Just a moment ago, Han Feng's soul power spied a smear of whiteness in front of him, so he carefully slowed down and walked over to avoid being attacked by some ghost.

In a short while, he walked several feet away, his soul power was swept away, his face couldn't help but relax, he immediately took out a fireball talisman, after activating it, a head-sized fireball floated in mid-air, illuminating all directions.

Not far from his feet, there was a snow-white skeleton lying quietly against the wall, no more than four feet long, the bones were slender, and had been damaged in many places, and it was extremely mutilated, but it could be seen that it was the skeleton of a woman.

Han Feng secretly sighed, guessing that this woman came here a long time ago, but in the end she couldn't persevere, and died here, with no place to bury her, and she was always under the blowing wind.

However, her strength during her lifetime was definitely not weak, otherwise her bones would not have survived to this day, even though they had been damaged a lot.

Some time ago, when he exchanged things with Ling Fen of Jiuxiao Palace, he talked about the cycle of this secret trial. According to Ling Fen, this place is opened every sixty years, which means that this skeleton is at least It has been stored here for 60 years, and after such a long period of wind blowing, it can still be basically preserved. Her predecessor's strength must also be at the level of extreme people.

Han Feng's eyes lit up suddenly, and he looked at the bone of the middle finger of her right hand, which was as slender as a bamboo pole. There was actually a storage ring on it, shining brightly under the light of the fire.

He walked forward, bent down, without any hesitation, directly reached out and took out the storage ring from his phalanx, and then poured his true energy into it, without any hindrance, the refining was completed in an instant, and the soul power penetrated into it and swept it away. , but found that the inside was empty, except for a few dim talisman vessels, there was also a mirror, shining with a light green halo.

As for those bottles and cans, Han Feng took out a few and checked them out, and found that they were either eaten by her before she was alive, or turned into waste products, with no value at all.Of course, he didn't go through all of them, and maybe there are still good pills left.

A quarter of an hour later, Han Feng withdrew his soul power. He had already searched all the space inside. The only thing that was really valuable was the mirror and the storage ring itself. After all, there were ten layers of space inside it. , each floor is twenty or thirty feet wide, many times larger than the storage ring he obtained before.

As soon as he thought about it, the mirror appeared in his hand. He played with it carefully, and found that the front of the mirror was extremely smooth, and it clearly reflected his appearance without any mistakes. It was like copying another self Same.On the other side, it is wrapped in thick metal, like green copper, and a row of bamboo is carved on it, which is lifelike, light green in color and slightly shiny.

Han Feng injected his true energy, and after a while, there was no change. It seemed that it could not be refined so easily, let alone manipulated.

He didn't waste any more time, put it in the storage ring, then looked at the skeleton, thought for a while, and simply put her in the storage ring she had before she was alive. After that, find a place to bury her and end her life.

After doing all this, Han Feng continued to walk forward. He didn't want to die here like this skeleton, and wait another 60 years for future generations to clean it up here.

I don't know how long after that, Senior Brother Yuan from Wanjianmen came to the place where the passage narrowed, but was blocked by a big gray stone.

He snorted softly, made a tactic with both hands, and the sword light burst out all over his body, shooting out dozens of sword lights like a hedgehog, bringing a gust of wind in the passage, and there was a faint sound of wind and thunder, and he slashed in unison. On the big rock, there was a bang bang sound, and the energy was flying around, and the dust was flying.

But after a long while, everything returned to calm, and he swept his soul power, only to find that there were only faint traces left on the big rock, which were almost invisible.

He was stunned for a while, unwilling to give up at this point, and continued to attack with tricks, the sound of ping, ping, pong, pong, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.It's a pity that the result still failed to break the big rock, but instead caused the true energy in his body to decrease rapidly.

He put down his hands, thought silently for a while, then suddenly turned around and walked back without any hesitation.

At this moment, in the depths of the passage, Han Feng saw a little white light in front of him, appearing and disappearing from time to time.He was very happy in his heart, but he didn't speed up to rush there. Instead, he slowed down and walked slowly with a look of vigilance on his face.

As he moved forward, all the way smoothly, the white light spot became bigger and bigger, and in less than a cup of tea, the entire light spot turned into a hole, which was the exit of this passage.

Han Feng was separated by tens of feet, and through this exit, he saw a vast expanse of white snow, which was extremely empty.

He suppressed the surprise in his heart. At this moment, the wind in the passage weakened a lot. He no longer hesitated, and ran forward at a faster speed. After a while, he came to the edge of the exit and stepped out. , came to the snow.

There was no coldness as imagined, nor was there any gloomy wind blowing, Han Feng felt more comfortable than in the tunnel.

He looked back, but was startled suddenly, and saw that the hole behind him had disappeared, and he didn't even know where he was going with the entire passage, which was very strange.

At this very moment, he was standing alone in the vast snow field, surrounded by dead silence, endless, without a trace of people.

Feeling inexplicable panic, he stood motionless on the spot, took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, and suddenly took a step back, which was the same size as the step he had just stepped out of the cave. He got up, blowing his clothes and hair, rattling, very cold, but warm in his heart.

Han Feng thought for a while, then stepped out of the cave, came to the snow again, but did not leave, but took out five talismans of different colors and buried them in the snow around his feet, forming a circle, and punched them with fists. Reality.

He pinched the seal, and immediately sensed the breath of the talisman below, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then he left this place and walked forward.

After walking a few feet, he suddenly raised his head and looked up, and found that the top was gray, with occasional flashes of white light, which sprinkled pieces of light, reflected by the white snow, and illuminated the vast world.

"It's amazing, I didn't expect that the giant beast can form a world of its own!" Han Feng secretly admired as he walked forward.

Time passed, and half an hour passed unknowingly. As he went deeper, snow mountains began to appear around him. They were of different heights. There was a deep chill, which made him extremely afraid, and he didn't dare to approach it in the slightest.


Suddenly, there was a roar from behind a low mountain.

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