Lord of the Runes

Chapter 17 Wanyun Fu and Wanlujiao

Han Feng's soul power swept slightly, and after a rough calculation, he found that each team had more than 1000 people, that is to say, there were more than 5 apprentices in the northern Spirit Talisman Hall, counting the other three outer gates in the east, west, and west. The number of people in the Hall of Spiritual Talismans is probably almost [-]. Fortunately, the results of the competition are only limited to their own area and will not overlap with other Halls of Spiritual Talismans, otherwise the competition will be more intense.

After a while, when most of the apprentices had arrived, an elder with white beard and hair looked up at the sky, whispered to the elders beside him for a while, then suddenly reached out and touched the ring on his left hand, Under the envious eyes of many apprentices, he took out a talisman that was shining brightly.

Just when many new apprentices were puzzled, he suddenly shook the talisman in his hand, and it immediately turned into a ball of crystal light, which disappeared in a flash. After that, everyone felt a cloud of air suddenly condensed under their feet, and they Slowly lift it up and stand in the air.

Some of the apprentices who hadn't recovered from their senses exclaimed, their faces panicked, and they were on the verge of falling. Fortunately, with the explanation of the previous apprentices next to them, they calmed down and stabilized their figures.

Han Feng was also a little surprised at first, but he was the first to calm down. After listening to the explanations from the previous senior brothers and sisters, it turned out that the talisman cast by that elder was called the Wanyun talisman, and it was a seventh-grade talisman, which could condense cloud energy to give Wanyun amulet. More than one person uses it to let a large group of people fly in the air, and the speed is no less than that of a two-headed horse that travels eight thousand miles a day.

A talisman has such power that it makes all the apprentices' eyes shine, and strengthens their determination to continue on the road of talisman.

The three elders on the stage couldn't help but smile when they saw the blaze in their eyes. They spared no effort to use the precious seventh-grade talismans every session. The purpose was to ignite the passion in these apprentices, so that perhaps more The master of Talisman, so that the Sanyemen can become more and more prosperous.

"Let's go!" The elder with white beard and hair at the head saw that everyone had basically stabilized their figures, and immediately stretched out his hand, driving the clouds under his feet to fly into the air, leading more than 1 people to fly more than ten feet into the air, quickly After leaving the gate of the Northern Spirit Talisman Hall, the team was also adjusted into dozens of rows, and as soon as the direction was turned, they all flew to the inner gate area.

Various other disciples in the outer gate area saw more than 1 people roaring past in the sky, and they all stopped and watched, their eyes were also shining with fiery light.

Han Feng released his soul power, and gradually mastered the method of controlling the clouds under his feet. He followed the big team and flew straight forward. The mountains, rivers, buildings and trees below passed by one by one.

The feeling of the majestic mountains and rivers under their feet made many apprentices very excited, and many of them shouted loudly, causing the others to burst into laughter.

The inner gate area is only five or six hundred miles away from the northern Spirit Talisman Hall. Since everyone walks straight forward most of the time, they arrived at the outer edge of the inner gate area in about half an hour.

The first thing Han Feng felt when he came here was that the spiritual energy became stronger, and he could even feel a faint spiritual pressure.

As expected of an inner door!

Not only Han Feng, but others also had this idea.

"Hey, look, there seems to be a towering mountain in the distance!" Someone shouted.

"Yes, yes, what kind of mountain is this? It's too high. The other peaks in the inner gate area are like small dirt bags at the foot of it!" A girl with delicate features said repeatedly.

Many people also started to talk about it.

"Quiet!" Suddenly, the leader, an elder surnamed Mu with white beard and hair, shouted.

An extremely terrifying coercion enveloped everyone in an instant, and everyone's ears were buzzing. Everyone was silent and dared not speak anymore.

"No noise is allowed in the inner door area, and flying is not allowed. Let's all go down." The other two elders smiled slightly and said, and followed the elder who was the leader to fly down.

Naturally, the crowd did not dare to disobey, they pressed the cloud air one after another and landed on the ground. As soon as they landed, the cloud air collapsed under their feet. Most of the apprentices were a little bit reluctant, but they could only follow the elders in front of them to the inner city not far away. door area.

Under the leadership of the three elders, more than 1 of them passed the examination of the disciples standing guard at the gate of the inner gate area, and it took more than half an hour before they arrived at Wanlujiao.

Wanlujiao is located in a hundreds of feet tall mountain peak, the bottom of which is almost hollowed out. There are tens of thousands of copper furnaces, densely covered with talisman formations, and the ground fire is connected under each copper furnace, which is similar to the talisman making in Han Feng's residence. The configuration of the rooms is similar, but the springs and streams here are densely covered with nets, and everyone can get water easily.In addition, the aura here is so strong that Han Feng almost felt as if he was submerged in water. If he could stay here for a long time to cultivate after entering the Qi storage area, he would definitely be able to get twice the result with half the effort.

They were the first to arrive at the Spirit Talisman Hall in the north, but they could only occupy the northern area. After choosing their positions, everyone sat down and closed their eyes to rest. Of course, many people were looking at the layout here.

Han Feng was one of them. After choosing his position, he looked around from time to time, as if he was very interested. When he saw countless glowing spars on the top of the cave, he couldn't help being taken aback, but he could feel Seeing the extraordinaryness of these crystal stones, it seems that they contain extremely powerful power.It's a pity that these crystals are fifty feet away from him, which is beyond the search range of his current soul power of more than 20 feet, otherwise he would really release his soul power to investigate.

After a while, there was a sudden burst of dense and chaotic footsteps outside. It turned out that the apprentices from the eastern and western talisman halls had arrived, and each had chosen their own positions, leaving the southern talisman hall behind.

It's just that after half an hour, the arrival of the Southern Spirit Talisman Hall was not even seen.

Many elders from the east, west and north gathered together, whispering with several elders from the inner door Spirit Talisman Hall, and they didn't know what they were discussing.

In the end, the elder of the inner gate's Spirit Talisman Hall took out a purple jade tablet, and just as he was about to send a message to the Southern Spirit Talisman Hall, there was a sudden rush of footsteps outside.

"I'm sorry, elders, I'm late because I have something to do!" A loud and powerful voice came in first, and then a short and fat middle-aged man walked in at the door, with an apologetic expression on his face.

"Zhou Xinxin, why are you here? Don't you always ask about apprentices?" An elder from the inner sect asked in surprise.

Before the guy named Zhou Xinxin could answer, three more elders walked in outside the door. Among them, the elder in the Xuanqing Taoist robe said first: "This guy found a good seed. If he didn't procrastinate, we would It won’t come so slowly.”

"What a good seedling, even Zhou Tian cd is so important, show us!" An elder of the Eastern Spirit Talisman Hall laughed.

"Hey, don't talk, don't talk, you will know later, anyway, it's almost there!" Zhou Xinxin raised his mouth.

The elder in the Eastern Spirit Talisman Hall had no choice but to look at the elder in the dark blue Taoist robe just now, but he kept his mouth shut, shaking his head and laughing: "This is our secret, you will know it later!"

"Okay, let's start!" An elder with a wrinkled face in the inner door waved.

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