Lord of the Runes

Chapter 156 Pursuit

On the other hand, Han Feng, chasing all the way, under the condition of continuously taking pills, as well as using the spirit refining vajra formula to heal his injuries, his body miraculously recovered half of his body, and the blackened parts of his body continued to shed and fall off, and healed up again. Smooth purplish skin.

The mysterious strong man seemed to know this very well, so he took out the talisman on Duan Qiu's body from time to time along the way, urging the dazzling brilliance to block Han Feng's approach, and the explosion continued for a long time.

Han Feng also took out all kinds of talismans to resist, and the two collided, setting off a wave of vigor that was higher than the other, covering the sky and the earth, blasting the ground into a pothole that was bigger than one, and the dust filled the air and soared into the sky.

Many monks around released their soul power to spy, but when they saw Duan Qiu's miserable situation and Han Feng's madness, these ordinary monks with perfect Qi storage didn't dare to fart, and retreated out in desperation, for fear of causing trouble to the upper body .Even those ordinary Tianjiao figures didn't dare to make mistakes, they just followed and watched, waiting for the opportunity to move.

Whether Han Feng, the new celebrity or the famous Duan Qiu, it can be said that they are treasures on the move.When two tigers fight, there are bound to be casualties. If they snatch one of them to store the ring, it will be a disaster, so that they can search hard for the big medicine.

Han Feng naturally knew this, but there was nothing he could do at this moment. He could only let them follow and heal his injuries silently. If they dared to make any changes, he would definitely give them a surprise!

The mysterious strong man had no expression on his face, just flying wildly all the way.After flying for half an hour, he seemed to have eliminated the unstable factors in his body, and his speed slowly recovered. Although he couldn't surpass the speed of sound, he still maintained the level of ten feet per breath, which was relatively equal to Han Feng, and he was no longer beaten. Han Feng drew closer.

The two of them, one in front of the other, chased after each other, and they came to the edge of Scarlet Flame Valley without knowing it, and they were about to leave this place.

At this moment, those Tianjiao figures who followed all the way finally couldn't hold back, six or seven of them rushed out, divided into two groups, and killed Han Feng and Duan Qiu, who was dumb at the moment.

Han Feng sneered, and glanced at the three people rushing forward. Without saying a word, he held the broken sword and slashed out horizontally. A beam of bright sword light shot up into the sky and shot in front of the three of them in an instant.

The three of them were terrified, stopped the castration, and used their strongest defenses. One of them activated a khaki talisman, and a large khaki ray protected his body; , criss-crossing, using offense instead of defense; the last one clasped his hands in the air, and a Tai Chi pattern emerged, blocking the front, and shooting bursts of clear light from time to time, like sharp arrows shooting, it can be said to be both offensive and defensive.

It's a pity that these attacks or defenses were all disintegrated like paper under the attack of Han Feng's long-prepared broken sword light. Submerged like a sea wave, the earthy yellow light, Dao Dao Jianmang and even the bright arrow shadows were all wiped out, and finally annihilated together with the three of them, and disappeared, leaving only three storage rings, which slowly fell.

Han Feng's face was pale, and he immediately urged the power of the whirlwind talisman to fly forward for more than ten feet, took their storage ring from the air, put it in his bag, and then poured out a few pills to take, and continued to recover in the body calmly Infuriating.

On the side of the mysterious strong man, even though he only has Duan Qiu's upper body, when the four Tianjiao figures rushed over, his figure flashed extremely quickly, cleverly dodged their joint attack, and within a few breaths In an instant, he came up to a woman, stretched out his hand, his five fingers became claws, and in the shining blood, he broke through her protective qi, grabbed her neck, twisted it off, and put it into his mouth to suck blood , that appearance was so terrifying that the souls of the other three people would fly away in an instant, and they retreated subconsciously, not daring to provoke him again.

But when they turned their heads and saw the miserable situation of the other three, they became even more frightened, retreated violently, hid in the forest below, and disappeared without a trace.The rest of the monks who were hiding also retreated one after another, already scared to death.

The mysterious strong man had sucked all the female cultivator's blood at this moment, and his whole body was full of breath, but seeing Han Feng's victory, he didn't dare to act rashly, snorted, and continued to fly forward.

With a flash in Han Feng's eyes, he continued to chase after them, with a distance of more than 100 feet, and followed closely.

After a while, the two of them flew out of Scarlet Flame Valley, flew further away, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Time passed as they chased each other, and before they knew it, another three or four hours passed, and they kept a distance of more than 100 feet. Change.Moreover, their mutual speed did not increase much, and they remained at the level of ten feet per breath.

Han Feng's complexion has basically recovered, and the true energy in his body has also recovered to about [-]%, but he didn't dare to waste his true energy and cast the blow of the broken sword, because he also clearly felt that the opponent's breath was also continuously strengthening, even though the opponent The speed of recovery was not as fast as his, but he also forbeared not to attack for the time being.

Time passed, and several hours passed, and the two of them finally flew out of the outer area of ​​Scarlet Flame Valley one after the other, but instead of returning to the forest before, they came to a desert.

Looking at the vast sea of ​​sand below and the oasis all around, Han Feng felt as if he had returned to the desert land before.

It's just that the heat wave was rolling back then, and the entire sand sea was steaming with steam, but now under the shroud of silver light, it was dead silent, many places were still frosted, the ice crystals were shining, and many strange beasts gathered there to fight for it. Scarce water source.

Han Feng frowned. He didn't know that the mysterious strong man in front of him led him here, what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd, but he still didn't dare to attack for a while, even if the true energy in his body reached [-]% at the moment .

He took out another whirlwind talisman and stuck it on his body, kept flying at the same speed, and unhurriedly pursued the mysterious strong man in front of him.

After each whirlwind talisman is activated, it can only last for a stick of incense. After persisting for such a long time, there is not much left in his storage ring. If he had not prepared a large number of whirlwind talismans before, I am afraid that It's gone.

As Han Feng was thinking this way, the mysterious strong man in front of him suddenly turned around, showing a sneer, and waved his hand swiftly to shoot out a large bloody flame, which was overwhelming and terrifying.

Han Feng snorted, and immediately manipulated the power of the Whirlwind Talisman, moving it sideways for more than ten feet, with purple light flashing all over his body, propping up a purple light shield to block the impact of these bloody flames, and making a sizzling sound between them , the dark energy is overflowing, whirling and spinning, and one vortex after another emerges.

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