Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle.

Before he knew it, Han Feng had spent seven springs and autumns in this mysterious little world.

In the past seven years, he has studied hard and practiced hard, and finally he has practiced the seal of the five elements to the point where he can grasp it with his hands. With a movement of his mind and a wave of his hand, he can sway a large area of ​​various seals. Although each seal has not reached the most powerful state , but it is also at the level of seven inches. It is so powerful that it can definitely push an enemy horizontally!

Originally, he wanted to be stronger, but every time he reached seven inches, his soul power began to fail, and he couldn't complete the remaining steps in an instant, so he could only stay in this state.

However, after sun and moon training, he has shortened the time required to condense each dharma seal to the strongest state by a full third, and it can be successfully displayed without using ten breaths, which can be regarded as a great achievement.

In the following time, he stopped practicing the Seal of the Five Elements, and instead began to draw talismans out of thin air in this way, starting with the simplest first-grade talisman fireball talisman.

As for the fireball talisman, he could draw it with his eyes closed, but in the void, it was the first time to draw it with soul power as the pen and spirit energy as the ink, and he didn't know if he could succeed.

He took a deep breath, and the soul power overflowed, and with a thought, the soul power turned into three strands, one turned into a talisman pen, one blended with the void, which was equivalent to a talisman paper, and the other drew aura to come, It is a symbol of ink.

He dipped the pen into the ink, and the talisman path emerged in the void, gradually becoming visible, with sparkling fire, and the talisman path formed by the condensed spiritual energy seemed to be very weak and light, as if any small fluctuation would cause it to collapse.

Han Feng drew carefully and carefully without any mistakes, even better than what he drew on the real talisman paper, but at the moment of finishing, the surrounding spiritual energy suddenly fluctuated slightly, and the talisman path formed by the condensed spiritual energy suddenly Broken, the entire talisman dissipated, and disappeared without even a spark.

Han Feng was depressed, but he also knew that everything was difficult at the beginning, so he didn't give up. He tried again, but failed again after a while.

When he fails, he closes his eyes and thinks, and then comes again, one after another, without letting up.

Half an hour later, he finally finished it successfully. A flickering fireball talisman floated in the air. With his thoughts, this fireball talisman turned into a head-sized fireball, billowing and burning. The more durable talisman, perhaps because it is all condensed from spiritual energy, after all, without any impurities, the natural effect is better.

Han Feng stopped, and suddenly found out the secret books of the Yulingzong that he had seized before, and found that their spells were simpler. As far as the fireball technique was concerned, their spells were directly mixed with fire-attributed aura to produce an instant burst of magic. The power of the fireball does not seem weak, but it is far less durable than the fireball talisman drawn out of thin air. If it is for fighting, perhaps the method of Yulingzong will be stronger, but for other aspects, his method is obviously better.

Moreover, when the talismans form an array, the power is even more terrifying. Even if it is used for fighting, it is by no means weaker than any spell.

Han Feng carefully drew the first-grade talisman Fireball Talisman several times, and after mastering it well, he began to draw the second-grade talisman...

Time flies, and before you know it, more than a year has passed.

Han Feng was already able to draw a fourth-grade talisman in the void, but it was a fifth-grade talisman, but he always ended in failure. There seemed to be some kind of boundary that blocked him.

Han Feng tried and tested thousands of times, constantly changing the drawing method, but the fifth grade talisman has stricter requirements on the talisman path, and if there is a slight error, it will be annihilated.

Especially when drawing in this void, there is no force at all, and slight fluctuations easily appear in the surroundings. Even if it is far away, the fifth-grade talisman can be affected, and it will react immediately, spontaneously ignite, and melt into the air. Make nothingness.

Han Feng thought hard for a long time, and then took out the secret book of Yulingzong's spells to study, trying to get some inspiration from it, maybe he could learn by analogy, draw inferences from one instance, and let himself successfully draw the fifth-grade talisman in the air.

Time passed by little by little, and it was another half a month in a blink of an eye.

Han Feng's eyes were red, and the area between his brows was faintly shining. He looked like he was using his brain too much, but he was completely immersed in it, and he would never give up if he didn't succeed.

He tried again, and the soul power was dispersed. This time it was not divided into three strands, but five strands, one for the pen, one for the ink, one for the support, and the other two to guard the two sides and call it at any time.

This is also the limit of his ability to divide the soul power. It is not impossible to divide more shares, even thousands of shares are not a problem. The problem is that he does not have extra energy to control so many shares of soul power at the same time. It is naturally not a problem for simple battles, but now he wants to draw talismans in the air, which is too delicate to allow him to be rough.

Han Feng dipped his pen into the ink, and calmly began to draw the fifth-grade talisman again. At first, his speed was very fast, and the talisman roads were outlined by him, shining brightly, like slender rays of light floating in the air, emitting A soft and delicate beauty, which makes people dazzled.

After a while, he came to the finishing stage smoothly. Most of the times before, he failed in this position, so he couldn't help but become more cautious, slowed down his technique a little, controlled the speed as much as possible, and drew slowly.

Just at this time, there was another slight fluctuation in the distance, which seemed to be affected by the pressure of the fifth-grade talisman that was about to take shape. It would also be a disaster.

Han Feng is in a soul body at the moment, and he can't sweat, but his breathing can't help but heave, he quickly stabilized his breathing, and called the other two soul powers to wrap around the spiritual energy, stabilize it, and slowly send it to the fifth-grade talisman that was about to take shape Before that, the soul power used as the talisman pen immediately began to draw, and after a while, with a buzzing sound, this fifth-grade talisman fire snake talisman took shape!

The red light shone, and the talisman bursts of light, like sparkling waves, were incomparably gorgeous.

Han Feng was overjoyed, he watched it for a while, and then thought, this fifth-grade talisman floating in the air was activated, and in a blink of an eye it condensed into a fire snake, which was more than a hundred feet in size, comparable to that drawn on talisman paper The Fire Snake Talisman is more than half as powerful, and it is extremely agile, soaring wantonly in this small world, but after one accidentally crashed into the sky, it was struck down by a purple lightning and instantly annihilated.

Han Feng's face was a little tired, he had to lie down, rested for a long time, and then slowly got up to continue practicing the refining of the fifth-grade talisman.

In the next six months, he drew most of the fifth-grade talismans. Except for miscellaneous types such as thunder attribute and light attribute, he had successfully volleyed the rest of the five-element attribute and wind attribute five-grade talismans. After drawing it, the combat power has been improved again.

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