a big rock next to him, sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and meditated.

Didi followed closely behind, standing aside without resting, raising his eyes to the sky, not knowing what he was observing.

Not long after, probably only a quarter of an hour, three figures suddenly flew in the distant sky, with different clothes and no sect logo, obviously they were all casual cultivators.

In fact, most of the monks who choose this path to cross the Baicrocodile River are casual cultivators. After all, after crossing this river, the opposite is the casual cultivator circle outside Yuxianzong.

According to Didi, it is vast and full of spiritual mountains. Of course, there are many gangs, and there are fierce battles among them, but killing people is not allowed. It's already devastated and out of shape.

Moreover, most of the time, Yuxianzong also has to rely on them, these casual cultivators, to do some unknown things secretly. Open up such a good place as a base.

"Are you two also going to cross the White Crocodile River? Let's join the three of us, exactly five, and let's go!" After the three figures landed, one of the tall and thin men looked at him carelessly. Diddy said.

"Exactly, what is the name of this elder brother?" Didi leaned forward and asked with a smile.

"Stop talking nonsense, come here quickly, and give me [-] spirit stones each, or don't even think about going there!" The man gave Didi a sideways glance, as if he could see his strength, and said bluntly.

"What?" Didi's eyes widened.

You should know that every time you cross the Baicrocodile River, you only need [-] spirit stones. In a group of five, each person only needs [-] spirit stones on average. He and Han Feng were asked to bear the cost of crossing the river.

"Don't pay? Then lie down!" The man winked, and the other two people beside him immediately surrounded him and were about to attack Didi. 2510

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