Han Feng and Chang Hao continued to walk on foot, and traveled nearly a thousand miles in half a day, surprisingly smoothly, without encountering an attack from a strange beast.

That night, they did not dare to continue their journey, but found a cave to rest, meditate and adjust their breath to recover their true strength.

Nothing happened all night, the two of them opened their eyes early in the morning, looked at each other, got up and left the cave without saying a word, and continued on their way.

When they crossed more than a dozen mountains and traveled hundreds of miles, they came to a valley where hundreds of purple-gold bamboos of different heights grew. Looking at it, it looks like a sea of ​​purple and gold.

"This is Zijin Bamboo, the high-quality material used to make talisman paper!" Han Feng's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"I didn't expect that we were so lucky to come across such a good thing!" Chang Hao is also a person who knows the value of the bamboo at a glance.

"Senior Brother Chang, this bamboo is of great use to me and other talisman masters. I'll take whatever you can cut, and you can tell me the price!" Han Feng immediately turned his head and said seriously to Chang Hao.

"Hey, since Junior Brother Han is so sincere, then I won't be polite." Chang Hao stepped into the valley first.

Han Feng's eyes flashed, and he followed closely.

Chang Hao quickly came to a purple gold bamboo, and without a word, he raised his knife and chopped it off. With a flash of red light, a bamboo was cut off by him, and then he waved the talisman knife in his hand, three times, five divisions and two divisions. All the branches and leaves were cut off, and the trunk was broken into more than ten sections, and then packed and tied up, the movements were extremely neat.

Han Feng's speed was also not slow, and he just finished packing a Zijin Bamboo.

"call out!"

At this moment, a yellow afterimage suddenly passed by and hit Han Feng's waist.

Han Feng was slightly startled, and hurriedly dodged, barely dodging, and let the afterimage pass by, but he still felt a sharp pain in his waist. When his soul power swept away, he found that his clothes had been torn apart. There was a white mark scratched on the outer skin, if he hadn't used the Spirit Refining Vajra Art just in time, there might be more than this injury.

Chang Hao's side also exclaimed again and again. The long knife in his hand unfolded, forming a bloody knife shadow, forcing an afterimage back. He didn't suffer any damage, but he was also frightened into a cold sweat.

The two afterimages disappeared in a flash, and disappeared into the ground in a blink of an eye, as if they would escape the ground.

After a while, four afterimages appeared again, and the soldiers attacked the two of them in two ways.

Han Feng quickly pasted a lightweight talisman on his body and quickly dodged, but he was still confused by the two extremely fast afterimages.

"Damn it, this is the ground mouse, let's retreat quickly!" Chang Hao was well-informed, and seemed to see the appearance of the afterimages clearly. When the knife light rose, he knocked the two afterimages into the air, but he didn't dare to stay. Picking up the bundle of purple-gold bamboos, he burst out with true energy and ran out of the valley at full speed.

Han Feng was startled when he heard this. The grown-up Dungeon Rats were all high-level beasts, and they were in groups. It seemed that there were only four of them now, but it was hard to guarantee that there were more Earth Dungers yet to appear.

Without hesitation, he hurriedly picked up the bundle of purple gold bamboos, and then took out a Fufeng Talisman. With a sweep of his soul power, he quickly activated it, and his whole body immediately swayed up and away.

At this moment, figures only a few feet long appeared on the ground. There were more than a dozen of them. They all looked like mice, but they were covered in khaki and had big eyes. people.

If it wasn't for the fact that they, the ground rats, had something to do today and couldn't go out to chase them, otherwise it would be very difficult for the two of them to escape unscathed.In fact, it was precisely because of this that they were able to cut down a Purple Gold Bamboo on the edge.

Tens of miles away, Han Feng met Chang Hao again. The two looked at each other and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"It's really lucky this time. Most of them are guarding something. Otherwise, there would not be only two attacking us at the beginning. If more than ten of them come up at the beginning, we will drop a layer even if we don't die. Skinned." Chang Hao said with lingering fear.

Han Feng nodded, did not speak, looked around for a while, as if he wanted to remember the scenery in this area, so that he could go back to that valley to collect Zijin Bamboo when his strength improved in the future.

The same is true for Chang Hao, silently remembering the location of the valley just now.

"There is still a long way to go to the destination, let's go quickly." Chang Hao withdrew his gaze and said calmly.

Han Hao responded, and quickly followed Chang Hao away.

In the following time, the two of them didn't have so much luck. Not only did they not meet any good things, but they were attacked by a group of dozens of iron-blooded porcupines.

Although most of the Iron-Blooded Porcupines were middle- and low-level beasts, there were too many of them. They were in groups and went on a rampage, which made Han Feng and Chang Hao feel ashamed. In the end, Chang Hao got angry and slashed down with a knife, bursting out with nine-nine attacks. The 81 sword lights killed the three high-level iron-blooded porcupines rushing forward in one fell swoop, and the shock wave formed completely dispersed the opponent's formation.

Han Feng immediately activated more than ten second-grade talismans from behind, the golden light danced with the fireball, and killed more than ten middle and low-level iron-blooded porcupines in the blink of an eye.

The rest of the iron-blooded porcupines were wounded and fled, and the two of them did not go after them, and silently collected the fur and kernels of the iron-blooded porcupines.The fur of this kind of strange beast can be used as the raw material for making talisman paper, which is also one of the long-term acquisitions of the Zongmen.

After collecting them, Han Feng and Chang Hao looked at each other, then continued on their way in silence.

Before I knew it, another day passed.

The two of them finally arrived at their destination. At this moment, they were lying on a mountain peak in a valley, peeping at the situation below the valley, and saw a tall tree as tall as a mountain in the valley below. A fist-sized fruit, shining like stars.

In addition to this big tree, there are groups of young apes in the valley, playing and playing under the trees, on the stones, and by the stream. At the moment of the eyes, the breathtaking light shines out, which makes people awe-inspiring.

Chang Hao looked at those fruits with burning eyes, and took a deep breath when he saw those older apes, suddenly took out a talisman from his bosom, handed it to Han Feng, and said in a low voice: "This is an invisibility talisman, we will see it later." Lurking in, whether or not you can steal the primordial spirit fruit on the big tree depends on your luck!"

The invisibility talisman is a fourth-grade talisman, which belongs to the light attribute talisman. Han Feng also has one in his hand. Seeing that Chang Hao handed him one, he couldn't help but glance at him, thinking that this guy is actually a real person. He didn't cheat or play tricks, so far, he is a person who can cooperate.

Han Feng thought silently, and calmly took the invisibility talisman given by Chang Hao.

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