After a while, the bloody flames dissipated, revealing Han Feng wrapped in purple light, but Duan Qiu, who was taken away in front of him, disappeared.

Han Feng didn't show any signs of worry, his soul power was always spreading out, and just now, the opponent just took the opportunity to distance himself from him, at this moment it was more than 400 feet away.However, at this moment, the guy's speed has increased significantly, reaching the speed of sound, and they continue to distance each other.

Han Feng thought for a moment, landed on the ground quickly, kicked his feet, surpassed the speed of sound, and chased after him silently.

Since the other party was eager to get rid of him at this time, maybe he had some ulterior plan, so Han Feng naturally couldn't let him succeed.

As time went by, after dozens of breaths, Han Feng narrowed the distance with the opponent to more than a hundred feet again, but it couldn't be shortened anymore, because the speed of the opponent also increased, also reaching beyond the speed of sound One breath is one hundred and thirty or forty feet.

With the extreme speed of the two of them, the strange beasts in the sand sea had no time to attack, and they passed by in a flash, so that they ran more smoothly, almost running in a straight line, and the surrounding scenery receded. , disappeared in an instant.

Seeing Han Feng chasing closely behind, the mysterious strong man looked a little dignified, rolled his eyes, and suddenly took out a talisman from his bosom, crushed it, and wrapped it in a strange light, flashing slightly, Disappeared in an instant, it was the space teleportation talisman, and I don't know how far it was teleported.

Han Feng was astonished, his soul power swept away, covering more than a thousand feet, but Duan Qiu was nowhere to be seen.

He thought for a while, without stopping, and continued to run forward.

Time passed like water, and two days passed quickly.

In the night sky, the three silver moons no longer overlapped each other, but separated, each casting a scorching silver light, rendering everything between the sky and the earth into a silvery color.

Han Feng ran around aimlessly in the sea of ​​sand, looking for Duan Qiu for two full days, but couldn't find any trace of him.

However, at this moment, he has already penetrated deep into the sand sea. What is even more amazing is that he seems to have known this area before, as if he has been here before.

After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly recalled that this was the area where he first entered this secret world.

"I don't know if the psychic liquid in that oasis is still there?" Han Feng thought of the lake of psychic liquid. At that time, half of it was sucked away by the golden cicada, but the other half remained there. How much was taken away, but after he thought about it, most people's storage space is extremely limited, and it is absolutely impossible to take them all away, so he decided to take another trip, maybe he can still gain something.

Thinking of this, Han Feng's soul power unfolded. Relying on the vague memory of this area in the past, he turned left and right, and spent another half a day. After finding more than ten oases by mistake, he finally returned to the previous one with the purple flower tree. oasis.

Along the way, although there were still many surprise attacks by strange beasts, with his current strength, naturally, there was not much threat. He slaughtered them all after three strikes, five divisions, and two, but he harvested a lot of cores and animal skins.

Han Feng stepped into this oasis, where the mysterious power that imprisoned the search for soul power still existed, and the deeper he went, the stronger the restraining power was, but he had a memory, so he passed through the obstacles of many flowers, plants, insects and beasts with ease, and arrived smoothly. Before reaching that barrier, he did not use the Broken Sword, but the purple light on his body unfolded, turning into a long knife. With a sudden slash, a gap was cut in an instant, and after a few swipes, a slash several feet wide was opened. The opening, but the edge of this opening is constantly wriggling, and it is healing as if it is alive.

Without much hesitation, Han Feng rushed in and came to a place shrouded in thick fog.He took a deep breath and felt extremely comfortable. After all, the concentration of spiritual energy here is far higher than that of the outside area. If you stay here for a long time, you can really get twice the result with half the effort.

At this moment, the range of his soul power has been compressed to only ten feet. Just in case, he walked very slowly, with a step of only two or three feet. Quietly.

After half a stick of incense, Han Feng went hundreds of meters away. After several attempts, he finally found the small lake covered with golden willow trees. Just as he was about to walk in, a residual talisman appeared again in his soul sea. , a white light flickered slightly, and a strange force diffused, completely shielding all his aura in an instant, and even his figure disappeared.

Han Feng's heart moved, and then he remembered that when he came to this place before, the residual talisman also took the initiative to help him cover up his breath, otherwise he would not be able to collect the spiritual liquid. It seems that the residual talisman is very interested in this place, maybe because of There is a special liking for those ectoplasmic fluids, but the reappearance this time seems to be not so simple.

These thoughts passed quickly in his mind, he shook his head lightly, stopped thinking about it, and stepped inside.

The scenery here is still the same, it is still golden, nearly ten golden willows surround the edge of the small lake, the willow tree that fell down before has also recovered, standing upright, shining brightly, the golden willows are windless and automatic, light Gently swaying, quiet and natural.

Han Feng saw through the strands of willow branches that the spiritual liquid on the small lake was slightly rippling, with circles of ripples appearing from time to time, and the spiritual light flickered.

After these days of accumulation, the spiritual liquid in the small lake has recovered a little, and according to visual inspection, it is about [-]% of what it was when it was perfect.

Han Feng was overjoyed, he didn't hesitate any longer, he seized the time and walked over slowly, and soon came to the foot of a golden willow tree, without being noticed by it, he gently stretched out one foot into the lake, swaying slightly There were a few circles of ripples, but it was very natural, and there was no abnormality at all.

Next, his other foot also extended into the lake, stepped to the bottom, slowly stood up straight, and the whole person entered the lake. The depth of the spiritual liquid on the edge of the lake only reached his waist. Slowly squatted down and dived into the lake. This time he didn't stay by the lake, but walked into a distance of three feet in one go. The depth of the spiritual liquid reached six or seven feet and completely submerged it. When he sucked in the spiritual liquid fiercely to eliminate all the injuries, there was a sound from outside, and another person came unexpectedly.

Han Feng quickly stopped absorbing, gently stretched out his head, looked to the right, and was shocked, this person was none other than Duan Qiu whose body was taken away by that mysterious strong man, at this moment his face was pale, Not only are there no legs, but even the left arm is broken, leaving only a solitary right arm. It seems that something happened.At this moment, he was floating lightly in mid-air, with red lights in his eyes, looking at the small lake, full of eagerness.

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