Lord of the Runes

Chapter 388 Studying Talisman Arrays

"call out!"

In the next moment, a sword light with the size of a hundred feet shot out, soaring up to the sky, and slashed towards the khaki-colored light net that Long Min had laid down.

This sword consumes nearly [-]% of Han Feng's true energy, the power surges, accompanied by a strong wind, shaking the heavens and the earth.


A shocking sound resounded, and the earth-yellow light net burst out with dazzling light, blocking the light of the broken sword, but it only persisted for a short while, then there was a chirping sound, the light dissipated, and the light net broke one after another. After a while, he completely collapsed and was rushed away by the light of the broken sword.

The glow of the Broken Sword still exists, and continues to hit the blue sky, but at the moment that is approaching, the light curtain with golden runes reappears, blocking the glow of the Broken Sword unbreakably. A series of ripples appeared on the surface, layer upon layer, colorful.

After a while, the glow of the Broken Sword disappeared, and the golden light curtain slowly returned to calm and became invisible again.

Han Feng did not continue to attack. He knew that with his current strength, he was not enough to break through the golden light curtain alone, even with the help of the tripod. It is difficult to bring out its power to its fullest state.

He put away the broken sword, regained the power of his true essence a little bit, thought for a while, and decided to finish comprehending the talisman array in the secret book according to the original plan.

Originally, he thought that if Long Min didn't give him any classics related to the formation, he wanted to use her power to push the broken sword together, and maybe he could break through the restriction and escape.

But now it seems that with his own strength, it is absolutely impossible to succeed.As for his Seal of the Five Elements in its strongest state, its power is actually similar to that of the Broken Sword Light he just slashed, and it is not as sharp as the Broken Sword Light. It is even more difficult to break through the blockade of this golden light curtain up.

Having said that, after a second thought, he decided to condense the black fire seal in the form of an ellipsoid. After ten breaths, amidst the shining black light, the ellipsoid shot into the sky and hit the golden light curtain again, causing Its runes flashed layer by layer, colliding with fierce flames, red and black, which looked very strange.

Not long after, the black fire mark in the ellipsoidal state exploded violently. Amidst the rumbling sound, the golden light curtain was distorted for a while, but it failed to break through, and even the cracks were not triggered. Compared with before, he and Long Min The state of the alliance has deteriorated a lot.

Han Feng sighed slightly. For the current plan, he can only choose the way of the Talisman Formation, and it will definitely make a difference.

The talisman matrix is ​​many times more complicated than the talisman. Although the basic thing is still the talisman, it is much more difficult to match various types of talismans together without conflicting with each other.

Han Feng frowned from time to time, as if he encountered a lot of puzzles, and sometimes he frowned, showing a happy smile, as if he had realized something crucial.

Time passed quickly, swishing by, and three days and three nights passed.

Han Feng was still sitting cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed tightly, studying the formations without sleep or food. The various types of formations in that cheat book had been rehearsed countless times in his soul sea.

Unknowingly, another four or five hours later, he finally opened his eyes, stood up, stretched his limbs, breathed out a long breath, then touched the storage ring lightly with his hand, and took out seven rings. Top grade spirit stone.

He played with it carefully for a while, and suddenly made a formula with one hand. As his seal formula changed, strands of colorful light began to emerge from the center of his brow, directly falling on the seven high-grade spirit stones on his right hand.


The seven high-grade spirit stones immediately spun and rose in the air, surrounding him in a half-moon shape. His soul power kept painting on them, as if they were engraving something, but he couldn't see it at all. With a flash of colored light, it sank into those spirit stones and disappeared.

Han Feng concentrated on drawing, his face was calm like an ancient well.

Not long after, among the seven high-grade spirit stones, three of them suddenly cracked with a crackling sound, and burst into pieces in the blink of an eye, and then the extremely rich spiritual energy escaped instantly, forming a series of extremely strong spirit stones. The shock wave submerged the other four high-grade spirit stones, triggering a chain reaction, bursting one after another, making loud bangs.

Han Feng frowned, and with a wave of his hand, he stopped the shock waves without reaching him.

"Is it wrong to use spirit stones to refine the Seven Star Sword Formation?" Han Feng wondered.

In his previous comprehension, there was a seven-star sword formation in that cheat book. Once it was formed, it could condense seven great swords with aura, enough to cut mountains and seas. Hit, I believe it can break the prohibition on the top.

However, it is clearly stated in the cheat book that one must have the level of a seventh-grade talisman master, and seven special spiritual objects must be used as the load to be able to successfully refine, and it must be drawn on these seven spiritual objects at the same time, otherwise Unable to form a formation.

After thinking about it, Han Feng found that this formation was suitable, although it was not the strongest, but relatively speaking, it was the most suitable for him. That's why the scene just now happened.

As for the seven special spiritual objects, in his mind, none are more suitable than spirit stones. After all, spirit stones are also natural, and they contain abundant spiritual energy, which is enough to support the internal friction of the formation, and saves the need to configure other spirit stones. The demand for stone can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

It's just a pity that he failed to fully grasp the mystery of this formation, and there is still a long way to go before success.In his feelings, this formation has extremely high requirements for the adjustment of soul power, and if he is not careful, his success will fall short.

Naturally, Han Feng would not be discouraged, and silently reviewed the game for a while, instead of continuing to refine the formation, he began to release his soul power and draw the fifth-grade talisman out of thin air.

He felt that since he had a problem with his soul power control ability, it would be a better choice to lay a good foundation first and not rush it.

He has long been familiar with drawing fifth-grade talismans out of thin air, and he condensed them in a flash of soul power. A fire snake talisman emerged, and with the movement of his thoughts, the whole talisman began to ignite spontaneously, and the monstrous spiritual energy gathered. A fiery snake tens of feet long was transformed into an extremely terrifying aura.

Han Feng naturally didn't pay attention to it, he slapped it casually and knocked it apart.

Next, he began to draw the sixth-grade talismans out of thin air. He failed the first few times, so he had to pause and think carefully about the reasons.

In his mind, perhaps the aura here is not as pure as the mysterious little world in the residual talisman, so it is very easy to cause the condensed talisman to collapse out of thin air.

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