Han Feng was not surprised but happy, but there was a worried look on his face.He was thinking that if the other party searched for the soul, it might trigger the appearance of the residual talisman, and with its strength, it might be able to kill Patriarch Situ.

But at this moment, Patriarch Situ suddenly stopped, frowning and looking far into the sky.

Han Feng was surprised, but at this moment his soul power was also suppressed by the sky, unable to expand, and he couldn't see what appeared in the sky behind him.

"Fairy Honglian, why are you here? I don't know what advice you can give me?" Patriarch Situ straightened his expression, clasped his hands and bowed towards the sky.


After a gust of wind, a ray of light like morning glow emerged from the sky, galloping towards them, one of them couldn't breathe, two figures flew to Patriarch Situ and Han Feng.

The light converged, revealing two beautiful figures, one was the red lotus fairy that Han Feng had seen before, and the other was also Qinglian that he had seen before. Huo Ran was Qinglian.

"It's you?" Han Feng glanced at the two of them, looking at Qinglian in surprise.

"Fellow Daoist Han, we meet again." With a calm expression, Qinglian turned her eyes to Han Feng and smiled.

"Situ Kong, why is this?" Fairy Honglian asked bluntly, staring at Patriarch Situ without saying a word of nonsense.

"Oh, it's just a small matter. This kid is a disciple of my Sanyemen. He absconded in fear of crime. I came here to hunt him down." Situ Kong pointed at Han Feng and said sincerely to Fairy Honglian.

"Since it's a trivial matter, let him go!" Fairy Honglian said straight to the point without being polite.

"But this kid has committed a capital crime. According to the laws of my sect, he must be executed on the spot, otherwise I won't be able to explain to the Supreme Elder Ye Yuntian after I go back!" Situ Kong said anxiously, biting the bullet and cupping his hands.

"There is no need to explain it, just say it is my request, and you must not send people to harass him in the future. If something happens to him, I only ask you. Do you understand?!" Fairy Honglian said lightly.

"But..." Situkong still wanted to explain, but was interrupted by Fairy Honglian with a soft snort, and she still said flatly: "Do you still want me to go to your sect to talk about it in person? Ye Yuntian probably would be very welcome!"

"Don't dare, dare not." Situ Kong sweated on his forehead, bowed again and again, paused for a while, and then said: "If there is nothing else, then I will leave here, okay?"

"Whatever!" Fairy Honglian said lightly.

Situ Kong nodded, took a deep look at Han Feng, then smiled and cupped his fists at Fairy Honglian, then turned and left without a trace.

Han Feng felt as if he had been pardoned, without Situ Kong's enormous power covering him, his whole body lightened, but he couldn't help opening his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, his breath weakened a lot.

"Fellow Daoist Han, are you alright?" Qinglian looked at Han Feng with a little concern in her eyes and asked in a low voice.After saying this, she also took out a jade box and threw it to Han Feng in the air.

"It's all right, thank you for saving me!" Han Feng reached out to wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and grabbed the jade box without hesitation, looked up at the two of them, and thanked them earnestly.

"Okay, the matter is over, let's go, you have been trapped in the Grand Canyon of Death for ten years, you must have lost a lot of skills, and you have to work harder in the future to make up for it, you know?" Red Lotus Fairy said to Han Feng After nodding her head, she turned to look at Qinglian, and said kindly.

"Understood, I will obey Master's decree!" Qinglian replied quickly.

"Fairy Honglian, can you take me for a ride? I'm afraid that person will come back to trouble me again?!" Seeing that they were about to leave, Han Feng rolled his eyes, and he couldn't care less about his fear of Fairy Honglian. Hastily opened the mouth to say.

"Fellow Daoist Han, don't worry. My master has always said that if something happens to you, he will definitely trouble Senior Situ. He doesn't dare to take risks, and he will even protect you in secret. You can rest assured!" Before Fairy Honglian could speak, Qinglian explained to Han Feng first.

Han Feng nodded, didn't say anything else, and watched the two of them leave.

"Fellow Daoist Han take care, there will be a meeting later!" Qinglian looked back at Han Feng, and smiled softly.

"Two fairies, go slowly, we will meet later!" Han Feng smiled slightly, cupping his fists in salute.

When their two daughters had left completely, Han Feng raised his eyes and looked around, looking at the messy ground below him, he couldn't help feeling like he was alive after a catastrophe.

He also didn't expect that he would survive in this way. He thought it would be another residual talisman to save his life, but he didn't expect Fairy Honglian to come forward to save him.

Presumably, I accidentally bumped into that space fragment before, and rescued Qinglian by the way. Now this red lotus fairy came here specially to express her kindness, so she saved him.

As for why they were able to find here so quickly, it was probably because Qinglian set up a restriction on herself at that time, so she was able to let Fairy Honglian take her to find herself so quickly.

Han Feng thought for a while, and flew in the direction where Fairy Honglian and the others left, so as not to encounter Situ Kong again. Even if the possibility was pitifully small, he was not willing to take such a risk.

In fact, he also knew that it was really impossible for Situ Kong to come back and trouble him again. After all, Situ Kong was well-known and a member of a family.

Han Feng felt a lot more relaxed. He galloped all the way, and unknowingly crossed another [-] to [-] miles, and he had already completely penetrated into the Jianyun Mountain Range.

Along the way, he gradually met many monks from other sects with different costumes. There were medium sects in the main line and small sects in the branch line. Some monks were blind and dared to provoke him.

He didn't kill anyone, but just released the blood in his body like a prehistoric giant at will, stirring up the situation in all directions, causing them to stop immediately, and bowed to him again and again to make amends with wild expressions.

Han Feng was unfamiliar with the place, and he didn't want to cause trouble, so he waved them away.

However, he showed his real kung fu, and immediately attracted the compliments of many monks, and they chatted a few words with each other.

Han Feng learned some information from it. It turned out that the path he took was in the direction to the location of Yuxianzong. No wonder there were so many monks, but most of them were monks from the Yuanyuan Realm. Realm cultivators don't have enough strength to dare to wander in the depths of the Jianyun Mountains recklessly, and strong men above the Alchemy Realm are rarely dispatched.

Half an hour later, Han Feng flew side by side with a young man dressed as a scholar, landed on the edge of a big river, and stopped there.

"Fellow Daoist Han, after passing this famous Baicrocodile River, in front of you is the casual cultivator circle in the outer area of ​​Yuxianzong. Many casual cultivators gather there. Usually, we can get some tasks assigned by Yuxianzong. This business is a living!" At this moment, the young man said to Han Feng in a soft voice.Mobile phone users please browse and read for a better reading experience.


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