Lord of the Runes

Chapter 1 Handyman Han Feng

In the Haotian Continent, there is a mountain range that almost traverses the entire continent. It is called the Jianyun Mountain Range. The mountains are emerald and full of aura, stretching for tens of millions of miles.

The Sanyemen is one of the inferior sects, occupying the position of a branch on the edge of the mountain range, controlling seven countries in the outer area, and it has been passed down for tens of thousands of years.

On this day, the autumn air is crisp and the sun is shining brightly.

Han Feng's mood fell to the bottom, like falling into an ice cellar.

His adoptive father, Han Hao, passed away because he failed to break through the bottleneck of the Guiyuan Realm. He could only take his adoptive father's only remaining middle-grade spirit stones, three low-grade spirit stones, and a residual talisman to the handyman disciple area.Originally, he lived in the outer gate area, but without the name of his adoptive father Han Hao, it is naturally impossible for him to stay there as a warrior.

The handymen's area is very widely distributed in Sanyemen, there are four directions in the south, east, north, and west. This time, Han Feng was assigned to the handyman's area in the north, No. [-] handyman's circle.

When he came here with a deacon disciple riding a three-thousand-mile horse, it was already the top of the willows on the moon, and many handyman disciples were practicing martial arts in the square outside the house.

"Hello Senior Brother Li!"

"Brother Li has brought newcomers here again, thank you for your hard work!"

Many people hurriedly stopped practicing martial arts, put on smiling faces and looked at Senior Brother Li who was walking in front of Han Feng, greeting and cheering one after another.

That Senior Brother Li didn't look sideways, just nodded slightly, and led Han Feng straight to a high platform in the middle of the square. His three thousand li horse was naturally taken care of by someone.

"His name is Han Feng, he is the adopted son of the outer disciple Han Hao, and he officially joined your No. Moved his finger to a short man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks under the stage, and said: "Monkey Sun, I will leave him to you, so you can take it with you, you know?!"

"Got it, I promise!" The short man named Sun Houzi immediately patted his thin chest and shouted.

Senior Brother Li nodded, walked down the high platform, glanced back at Han Feng, said nothing, but said indifferently: "I'm leaving." After saying that, he ignored the other handyman disciples' persuasion, and rode straight away like flying .

After watching him leave, many of the handyman's disciples immediately relaxed, and even a burly man murmured in a low voice: "Bah, it's just relying on your brother-in-law to get the title of deacon of the handyman's personnel room. What's the big deal?" Yes, I don't care about it!" However, he only dared to complain in a low voice, and when he rolled his eyes, he began to look at Han Feng, a newcomer.

Without saying a word, he took three steps at a time and made two steps at the same time. There was a thumping sound on the ground, and he quickly walked up to Han Feng, put on a smile that he thought was very kind, and said, "Your name is Junior Brother Han, right? How did you come here?" We have come to our poor country, maybe the outer door area is too comfortable, and you want to come to us to experience life, haha!"

Han Feng wasn't in the mood to chat with him, and responded lightly: "My master passed away, so I came here."

But as soon as he finished speaking, the eyes of the people around him were completely different, especially the burly man who was stunned for a moment, and then showed a smile that was not smiling, which made everyone feel horrified people.

Han Feng is not a flower in a greenhouse. With Han Feng's words and deeds all these years, he has long known the filth and chaos of the handyman circle, and immediately regretted that he had said the wrong thing, but it was a done deal, and he could only wait and see what happened.

"Luo Qi, go, go, don't think about bullying the newcomer as soon as you come up, he is also the one named by Senior Brother Li to take care of me, if you dare to bully him, you are bullying me, don't you understand!" Pushing away the burly man, he shouted in his mouth.

Hearing this, Han Feng felt a little settled, so he couldn't help but glanced at the burly man curiously again. He was eight feet tall, and his figure was strong. He might weigh five or six hundred catties, but his name was so graceful. It makes people laugh.

The burly man Luo Qi seemed to be a little afraid of Sun Houzi, he snorted coldly, stopped talking, turned around and went back to continue practicing martial arts, he swung a pair of hammers wildly, looking amazingly powerful.

"Junior Brother Han, don't pay attention to him, he won't dare to mess around with me." Sun Houzi stood on tiptoe and patted Han Feng's shoulder, saying gently.

Han Feng looked at this kind Senior Brother Sun, smiled slightly, and said, "Senior Brother Sun, I'm new here, and I hope you can give me some advice. I don't know what work I should be responsible for next." He knew that in the handyman area, all the disciples usually They all have to undertake work, such as carrying water, delivering food, cutting wood, chopping firewood, and even building and repairing houses. He spends a lot of time practicing qi, meditating and practicing martial arts, and more importantly, having certain resources, he has the opportunity to develop his true qi as soon as possible, and pass the test to become an outer disciple, jumping into the dragon gate.If those deacons or the direct relatives of the outer disciples, or people like Sun Houzi are fish, then these peripheral handyman disciples are loaches.Han Feng used to be a fish, but when Han Hao's fish tank was broken, he could only become a loach.

"You are new here, so you should be responsible for carrying water. It just so happens that the water carrying team is short of manpower recently." Sun Houzi pondered for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said.

Han Feng didn't think too much, and nodded in agreement.

"It's getting late, I'll take you to the residence of the water-carrying team. You have a good night's rest tonight, and then go to carry water tomorrow morning." Sun Qiang walked ahead and took Han Feng to the water-carrying team. to the residence.

Luo Qi, who was practicing martial arts in the square, held back his dancing hammers and stared at Han Feng's leaving back with strange eyes.

Han Feng followed Sun Qiang through the tens of feet wide square, and entered a group of stone houses built against the hills, each of which looked like caves, which were much worse than the single small courtyard in the outer gate area.

After crossing the three hills, they came to the door of a stone house several feet wide and eight feet high on the fourth hill. Sun Qiang stopped and said, "This is your future residence. Our No. [-] The condition of the handyman circle is considered good. This stone house engraved with the spirit-gathering talisman array can only accommodate eight people, and ten or even twelve people should be allocated in other areas. The others should not come back yet, you can go outside Wait for them, let them get to know you too. Alright, I'm leaving." After saying this, he left in a hurry.

After Han Feng sent Sun Qiang away, he scanned left and right, and found that there was a large platform outside the stone house, with elm trees planted on both sides, and supporting facilities such as toilets and bathhouses. There was also a stone well in front of the house, which looked smooth. It has a glossy finish that has obviously been used a lot and has aged well.

Not long after, the handyman disciples who went out to practice martial arts came back one after another, and Han Feng greeted them one by one.These handyman disciples didn't give Han Feng any face, they just politely returned the salute.

Han Feng counted the number of people, and found that seven people had come back, including himself, exactly eight. When he was about to go in, a man suddenly appeared on the side of the mountain road. He was strong and walked over like a wall. Luo Qi.

"Hey, Junior Brother Han, hello, we are really destined to share a stone house together." Luo Qi quickly came to Han Feng, looked down at him, and laughed.

Han Feng stepped back slightly, cupped his fists in salute, and said a few polite words.

"Don't be too polite, I'm the boss here in the water carrying team, you will follow me from now on, it's no problem to eat and drink spicy food!" Luo Qi said loudly, the voice seemed to cover the room, but no one came out to question, obviously What he said was the truth.

Han Feng nodded, did not speak, his face was as calm as water.

"Hey, the Spirit Gathering Formation is opened at this point, let's go in quickly." Luo Qi sneered in his heart, raised the corner of his mouth, and led Han Feng into the stone house after speaking.

The inside of the house is very deep and large. There are twelve stone beds arranged in three rows. The roof is inlaid with luminous pearls, making the house feel like daytime, and it is not stuffy at all. From time to time, a little bit of refreshing seeps into the body, refreshing people. .

Through them, Han Feng learned that the refreshment was caused by forcibly gathering the spiritual energy of heaven and earth after the spirit-gathering talisman array was activated. This is the only benefit of the sect that the handyman disciples of the Sanye Sect can enjoy, but this benefit only lasts for an hour.

Everyone sat cross-legged on their respective beds to practice breathing, and silently performed the exercises according to the breathing formula given by the sect, and an hour naturally passed quickly.

Han Feng had already mastered the Qi Containing Art in the outer door area, he was able to draw Qi into his body, but he couldn't absorb Qi and store Qi, he couldn't condense the true Qi, and it was nothing in the end.As the aura of heaven and earth circulated in his body over and over again, it finally overflowed and returned to heaven and earth.

Han Feng sighed secretly, opened his eyes ahead of time, and was about to go out for a walk, when Luo Qi, who was in the next bed, also opened his eyes at this time, cast a glance at Han Feng, and suddenly said seriously: "Han Junior brother, if you absorb the spiritual energy here, you are considered one of us, and we have a rule here, newcomers have to show something when they first arrive, otherwise the spiritual energy will be absorbed by you for nothing, don’t you think?”

Han Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then sneered in his heart. The secret channel finally came, but he was not afraid at all, smiled coldly, and said: "As a disciple of the sect's handyman, I naturally have the right to enjoy this benefit, and outsiders have no right to interfere." !"

"Haha, come to me, you still talk about rights with me, you think you were a relative of an outer disciple, so I dare not punish you!" Luo Qi stood up and glared at Han Feng.

Han Feng's face was indifferent, and he didn't care about his aggressive aura at all. After he was ten years old, he often wandered alone in the outer area of ​​Jianyun Mountain Range. He had already seen blood, and he had encountered even more powerful strange beasts. How could he care about Luo? Qi's power.

Seeing that he had no fear, Luo Qi knew that if he did not show his prestige, he might even be disobedient to others, so he kicked his legs and rushed towards Han Feng like a tiger descending the mountain, but his fingers stretched out like eagle claws Generally grab Han Feng's shoulders.

The distance between the two was less than ten feet, Luo Qi rushed to Han Feng in the blink of an eye, but when he grabbed his hands, he suddenly missed, Han Feng came behind him at some point and kicked him in the On his legs and neck, his forward momentum suddenly lost his balance, and he fell forward like pushing a golden mountain topple a jade pillar, and his whole body passed Han Feng's bed, but he was really not a fuel-efficient lamp. For the palm, he slapped the ground hard, with two bangs, his head and feet spun up and down, and rushed towards Han Feng.

A sharp light flashed in Han Feng's eyes, and he opened his white palms like jade, as if drawing a semicircle across his chest, he supported the opponent's body slowly, took a deep breath, and seemed to have The spiritual energy condensed towards his hands, and there seemed to be a flash of clear light, and Luo Qi's body was pushed far away, and directly hit the opposite wall, making a loud bang.

At this moment, except for Luo Qi's cry of pain, everyone else was stunned. It should be known that Luo Qi's attack just now was an attack with all the strength of his whole body. Qi fell to the ground and couldn't get up, this kung fu was really unfathomable.

"I recognized him. He is Qi Condensing Baguazhang that can only be practiced by outer disciples. Of course, the direct relatives of outer disciples can also practice the first three levels!" A refined young man in his early thirties said in a low voice.

Han Feng's eyes and ears are sharp. Hearing this, he turned his head to look at the elegant young man. He obviously didn't expect that there are people with knowledge here.

"I've met Senior Brother Han, Xiaosheng Mo Yuntian, and I've had the honor of seeing my sister perform this technique before." The elegant young man immediately shivered, and hurriedly saluted.

"Are you the younger brother of Senior Sister Mo Shuang? Why did you stay here?" Han Feng asked somewhat unexpectedly. After all, Mo Shuang's father, Mo Qingfeng, was an outer disciple, and he was one of the most promising candidates to become an inner disciple. , with his status, Mo Yuntian should be able to enter the outer door area and stay by his side.

Mo Yuntian smiled awkwardly, and said slowly: "Hehe, I'm just a branch of the Mo family. I'm lucky to be able to come here and become a handyman disciple of the sect. How can I dare to expect to enter the outer sect area?"

Han Feng nodded, didn't say any more, turned around and gave Luo Qi a cold look, then went back to his bed and lay down to rest.

After seeing that Han Feng was really asleep, other people dared to walk over to help Luo Qi, but of course they did not put him in the bed next to Han Feng, but placed him far away on a bed in the corner of the room. The bed, but his groans still came out uncontrollably. Many people secretly gloated, secretly thinking that this guy's injury would not be completely healed in ten days and a half months, and faintly felt a little more jealous of Han Feng.

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