Han Feng seriously thought about the countermeasures, after much deliberation, the only way to overcome the situation here was to practice more, there was no other way.

He simply calmed down and devoted himself to the matter of condensing the sixth-grade talismans out of thin air. Time flew by, and ten hours passed quickly.

Han Feng was always drawing the sixth-grade talismans. Although most of them were failures, he could succeed occasionally, which greatly boosted his confidence. Tried and repeated, finally after three days, he stabilized the success rate of condensing the sixth-grade talisman out of thin air at 100%!

The reason why he was able to do it so quickly has a lot to do with his nine years in the mysterious little world in the residual talisman. It is definitely a result of his accumulated accumulation. Now that he has practiced hard for a few days, the effect will be very obvious.

After a short rest, he began to devote himself to drawing the seventh-grade talismans in the air. He forgot to sleep and eat, completely forgot about himself, and practiced day and night.

This time, after a full seven days, he achieved a perfect success rate in drawing seventh-grade talismans in the air.

At this moment, he rarely showed a smiling face, although his face was a little pale from overwork.

He sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and meditated for three hours, then stood up again, took out seven high-grade spirit stones like a clock, and started refining the Seven Star Sword Formation again.

After a short time, there was a loud "bang" sound, and three spirit stones still shattered. The burst of spiritual energy swept the rest of the spirit stones, causing a huge storm, which came so suddenly that Han Feng was almost killed. They were all drowned.

Han Feng's face sank like water, and he flicked his sleeves casually, the turmoil was suppressed, and the surrounding environment became calm, as if nothing had happened.

He frowned and froze on the spot for a while, as if he couldn't figure out what the problem was.

He calmed down and analyzed the reasons for the failure one by one. Finally, after careful elimination, he located the cause on the spirit stone itself. Perhaps it was because the spiritual energy inside the top-grade spirit stone was not pure enough to cause it to shatter!

He gritted his teeth, and decisively took out seven top-grade spirit stones. 700 million is enough for a top-grade spirit stone, and some low-level monks will never be able to obtain such wealth in their entire lives.

"I don't want the child to be unable to trap the wolf, fight!" Han Feng's eyes were fixed, and he immediately began to release the soul power to pull the seven top-quality spirit stones into the air, surrounding him in front of him.

There was a flash of light between his brows, and colored rays of light continuously flowed out. There were exactly seven strands in total, ready to land on the seven top-grade spirit stones, silently engraving the talisman path.

In less than a quarter of an hour, half of his talisman path was successfully completed, and the spirit stone did not shatter anymore, which made his heart calm down a little.

Time passed slowly, and after less than a stick of incense, he finally drew all the talisman paths on the seven top-quality spirit stones, and at the same time, without the slightest separation, otherwise it would inevitably lead to bad results.

At this moment, he had to activate the talisman paths on each of the best spirit stones, use their own aura to form formation bridges, and connect each other, otherwise the formation would not be possible.

And this is the most difficult part, if there is a slight change, it will be completely scrapped, and all the top-quality spirit stones will explode, just like dancing on a tightrope!

Han Feng took a deep breath, adjusted his breath, first moved those top-quality spirit stones in the air and placed them in a circle, and then began to concentrate on activating the talisman paths on each top-quality spirit stone.

In an instant, the seven top-quality spirit stones burst out with brilliance at the same time, with different colors, red and blue, yellow and white, colorful and dazzling.

Han Feng carefully guided these brilliance out, and slowly guided them to the top-grade spirit stones that were close to each other. Soon the brilliance of different colors touched each other.

At this moment, after the brilliance emitted by the two top-grade spirit stones on the left side touched each other, they exploded suddenly, making a chi chi chi chi sound as if fire and water were incompatible, and finally annihilated together, setting off a huge explosion. The turmoil, like a storm, directly collapsed the embryonic form of the entire formation.

With a loud bang, the seven top-grade spirit stones all exploded, pouring out terrifying power, merging with each other, turbulent, and knocking Han Feng away in an instant.

Han Feng rushed into the dense forest, smashed countless trees, and flew more than a hundred feet before he stabilized himself.

He sweetened his monkey head and spit out a mouthful of blood involuntarily, and his chest was burned black by that energy. Fortunately, he used the Refining Vajra Art in time to resist, so he did not suffer serious injuries.

But instead of being surprised, he was overjoyed, and looked ahead with bright eyes. The place where he was standing before had been turned into ruins, and a deep pit with a size of [-] feet was blown out in the middle, like a tiankeng. It also roared towards the sky like the giant mouth of a ferocious beast.

"This power is really strong!" Han Feng murmured secretly, looking forward to the moment when this formation was successful, he believed that it would definitely be able to break through the restriction on the top.

What made him even more excited was that he had another trump card since then. It was really thanks to Long Min who gave him such a cheat book by mistake. No amount of spirit stones could be exchanged for him.

Han Feng calmed down, took out a elixir and swallowed it, and replayed the reason for the failure just now.

In fact, it is very simple. It is nothing more than the inconsistency of the attributes of the seven top-quality spirit stones. Originally, he thought that under the pull of the charm, even if the attributes were inconsistent, as long as they were all aura, they should be able to fuse together. It was like oil, and it exploded completely, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, which almost didn't scare people to death.

Han Feng quickly refined the elixir, his breath gradually recovered, and he adjusted his breath silently, then released his soul power into the storage ring, searched carefully, and finally found seven of the same attribute. The best spirit stones, and they are all metallic.

He was able to gather these top-quality spirit stones so easily, thanks to Ran Lintian's storage ring, which seems to be related to his being a disciple of Wanjianmen. Most of the spirit stones are metallic, and five of them are metallic. All the best spirit stones are taken from him.

However, if he still can't succeed this time, then he will no longer be able to get together the other seven top-quality metallic spirit stones, so his pressure can't help but increase.

He took a deep breath, and released the soul power to pull the seven top-grade spirit stones to float up, straightly align them, and form a circle around his chest.

He began to draw out his soul power, and the colorful lights flickered, and he carefully and meticulously carved the talisman paths, which were imprinted on the seven top-grade spirit stones in a blink of an eye.

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