Lord of the Runes

Chapter 408 Crisis

Han Feng took a serious look at her, and said, "Then follow me down to treat my senior sister. Your strength has increased, and maybe this time you can completely eliminate the ghost energy rooted in my senior sister!"

He learned from Ling Fen that the Necromancer Flower had rescued Murong Xue before, so when he saw that the Necromancer Flower had swallowed the ghost energy, he immediately called her over via voice transmission.

"I'll give it a try, I don't know if it will succeed." The Necromancer Flower said softly with a calm expression.

After speaking, she landed with Han Feng and Ling Fen, and came to Murong Xue's side.

Under Han Feng's urging, and with Murong Xue's consent, the Necromancer Flower did not hesitate at all, and immediately put its hand on Murong Xue's shoulder, releasing wisps of white light, penetrating into her body, carefully and carefully removing it. The ghost aura remaining in her body, although the Necromancer Flower could not completely eradicate the ghost aura in the end, it also restored her complexion, her vitality and blood rebounded, and her condition improved a lot. different.

Han Feng heaved a sigh of relief, as long as he can suppress the injuries in Murong Xue's body now, after going out, if her ancestors make a move, the residual ghost energy of Nether Palm in her body will be completely wiped out.

Speaking of which, there are only six or seven days left before the one-year death trial. If it wasn't for Murong Xue, he might still take a stroll around to collect as many treasures as possible , to lay a solid foundation for future practice.

It should be noted that during the period of returning to the original state, every small level of improvement will consume a huge amount of resources, which is not the same as the gas storage state.Especially the existence of Han Feng's heaven-level Guiyuan is even more terrifying. Where the spiritual energy is extremely weak, it will even make him have difficulty breathing. He has to use spiritual stones to maintain the energy needed for the internal exercises to run on their own, otherwise damage the foundation.

This is also the helplessness of the monks. Without spiritual energy or spirit stones, they will be unable to move around without authorization like flowers and trees, let alone cast spells recklessly. If they are not careful, they will even wither and die.

It is precisely for this reason that wars for resources frequently break out in the cultivation world.Moreover, the higher the level of monks, the more restrained they are, and they generally dare not move around. Most of them hide in the aura-rich Futian Cave for meditation. After all, every trip they make is a huge consumption of the sect's resources. , so the existence of high-level monks is rarely seen at ordinary times.

"What are you planning to do in the next few days? Or just wait here quietly for the deadline, which is the safest way!" Ling Fen asked suddenly.

Han Feng didn't make a sound, instead he looked at Murong Xue. He was worried that her injury would recur, so naturally he wouldn't leave alone, and he would bring the Necromancer Flower to guard her side by side.

Murong Xue stood up slowly, glanced at Han Feng and Ling Fen, and said indifferently: "I have to take a step ahead, you can do what you want."

As she said that, she was about to fly into the air and leave in the distance.

"Sister Murong, no matter what, you can't leave alone. If something happens to you, then our efforts will be in vain." Ling Fen grabbed Murong Xue and said anxiously.

"It's okay, I know my own body, I won't die so easily, don't worry!" Murong Xue insisted on her own opinion, and wanted to break away from Ling Fen's entanglement.

Han Feng's expression changed, as if he had sensed something, he suddenly sent a voice transmission to Murong Xue, and said abruptly, "Senior Sister, are you avoiding me on purpose? Could it be that you are afraid that I will be with you by your fiancé, Situ Changqing?" Met?"

"No!" Murong Xue replied directly via voice transmission without looking at Han Feng.

"Actually, you can rest assured that he will never have this chance again!" Han Feng smiled slightly and said via voice transmission.

"You killed him?!" Murong Xue suddenly raised her head to look at Han Feng, her face was full of shock, and there was even a hint of deep worry in her eyes.

"He came to seek death by himself, how can I not help him!" Han Feng sneered.

Murong Xue was silent for a long time, then suddenly raised her head and said, "After you go out, you have to escape as soon as possible. You can't go back to the Sanyemen, otherwise no one can save you!"

Han Feng was stunned, and immediately realized that Situ Changqing had a special treasure, which could let the ancestors of the family know who the murderer was.

Han Feng thought about it carefully in his mind, but he didn't find anything unusual about Situ Changqing before his death. Could it be caused by his exercises?

"The Situ family has a secret method handed down from their ancestors. Once deployed, it allows them to transmit the scene before they die. Even a closed independent space cannot stop it. Presumably, the ancestor Situ already knew about his death and saw the murderer. You!" Before Han Feng could ask, Murong Xue answered the doubts in his heart.

"Does it have something to do with his bloodline?" Ling Fen was originally confused, but after hearing Murong Xue's explanation, she seemed to understand a little better, and suddenly interrupted to ask.

"Well, that's true. Their Situ family has their own space attribute blood, so they can develop such a unique secret technique, and it needs to be performed at the cost of their own blood spontaneous combustion. It will not be used until life and death crisis! "Murong Xue nodded, turned her head to look at Ling Fen, and said calmly.

"That's really rare. Han Feng, you can only consider yourself unlucky. You have met such families, and you have killed their direct descendants. If they don't know, you still have to go back to your clan. If you don't have the opportunity to go back, you will really be looking for a dead end if you go back now!" Ling Fen looked at Han Feng and sighed slightly.

Han Feng's thoughts turned and he remained silent. After a while, he raised his head and couldn't help but smiled wryly, "I'm afraid I have no chance to escape. As soon as I teleport out, I will be targeted by the Situ Family's Old Monster Jiedan. With my strength, among tens of millions of people, I may be able to accurately find my trace!"

"That's right, the old monsters who form alchemy have amazing spiritual senses. No matter how unbearable their own soul power talent is, they will be promoted to the subtle state. After all, when they formed alchemy, they have a huge amount of spiritual energy that feeds back into the soul sea. They are bound to be able to break through the shackles and be promoted to Otherwise, they would not be able to successfully form the golden core!" Ling Fen nodded and said thoughtfully.

Although Han Feng was amazed by her knowledge and understood some things about the breakthrough of the Linking Pill Realm, but at the moment he was not in the mood to continue asking. Said in a calm tone: "Don't worry, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. In the worst case, I won't go out. I will stay here for the rest of my life, haha!"

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