Lord of the Runes

Chapter 2 Battle by the Lake

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it has been half a month since Han Feng came to No. [-] handyman circle.Ever since he came here on the first day to take Luo Qi to his prestige, no one dared to give him a look. Everyone was polite, even the rebellious Luo Qi swallowed his anger and did not dare to be arrogant. It is also because his injury has not healed, and he dares not speak out.

For the past half month, Han Feng had to go to the kitchen in the outer gate area more than ten miles away to fetch [-] loads of water every day during the day, and the night time was spent practicing martial arts and absorbing the aura provided by the stone house spirit gathering talisman to quench his body.

It was time for the stone house to activate the spirit-gathering talisman array. Han Feng sat cross-legged on the stone bed, concentrating on inhaling and exhaling. After an hour passed quickly, he opened his eyes with a look of helplessness on his face.

He still couldn't condense a trace of true energy out!

He sighed secretly, stood up, suddenly remembered something, turned his head to scan Luo Qi's bed, but he was nowhere to be seen, Luo Qi had been out for the past two nights, and he didn't know what conspiracy he was up to.

"Forget it, the soldiers will come to cover up the water and the earth!" Han Feng has been paying attention to Luo Qi's behavior all the time, knowing in his heart that he will not let it go so easily, and is always on guard, but he still has many methods that he has not used. He is not afraid of clowns like Luo Qi.

All night.

Early the next morning, when it was dawn, Han Feng got up and went to the utility room next to the stone house to take out his two hundred-jin large buckets, and left like flying, but he didn't go down the mountain. run to the mountain.

It turned out that he took advantage of the short period of time when the sun was rising to the back of the mountain to absorb the most vigorous aura in the world. This is also his habit of getting up early. The location facing the sun is full of aura. Although it is not as good as the total amount gathered by the spirit-gathering talisman array, it is far better for him to absorb the aura that is divided by everyone in the stone house. Every morning is equivalent to three or four nights of penance. .

Half an hour later, Han Feng opened his eyes, stood up under the sunlight, and slowly practiced Qi Condensing Baguazhang. With the movement of his hands, circles came out one after another. He gathered his hands together, exuding a faint radiance, as charming as water.

This move is called pushing air palm!

"Huh..." Han Feng suddenly pushed out his palms, swaying the brilliance, releasing the power, a gust of wind was blown forward, a big tree in front of him was rattling, branches were broken, and leaves were flying.

"It's a pity that this move can only be performed if the aura of heaven and earth is strong enough to a certain extent." Han Feng felt a little helpless. If he condensed his true energy and advanced to the Qi storage realm, he would not need to rely on the aura of heaven and earth outside, and he would be able to maintain this kind of combat all the time. strength.

Han Feng took a deep breath, calmed down, and ran down the mountain with two wooden barrels in hand. In less than half an hour, he came to a pool more than ten miles away. It was hundreds of feet square and crystal clear. Two miles away, they rushed to the No. [-] Kitchen Room in the outer gate area on the north side. Even if they ran away, the water in the bucket was as calm as a mirror, and there was no splash at all.

In less than a quarter of an hour, he entered the outer door area, turned around and came to a building complex covering an area of ​​tens of acres. He poured water into a large pool with ease. The clean water was sterilized and filtered, so he didn't need to think too much. He turned around and walked back. He had to hurry up and finish today's task.Of course, in this process, the deacon disciples in the supervisor's room will register his number.

In fact, adding water to the cooking room in the outer gate area is not only the easiest, but also has a small benefit, that is, you can enjoy lunch in the kitchen work room No. Shared meals, but it also has a lot more heaven and earth spiritual materials than the kitchen work room of No. [-] handyman circle, such as purple blood ginseng, black ganoderma lucidum, three green rehmannia, etc., even if it is only leftovers, it is also a great tonic.Originally this position belonged to Luo Qi, but he was bedridden for half a month, and Han Feng naturally took his place. As he has basically recovered now, he can only refill the cooking room of No. [-] handyman circle. That benefit is far from enough.

Of course, Han Feng, who had stayed in the outer gate area, naturally didn't care about this little benefit. It's just better than nothing, and it's also a good thing to replenish his body that has been practicing day and night recently.In addition, the aura in the outer door area is also much more abundant, and staying inside for a long time is also very beneficial for cultivation, which is also a great benefit for those deacon disciples.

After lunch, Han Feng worked hard and finished the remaining fifteen barrels of water in just over an hour. But at this time, the sun was setting and dusk was approaching, and orange-red clouds appeared in the sky, which was beautiful.

Han Feng walked towards the No. [-] handyman's circle, his footsteps were rhythmic with his breath, it seemed that there was some kind of mystery, the speed was surprisingly fast, and he passed a distance of Zhang Xu in a blink of an eye.

This is the Yunfeng footwork that Han Hao taught him last year. Of course, it is only the first three levels of entry, but after a year of practice, he has only just glimpsed the doorway and practiced the first level.

"Junior Brother Han, have you completed the task?" Suddenly, a voice came from the front left.

Han Feng hurriedly stopped, slightly startled in his heart, he didn't expect that he didn't notice his arrival.The owner of this voice is Monkey Sun.Through this period of contact, Han Feng also knew that this person was called Sun Qiang, and he was one of the three strongest people in the No. He was responsible for the arrangement of chores.

Han Feng clasped his fists in salute, and said with a light smile, "Hehe, Senior Brother Sun, why are you here again? Could it be that you went fishing in Tan Bian again?"

Sun Qiang also bowed politely, clasped his fists, nodded, and said melancholy: "Yeah, what else can I do if I don't go fishing, I've been stuck in a bottleneck for three or four years, and I'm not as hopeful as you, junior brother." !” As he spoke, he looked at Han Feng with bright eyes again.

"Haha, brother, you're being modest. You're only in your twenties, so there are plenty of opportunities." Han Feng said with a haha.

"Hey, let's not talk about this." Sun Qiang sighed, turned his eyes, and then said: "I caught a few big fish today, and they are delicious when grilled, and I can have a drink with you, please." It's better to meet by chance, let's go!"

Han Feng saw that his expression didn't seem to be fake, and he didn't want to offend this person. To become the leader of No. [-] handyman circle, besides his own strength, he must have someone above him to take care of him, otherwise he couldn't sit still.So he didn't refuse, and agreed with one bite.

Sun Qiang laughed, praised Han Feng for his straightforwardness, and took Han Feng to Qingshui Tan.

Qingshuitan is located in a valley, not far from Jingshuitan where Han Feng went to fetch water during the day, the two of them crossed a mountain peak and came to the edge of the pool.

A bonfire has already been lit in Tan Bian, and the flames are shining everywhere, reflecting the surface of the pool very beautifully.

But there were two people standing beside the fire, one was handsome and the other was as strong as a bull, suddenly it was Luo Qi who had recovered from serious injuries, and he was looking at Han Feng with a sneer.

Han Feng's expression turned gloomy, and he was about to turn around and ask Sun Qiang what he meant, but a gust of arrow had already been shot, and he quickly bent down to dodge it, barely dodging it.It's just that he hasn't stabilized his body yet, and Sun Qiang has already used his boxing skills and turned into a shadow of fists all over the sky to attack, and the wind of his fists is overwhelming.

Rolling Stones!

Han Feng was startled, he recognized Sun Qiang's punching technique, and he had already reached the state of mastery, with the artistic conception of rolling stones, if not interrupted, the attack would become more and more fierce until it swallowed him.

Han Feng took a deep breath, lay down on the ground quickly, circled and stroked his hands, and the Qi-condensing Baguazhang began to work, dispelling the shadows of fists that were falling down from the sky one by one, and then he gathered his momentum and pushed, a surge of force When he came out, he directly shocked Sun Qiang who was attacking.

Taking the opportunity, Han Feng bent his legs and stood upright, his gaze was like lightning, and he dodged sideways to avoid the double hammer that Luo Qi suddenly threw at him.

"Sun Qiang, what do you mean by that? You can't kill me? Don't forget that our sect prohibits cannibalism!" Han Feng roared angrily.

"Hey, we were just exercising martial arts by the Qingshui Pond. We missed you and killed you. The people in the supervisory room can't say anything more, so you can go at ease!" Luo Qi sneered again and again, swinging his hammers again Han Feng.

Han Feng hastily used Condensed Qi Baguazhang to draw his double hammers away. He was about to explode and kill the opponent, but at this moment he realized that the concentration of the world's spiritual energy here was extremely thin at this moment, and it was impossible for him to use Pushing Qi Palm to truly attack him. power.At the same time, that handsome young man also rushed over with a sword. His swordsmanship was so aggressive that he was afraid to take any risks. The opponent's swordsmanship is called Liushui swordsmanship, which has the same artistic conception as Rolling Stone Fist.To make matters worse, after Sun Qiang stabilized his body on the periphery, he also joined the fight again. In an instant, Han Feng's pressure suddenly increased. After fighting for a quarter of an hour, Han Feng was already stained with blood, and his coat was scratched or grabbed. There were more than a dozen holes, and blood flowed out. Fortunately, he had a strong physique, and the bleeding stopped by itself after only a short while.And the other three were also having a hard time, all of them were injured, especially Luo Qi with his hands hanging down, his shoulders were hit several times by Han Feng aiming at the opportunity, his shoulder blades were all crippled, and he was no longer able to fight anymore.If it wasn't for Han Feng's fear of that handsome young man's sharp sword, Luo Qi might have to lie down forever.

Seeing Han Feng dodging the attacks of the three of them several times, Sun Qiang couldn't help feeling a little anxious. If someone from above hadn't instructed to get rid of Han Feng, and the reward was extremely generous, he wouldn't want to get involved in this troubled water. Especially when seeing Han Feng like an unkillable cockroach, he became even more anxious. If he didn't die, he might be dead. After all, as Han Feng said, even if his adoptive father Han Hao died , but Han Hao's friends would not allow others to slaughter Han Feng. Once what happened tonight was exposed, he would have no choice but to die.

"Only by killing this kid can I have a way out, otherwise I will die anyway!" Thinking of this, Sun Qiang no longer hid himself, gave up his defense, and unleashed Rolling Stone Fist with all his strength, and the shadow of the fist immediately enveloped Han Feng.

That handsome young man was a leader in another circle of handyman disciples in the north, and he also had a heavy responsibility. Seeing Sun Qiang's outburst, he also yelled and threw himself into attacking Han Feng.

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