Lord of the Runes

Chapter 18 The Apprentice Competition

With the wave of the elder of the inner door, all the crystals on the top of the Wanlujiao suddenly lit up, and a strange fluctuation passed through everyone present. There was a large bag of extra things, Han Feng opened it and saw that it was all kinds of spiritual materials for making talisman papers.

At this time, the elder of the inner sect continued: "Each person has a hundred parts of spiritual materials, can open the furnace ten times, and can make a hundred pieces of talisman paper. Within ten days, the one who draws the most talismans will be the king!" The sound rumbled throughout the cave, spread all over the place, and everyone could hear it clearly.

After hearing this, many apprentices immediately began to fetch water from the nearby spring and stream and pour it into the copper furnace, and then began to boil the talismans in full swing, as if they didn't want to waste any time.

Han Feng wasn't in such a hurry, he drew one batch a day, there was plenty of time, he walked slowly to the front of the stage, opened the package, released his soul power, and began to check one by one to confirm the strength of the spiritual power of these spiritual materials, And there are no defects, so I picked out ten materials and put them on the table temporarily.Then he picked up the wooden bucket and turned around to fetch water from the stream behind him. He only pumped half a bucket of water each time to ensure it was clean, and poured a full eighteen buckets, which was equivalent to nine full buckets of water, one more than before. bucket of water.This is because he found that the spiritual materials provided by Zongmen this time are all excellent products, and the spiritual power contained in them is more than [-]% stronger, so he added an extra bucket of water, so that they can match.

Next, he lit the fire, put ten portions of spiritual materials into the furnace, and then took out the stone cup under the platform, and began to grind the condensing stone and several other flower-type spiritual materials.In this step, he grinds a little slower. On the one hand, there is an extra bucket of water in the furnace, and the boiling time will be longer; He needs to grind more finely.

This is what he has really realized in the past two years. To make talisman paper and talisman ink, you have to adjust the details of the operation according to the spiritual materials and the surrounding environment.

With a soft splash, the water in the furnace boiled, and Han Feng had just ground the stone powder at this time, so he immediately got up and sprinkled the stone powder into it in batches, then covered the top cover, turned off the fire, and let various violent reactions take place inside.

After a while, the copper furnace began to shake slightly. Han Feng knew it was done, and quickly opened the top cover. Sure enough, there were ten pieces of talisman paper floating on the clear water, half of which were silver talisman papers. related to quality improvement.

Han Feng quickly took out all the talisman papers and put them into the long wooden box that he had prepared earlier in the morning, then quickly put the top cover of the copper stove back on, and then turned on the fire again to boil the spiritual water inside.

Immediately afterwards, Han Feng took out a fist-sized beast blood crystal and several spiritual materials, put them into the stone cup, and began to grind them into powder again.This time, his speed has been significantly accelerated. This is because the spiritual power contained in the spiritual water in the furnace has become stronger, and firing it again will make it more violent, so it is necessary to throw in stone powder as soon as possible to quickly form talisman ink.

Sure enough, as he expected, after only a short while, the copper furnace began to vibrate slightly. With a flick of his wrist, it turned into an afterimage, and the grinding speed became faster. Just stand up and open the top cover, and evenly scatter the stone powder into it, then close the top cover, let them fully condense inside.

After a quarter of an hour, colorful gas came out from the air hole of the copper furnace, and there were all kinds of strange smells, but there was no fragrance.

But Han Feng knew it was done, and immediately opened the top cover, there was a layer of talisman ink glowing faintly at the bottom of the furnace, which was better than the talisman ink he had brewed before.

After collecting these talisman inks into the jade box, he cleaned the copper furnace and fired it to dry it. Then he left the operating table, sat cross-legged quietly by the edge of the spring stream, took the Yunling Pill and raised it. Soul pill, then close your eyes and rest your mind, recovering your soul power and physical strength.

Although Han Feng started the furnace a few steps slower than others, he finished it faster than many people. After he finished, he heard the sound of someone cursing one after another, and there was also a faint smell of burning, which was obviously quite a lot. People's first furnace has failed, or the success rate is very low.Of course, there were cheers from many people, and there were many silver lights flashing, and silver talisman papers also appeared from time to time.

But at this time, in the southern area, there was a sudden exclamation.It turned out that it was a tall, outstanding girl who had a [-]% production rate in the first batch, and the silver talisman paper accounted for [-]%.

When this scene appeared, more than a dozen elders on a high platform next to the entrance of the cave immediately glanced at her, and then looked at Zhou Xinxin. An elder from the inner sect smiled and said, "This is the good seed you found. Well, I didn't expect to be able to produce [-]% of the silver talisman paper, and my qualifications are better than yours back then!"

"Hey, this is just the beginning, and the fun is yet to come!" Zhou Xinxin smiled triumphantly.

"However, this little guy from the north of yours is also very good. It is also [-]% produced, and the silver talisman paper accounts for [-]%." The elder with a wrinkled face in the inner door suddenly tapped one hand, and a flash of inspiration flashed, turning into A mirror played back the whole process of Han Feng making talisman paper and talisman ink.

"You are also hiding very deep in the north!" The elders of the other three outer gates of the Hall of Spiritual Talismans said to the elders of the Hall of Spiritual Talismans in the north.

The three elders in the north smiled and couldn't help turning their eyes to Han Feng on the mirror, showing a little bit of relief.

"Don't worry, your east and west are not bad, each has a production rate of [-]%, and the silver talisman paper also accounts for [-]%. It seems that this year there are good seedlings in all departments!" the person from the inner sect said. The wrinkled elder called out the images of the two most prominent disciples in the East and West.

"That's also our sect's luck!" The rest of the elders echoed.

After two hours, Han Feng stood up, his soul power had recovered to full state, he had to start drawing talismans.

He came to the stone platform, picked up the talisman pen entwined with the spirit pattern, and carefully observed it with his soul power. After there was no problem, he took out a piece of copper-colored talisman paper, unfolded it, and then opened a box of talisman ink. Pick up the pen and dip it in the ink, and put the pen on the top of the talisman paper. The pen moves like a dragon and snake, swimming like a stream, sparkling with inspiration, all done in one go.

After a while, a copper-bottomed fireball talisman appeared on the table, and he casually put it in another empty wooden box, and then began to draw the second talisman.

Time passed quickly, and after more than half an hour, all ten talismans were completed, and none of them was wasted.

Han Feng secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he performed normally and nothing went wrong. Otherwise, if the residual talisman appeared and took the initiative to correct the path of the talisman, those elders would definitely notice it, and it would be a disaster for him.

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