With a soft sound of "Bo", Chang Hao activated the invisibility talisman first, and a burst of clear light lit up, covering his body, forming a thin film of light, which disappeared in an instant under the sunlight.

Han Feng was a little surprised. He swept away his soul power, but he couldn't see it out. There seemed to be an invisible force covering Chang Hao's figure.

Han Feng couldn't help but have more confidence in this invisibility talisman, and quickly moved it to hide his body.

"Let's go!" Chang Hao's voice sounded from the void in front of him. As soon as he finished speaking, the weeds around him shook slightly, obviously the other party had already walked down.

Naturally, Han Feng would not fall behind, so he followed closely behind.

The two of them hid their bodies, swaggered down the mountain peak in broad daylight, slowly lurked into the valley, and walked straight to the big tree in the center.

Han Feng's face was full of caution. Even in the invisible state, he tried to relax his footsteps, and slowly approached the Yuanling fruit tree like a dragonfly on water. None of the frolicking young apes noticed his existence, so he was relieved a little. Come.

Time passed inch by inch, Chang Hao walked ahead, and half an hour later, he was only a hundred feet away from the Yuanling fruit tree, but at this moment, the old man lying under the big tree with his eyes closed The white-haired ape suddenly stared wide-eyed and glanced around, as if he had noticed something. The spiritual sense was much stronger than those of the young apes.

Chang Hao and Han Feng immediately lowered their steps slowly and stood still, for fear of disturbing the top-ranking beast.

The oldest white-haired ape had doubts in his eyes, and he scanned his surroundings again, but found nothing unusual, so he closed his eyes again to rest and rest.

The two of them secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and walked slowly again, slowly walking through the large open space between the three elderly gray-haired apes, without attracting their attention at all.

In a short time, they were only 30 feet away from the big tree, and they had already stepped into the shadow of the big tree.Chang Hao quickly took out a Fufeng Talisman from his bosom, and just as he was about to activate it, the white-haired ape suddenly opened his eyes, and with a whooping sound, it picked up a stone the size of a human head and threw it over. Throwing it at will, but with great force, it turned into an afterimage and rushed directly to Chang Hao's chest.

Chang Hao was caught off guard, so he raised his hand and smashed the stone into powder with a burst of true energy.

As a result, the thin film of light formed by the fourth-grade talisman invisibility talisman dissipated immediately, and his figure was immediately exposed, causing the white-haired ape to roar loudly, shaking the entire valley.

The other three apes immediately woke up and turned into afterimages in an instant to kill them, while the other young apes who were playing consciously ran to the surrounding caves and did not participate in the battle.

Chang Hao didn't care so much anymore, his eyes flashed fiercely, he immediately activated the Fufeng Talisman, flew high, and grabbed the Yuan Lingguo on the tree.

But before he rushed to the Yuanling fruit tree, a white afterimage was faster than him and rushed over him in an instant. With a twist of his body, two huge fists greeted his head from top to bottom. Hohohoh, a coercion rose up invisible, forcing him to stand still slightly, and he had no choice but to draw his sword to fight.One person and one monkey shot repeatedly in mid-air, and they fought for three or four rounds in an instant. The white fist shadow and the bloody knife light flashed one by one, and the two were no match.

The words were divided into two parts. Han Feng was watching all the changes behind him. He was about to do the same, and took out a Fufeng Talisman. Just when he activated it and flew up, Chang Hao was shocked suddenly. The hairy ape suddenly cast a white fist the size of a water tank to repel it.

"I can't stop this old monkey, get out!" Chang Hao shouted with bloodshot eyes.As he said that, he turned around and flew away with the remaining power of the light-weight talisman on his body, but the white-haired ape behind him was chasing after him, roaring and waving his hands repeatedly, and in an instant seven or eight white fists several feet in size were like It rushed like a tide, covering Chang Hao's figure tightly.

Chang Hao felt the mountain-like pressure behind him, so he had to turn around quickly, holding the knife in both hands, pouring in his whole body with true energy, the long knife was like blood, the light soared, and he slashed forward quickly.


The light of the knife was like a pillar, the color was like blood, and the evil spirit filled the sky instantly, hitting heavily on the white fist shadow like a tide, there was a loud bang, and the air waves rolled, raging in all directions.

Both sides of the war were sent flying, Chang Hao spit out a mouthful of blood, flew back more than ten feet, and the power of the Light Body Talisman on his body was also shaken away, he rolled his eyes and saw that Han Feng was also sent to the distance by the aftermath, immediately He took out a talisman that exuded a faint khaki-yellow light, and after crushing it, a burst of khaki-yellow light suddenly lit up around him, enveloping him and sinking into the ground in an instant, before disappearing.

Fourth Grade Talisman, Earth Escape Talisman!

Han Feng's pupils narrowed slightly, and he recognized his talisman. He was surprised, and quickly stabilized his figure, not daring to stay any longer. He took out another Fufeng talisman, and flew out of the valley after urging it.

The three gray-haired apes all around ran wildly in pursuit, but none of them were as fast as Han Feng, so they had to watch helplessly as Han Feng flew out.

The white-haired ape also fell to the ground at this moment. Seeing that Chang Hao suddenly disappeared, he immediately locked his eyes on Han Feng who was fleeing desperately, grinning his teeth, his face was full of anger, and when he kicked his feet, he turned into a white shadow Chase Han Feng.

Its speed was very fast, and it came first, surpassing the three gray-haired apes in one fell swoop, and in a short while, it covered a distance of two or three hundred feet and arrived not far behind Han Feng.

Han Feng was taken aback by its speed. Fortunately, he had already reached the edge of the valley. He quickly lowered his body and plunged into the forest. With the help of the remaining rune power of the Fufeng Talisman and the power of his feet, he went as fast as a feather. Float away.

The white-haired ape was furious, and with all his hands and feet, he climbed up the mountain in twos and twos, chasing after him.

Han Feng felt bitter in his heart, suppressed the reluctance in his heart, took out a talisman with a faint earthy yellow light, it was the earth escape talisman, crushed it quickly, layers of earthy yellow light appeared around him instantly, enveloping him, It sank to the ground and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The white-haired ape was sixty or seventy feet away. When Han Feng's aura disappeared, he became even more annoyed. He beat his chest with both hands, and the aura spread, overturning all the surrounding vegetation, trees, mountains and rocks in a range of more than ten feet, creating a mess. .

Han Feng felt as if he was sinking into the water, surrounded by yellow light, but the distance was dark, and he was swimming in an uncertain direction rapidly.

After about a few breaths, he emerged from the ground, opened his eyes, and found that he was on the opposite side of the valley, on a mountain peak.

His complexion changed slightly, and he dared not make a sound. With the help of the mountains and forests, he looked into the valley, and his complexion became even weirder in an instant.

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