Lord of the Runes

Chapter 374 Entering the Heaven Rank

Han Feng regretted that he did not have the method of drawing the sixth-grade talisman, otherwise he could continue to try volley drawing, and maybe he could go one step further.

However, he guessed that he had stayed in this mysterious little world for nearly nine years, so logically speaking, he should be leaving this place soon.

The last time was three years, and this time it was nine years, so the multiple of three is reasonable, otherwise it seems a little unreasonable.

Of course, before he leaves, he will naturally not let go of any time. Even if he cultivates here for an hour, it is far better than practicing hard for a day in the outside world, especially for the cultivation of soul power. .

It's just that he was troubled by the fact that he didn't have a more profound method of meditation. He had never seen such a secret book among the trophies of the Yulingzong that he had snatched back then. Presumably these methods are the foundation of a school and will not leave words It is given to the disciples, and most of them are given in the way of imparting soul thoughts.

Han Feng could only practice the most basic meditation method he got from the Sanyemen, and silently improve his soul power cultivation.

Fortunately, after several years of high-intensity condensing the seal of the five elements and drawing various talismans in the sky, his soul power has also improved a lot. At first, the lake of soul power in the center of his soul sea was only a hundred feet in size. It has already expanded to more than three thousand feet. Although there is still a long way to go to fill the entire soul sea, the improvement is extremely powerful. If someone knows, they will think that he has practiced some kind of heaven-level method!

Half a month later, when Han Feng was practicing meditation with his eyes closed, a strange force suddenly surged out from this mysterious little world, surrounding him, a wave of nothingness appeared, and the space seemed to have ripples. cover.

He quickly opened his eyes, but everything in front of him was completely different. His consciousness returned to the outside world, and the aura of silver-white light was still majestic and vast, constantly invading his body.

There is nothing unusual about his body, innate qi is emerging from all over the place, inheriting the infiltrated aura of heavenly vitality, flowing into his dantian in an endless stream, allowing the ball to continue to temper his true essence Power.

He knew that even though he had been in the mysterious world for nine years, it was still just a blink of an eye outside.

At this moment, the Necromancer Flower, Long Min, and Ran Lintian outside were still persistently launching fierce attacks, wave after wave, wishing to use their trump cards.

The invisible diaphragm around the vitality of the sky bears a heavy blow of tens of millions of catties every breath, and a series of ripples appear from time to time, but it doesn't break through, and persists with incomparable tenacity.

Han Feng was also under tremendous pressure at this time, his whole body was bloody, dry and cracked, bleeding continuously, but fortunately he had the supply of vitality from the sky, otherwise he would have bled to death already.

He looked inside, and found that half of the true energy in Dantian hadn't been tempered yet, and the vitality of the sky in front of him had shrunk by more than half. I don't know if he can successfully support his promotion to the level of returning to heaven.

It is also because of this that his body did not collapse because of this. If he faced the state of the full vitality of the sky from the very beginning, his left hand would explode in an instant, and then his body would explode. , into pieces.

However, as the vitality of the sky weakened, the invisible diaphragm around it also became precarious. Under the attack of the three people, it continued to deform, which made Han Feng feel terrified when he saw it.

"If you don't work hard, when will you wait!"

Ran Lintian suddenly let out a roar, jumped up high, clasped his hands together, and a blood-colored sword light reaching the sky rushed out from the top of his head. towering in the sky.

His eyes were fierce, watching the vitality of the sky below, and Han Feng's figure was reflected in his eyes, full of hatred.


He shouted angrily, waved his hands down, and the sword above his head slashed down.

The booming sound spread out, the sound vibrated for tens of miles, the air waves rolled, and even the sea of ​​ghosts in the veins above the sky was rolled.

This blow is enough to shake the world!


There was a sharp sound, and the area where the vitality of the sky was located was covered by the sword that lifted the sky, and it disappeared completely. There was only frantic gang energy and riotous wind and waves!

Long Min had no choice but to stop attacking and retreat to the rear.

The Necromancer Flower was still unable to move its body for the time being, so it could only groan coldly and condense its majestic aura to defend above itself, blocking the aftermath of the sword that held the sky.

After a long time, the sound waves dissipated, and the spiritual energy in the sky returned to calm.

The sword that lifted the sky disappeared, revealing the figures of everyone.

The Necromancer Flower stared upward with an ugly expression, only to see that the invisible diaphragm of the vitality of the sky was still there, but it had shrunk by half, leaving only three feet in size.

With a "wow", Ran Lintian suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and the blood around his body was dimmed. Obviously, the blow just now had consumed a lot of his vitality.

Long Min looked at Han Feng in the diaphragm of vitality with complicated eyes. He still didn't die, but his condition looked extremely bad, and the blood on his body flowed faster. I don't know if he was hit just now.

Han Feng's eyes were as calm as water, and he didn't care about his injury at all. Anyway, after the blood flowed out, it would float inside the invisible diaphragm and flow back into his body together with the vitality of the sky.

At that moment before, he was also worried that the invisible barrier of the vitality of the sky would be completely broken, so he thought of sacrificing the bloody giant tiger to resist the power of the sword that held up the sky. Unexpectedly, the vitality of the sky was so powerful that it perfectly took over down.

However, just a moment ago, the vitality of the sky still accelerated the release of vigorous aura to support the existence of the invisible diaphragm, otherwise it might not be able to hold on.

This is cheap for Han Feng. He was worried that he would not be able to absorb the vitality of the sky at a faster speed. Unexpectedly, Ran Lintian's blow came at the right time, allowing him to suck in a lot of vitality of the sky. His breakthrough took another big step.

He found that the stronger the vitality penetrated into his body, the more innate energy would erupt from his body. In this way, the speed of his promotion was increased in disguise.

"Hey, after I'm promoted to Heaven Rank Guiyuan, let's see how I can sweep you three away. Now is your only chance to escape. If you don't leave, you will die without a place to die!" Han Feng raised his head and looked at them. The three of them sneered.

"court death!"

Ran Lin's weather was in a hurry, so he immediately swung a large bloody lightsaber with his hands, and slashed on the invisible diaphragm of the vitality of the sky, but it had no effect at all except for ripples.

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