Lord of the Runes

Chapter 407 Ling Fen's Decisiveness

"What's wrong!"

At this moment, Ling Fen rushed up from below, cut into the space between the two of them, and shouted to stop.

"Hey, then you have to ask your senior sister, she tried to get close to your savior Murong Xue, plotting something wrong!" Han Feng said with a sneer.

"Han Feng, what are you talking nonsense, talking nonsense, nonsense!" Long Min was extremely angry, his phoenix eyes were wide open.

She really didn't think about murdering Murong Xue, although she had seen how extraordinary Murong Xue was and felt a little uncomfortable, but she didn't dare to take the risk of being hated by Ling Fen for the rest of her life to sneak attack Murong Xue.

"Han Feng, why did my senior sister want to murder Sister Murong for no reason? Is there some misunderstanding?" Ling Fen obviously didn't believe her, she looked at Han Feng and asked seriously.

"Misunderstanding?!" Han Feng sneered, and said lightly: "I once went through the maze of mountains in the realm of death together with her, and then..."

Han Feng told all the grievances and resentments with Long Min some time ago, leaving Ling Fen speechless.

"Senior Sister, are you performing that mission?" Ling Fen was silent for a while, then looked back at Long Min suddenly, and asked.

"That's right, I'm carrying out that mission, but it doesn't mean I will murder Murong Xue, it's all nonsense!" Long Min retorted confidently.

"Hey, who knows what you're thinking?!" Han Feng laughed.

Ling Fen also turned to look at her, his eyes flickering, but he didn't know what Ling Fen was thinking.

"I can swear!" Long Min was a little anxious, looking at Ling Fen and said solemnly.

"Is it useful to swear? Unless you make a blood oath, no one will believe you!" Han Feng stepped forward and forced him.

"Xiaofen, you don't believe me?!" Long Min asked Ling Fen.

"Senior sister, you should do as Han Feng said, we are all for your own good, if you are innocent, you are not afraid to make a blood oath, otherwise, otherwise I will not be able to help you!" Ling Fen hesitated for a while , finally gritted his teeth and said.

Long Min suddenly sneered, glanced at Han Feng and Ling Fen, and said, "I clear myself, why make a blood oath, don't you know that blood oaths are extremely harmful to monks like us?" Is it? This is something that will hurt my foundation, how can it be child's play! It's a big fight, let's see if you can really keep me!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a moment of silence in the arena.

Ling Fen seemed the most embarrassed, and would not know what to do for a while. Naturally, it was impossible for her to start a war with her senior sister, and she was worried about Murong Xue's safety. After all, she also knew the cruelty of that "cub removal operation". The geniuses who were originally locked in other sects, such as Han Feng and Murong Xue, must be exterminated, otherwise once they grow up, they will definitely disrupt the rule of the four major sects.

"Ling Fen, for your sake, you decide how to deal with it yourself!" After Han Feng said this, he handed over the initiative to Ling Fen.

Ling Fen secretly hated, she was not stupid, how could she not understand Han Feng's intentions, he used retreat as an advance, and forced himself, nothing more than to persuade himself to persuade Long Min to make a blood oath to ensure their follow-up safety.

In fact, it is true. Han Feng knows that with his current state, even if he pulls on the Necromancer Flower, he may not be able to keep Long Min. The ghost knows if she has any miraculous panacea. With this bad plan, Ling Fen was forced to stand on her side and put pressure on Long Min.

"Senior sister, let's go, I will make a blood oath, if my senior sister Long Min and I, Ling Fen, dare to attack Han Feng and Murong Xue in the future, let me, Ling Fentian, beat you to death! "Ling Fen said to Long Min suddenly.

As she spoke, she immediately opened her mouth to spit out a mouthful of bright red blood, and made a fist with her hands. The blood surged rapidly, forming a blood mark in an instant, and turning back, it was branded in the center of her eyebrows, and disappeared in a flash.

This scene happened so suddenly, not only Long Min was stunned, but even Han Feng was stunned for a moment, stunned by Ling Fen's words and actions, he never thought that she would be so decisive that even she herself was involved in her blood In the oath, although the phenomenon of five thunderbolts may not really appear, it can also be seen that she is determined. After all, once the blood oath is made, it will leave a mark on her blood. Once there is a violation of the oath, she will suffer backlash , the consequences will be serious injuries even if you don't die, which will affect the foundation of Taoism, and with the improvement of cultivation base, it is really possible to trigger the catastrophe, and the sky will strike five thunders!

Han Feng had nothing to say, and looked at Ling Fen and Long Min in silence.He knew that this was Ling Fen's disguised suffering for Long Min, even if there were powerful people from her sect who could help her get rid of this blood mark in the future, it would seriously hurt her vitality, and even fall to a lower level.

Long Min took a deep look at Han Feng, then glanced guiltily at Ling Fen, whose aura had become much weaker, and then resolutely turned around and left. In an instant, he went to the sky, turned into a spot of light, and gradually disappeared. no trace.

"Are you okay?" Han Feng looked at Ling Fen carefully and asked.

"It's just a blood oath, I can still hold on, but my senior sister offended me a while ago, I'll apologize to you again on her behalf, and I hope you will forgive me!" Ling Fen shook her head and responded.

"There is no need to apologize. Your behavior just now is the best guarantee. I believe in you. Presumably your senior sister would not dare to joke about your life!" Han Feng said.

Just when Ling Fen was about to say something more, a large piece of ghost energy not far away suddenly collapsed and rolled like a tide. The technique of sealing the ghost energy was finally completely broken by the Necromancer Flower.

She opened her mouth and spewed out a large ball of white light, scattered into a net, attached to the ghostly air in the sky, and devoured it with all her strength, but even so, some of it overflowed, quickly disappeared into the air, and returned to nothingness .

Han Feng and Ling Fen were a little surprised when they saw it. They didn't expect that the Necromancer Flower would be the nemesis of these ghostly auras. These ghostly auras were completely her most beautiful food, making her aura rise again and again.

Under the perception of Han Feng's soul consciousness, the strength of the Necromancer Flower quickly reached the peak of the false alchemy, and finally stopped, as if there was a natural barrier in front of her, making her unable to break through, no matter how much she swallowed. The ghostly spirit didn't help either.

Gradually, she also realized this, and stopped there, no longer wasted energy swallowing the ghost energy, and let them dissipate and disappear with the wind.

"Huahua, are you full yet?" Han Feng's voice reached Undead Hua's ears in good time.

Necromancer Flower turned around, glanced at Han Feng and Ling Fen, her figure flashed, her speed was fast, and she came to Han Feng's side in the blink of an eye, and she nodded with satisfaction.

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