The red-haired girl in blue quickly flew over the island in the middle, and turned her gaze, only to find that Bai Jianfeng was already hanging in midair, looking down quietly, wondering what she was thinking.

"Brother Bai, can't you get in?" The red-haired girl in blue flew to not far from Bai Jianfeng, raised her head and glanced at him, and asked calmly.

"I don't know what happened to Senior Brother Yuan?" Bai Jianfeng turned around, nodded, then looked down and said in a low voice.

"It's probably going to be difficult." The red-haired girl in blue sighed, shook her head, and then continued suddenly: "Besides, even if he managed to get in, do you think he will keep his promise and call us over?"

"Haha, maybe Senior Brother Yuan was blocked by something, why don't we take the initiative and go down to find out?" Bai Jianfeng laughed, turned to look at her and said slowly.

"Hehe, it's exactly what I want!" The red-haired girl in blue smiled and nodded.

As they said that, the two of them were about to fly down. At this moment, there was a turmoil in the sea below, and there was a bang, and the water splashed in all directions. A brilliant golden light flew out, and it came to them in an instant, revealing The figure of Senior Brother Yuan.

"Senior Brother Yuan, I thought you were blocked by something. The two of us were going to help you, but you came out unexpectedly." Bai Jianfeng quickly adjusted his posture and said openly.

The red-haired girl in blue also echoed.

Senior Brother Yuan took a deep look at the two of them, but didn't say anything. He turned around and looked at the last island in the distance, which was also where Han Feng was.

He pondered for a while, then suddenly said: "Brother Bai, no matter what the result of this trip is, the reward you promised must not be less."

Bai Jianfeng was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that he regretted it secretly. He had brought these two people here before, just to trouble Han Feng.As for him coming back here directly, he relied on the compass. After all, the compass did not show signs of Han Feng appearing elsewhere, so Han Feng was probably still here.It's just that he didn't expect that when he came back this time, not only did he not see anyone, but also he didn't even find the treasure. After all the hard work, he had to pay the two of them.

However, he is also a man of grandeur, suppressing the depression in his heart, he immediately nodded and said: "It must be so."

The red-haired girl in blue showed satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Then the last island, why don't the three of us go in together, if you don't go to see it, I guess Junior Brother Bai won't give up, hee hee."

"What Junior Sister Lan said is true, I agree." Bai Jianfeng didn't mind the other party's squeeze at all, and said with a faint smile.His actions made the blue-clothed red-haired girl feel annoyed. She turned to look at Senior Brother Yuan, as if she was waiting for his reply.

That Senior Brother Yuan was expressionless and silent, he just turned his head to look at the last island, and nodded after a while.

In the passageway inside the corpse of the giant beast, Han Feng still gritted his teeth and walked forward slowly. Although he was blown cold by the endless wind and trembled a few times from time to time, he showed no sign of falling down. He was still like a gun Standing upright, step by step towards the end.

Time seemed to be frozen by the wind, and it passed slowly, passing by with Han Feng's pace.

I don't know how long it has passed, Han Feng has forgotten the passage of time, he only knows that he has penetrated thousands of feet into the tunnel, if the size of the giant beast's external body is used, even if it is spiraling downward, it should reach the end, but There is no end in sight, it seems endless.

He began to feel a little fear in his heart. Even with the supply of medicine stones, his body will always have its limit, especially his spirit. The whole person can fall into a deep sleep at any time.

Inside the corpse of the giant beast, at the entrance of the light blue stone forest where Han Feng had stayed before, a light flashed suddenly, and three figures walked out, it was Bai Jianfeng and the three of them.

"Finally broke in!"

The red-haired girl in blue said happily with excited eyes.The eyes of Bai Jianfeng and that senior brother Yuan also showed uncontrollable joy. Anyway, since they can enter the body of this giant beast's corpse, it is a good start.

"What a rich aura!" The red-haired girl in blue took a deep breath and said joyfully.However, before she finished speaking, she frowned again, with a bitter expression on her face, and said instead: "No, these are not spiritual energy, but medicinal gas, and it is medicinal gas with too many impurities, and it can even be said to be poisonous gas. It’s not suitable for us to absorb.” As she spoke, her whole body was glowing red, and she forcibly forced out the medicine breath she inhaled just now, and at the same time performed the tortoise’s breath technique, not breathing for a while, so as not to let the medicine breath enter her body and disturb the internal organs .

In fact, this is also the reason why she is not a body refiner. Like that Senior Brother Yuan, she looks calm and breathes naturally, and is not disturbed by these medicinal gases at all. Obviously she does not think that these medicinal gases are poisonous gases, but he can't do it like Han Feng transformed it into spiritual power like that, but he was able to breathe freely. After all, his body training skills were not as magical as Han Feng's.

"Junior Sister Lan, it's useless to talk too much. Let's rush over. Our tortoise's breath technique can't last too long." Bai Jianfeng is not a body refiner, and his strength is not enough to refine these complicated medicinal energy. Qi, and also performed the technique of turtle's breath, speaking to the red-haired girl in blue.After saying this, he rushed forward first, at a very fast speed, spanning hundreds of feet in a few flashes.

The other two also ran forward one after another, leaving at a very fast speed.

"Senior Brother Yuan, how can you breathe freely?" The red-haired girl in blue soon noticed the abnormality of the strong man.

"Did you forget that Senior Brother Yuan is still a body cultivator? Naturally, he is not afraid of these medicinal energy." Bai Jianfeng obviously had already discovered this, and before Senior Brother Yuan could answer, he said it first.

The red-haired girl in blue looked at him enviously, and then complimented him involuntarily.

Senior Brother Yuan looked indifferent, but there was still a smug look in the depths of his eyes.

The three of them quickly passed through the light blue stone forest and came to the entrance of the three passages.

That Senior Brother Yuan took a step first, and said calmly: "I'll go into the second passage, and you can choose one of the other two." He said, ignoring whether the two of them agreed, and walked straight into the second passage The channel disappeared after a while.

Bai Jianfeng and the red-haired girl in blue looked at each other, sighed secretly, and had no choice but to choose the other two passages separately.Bai Jianfeng went to the one on the left, and the red-haired girl in blue went to the one on the right. The two quickly disappeared into the darkness.

In the depths of the passage in the middle, Han Feng walked hundreds of feet away. At this moment, he raised his eyebrows, slowed down, and moved forward slowly, his face full of vigilance.

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