Lord of the Runes

Chapter 1552 Sword Talisman

In an instant, the treasure of the sixth-rank world released a scorching light, which once again condensed into a beam of light, as if ignoring the barriers of time and space, it went to the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams in the blink of an eye.


This time, the outside world of the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams finally appeared in turmoil again, and Xiao Qiong's true soul inside it was also shaken, obviously being impacted.

"You can't stop me, so don't waste your energy, it's better to deal with that girl, I will consider letting you go, after all, you will have to rely on you to resist the invasion of the two races of demons!" Xiao Qiong's true soul soon It stabilized, and at the same time his voice came out.

"Hey, old thief Xiao Qiong is really cunning. He clearly devoured the flesh and blood of so many enlightened monks, and he said he would consider letting them go. Do you think they are fools? If you were fooled once, will you be fooled a second time?" Han Feng immediately sneered.

In fact, without Han Feng's reminder, Wan Jianyi and the others also understood the power of this, but Han Feng was worried that some enlightened monks would be tempted, if they weren't in harmony, it would be difficult to hold Xiao Qiong.

Once Xiao Qiong is the first to revive him, I'm afraid he will get rid of Han Feng and Murong Xue immediately without giving them any chance.

Those people concentrated their expressions, and continued to attack Xiao Qiong fiercely, making the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams picture shake unceasingly, and the world around it was also in turmoil.

Xiao Qiong's true soul roared again and again, but there was nothing he could do. He could only use part of his energy to defend against their offensive and ease the collapse of that world.

Without the protection of that world, his true soul would be directly exposed to the world of Tongtianjian. For him, it would be an unimaginable disaster.

His current state is different from the three sub-sages such as Yuhua Taoist. Not only is his body missing, but even the Nascent Soul no longer exists. Otherwise, it would have been robbed and collapsed long ago.

It was also because of this that his resurrection was so troublesome, and it took so much effort to consolidate and complete his true soul, and slowly evolve into the body of the Nascent Soul.

As long as he succeeds, even if he is resurrected, he can travel between the heaven and the earth, and at least he will not be tested by the chaotic thunder for tens of thousands of years.

"Are you really going to kill them all?!" Ten breaths later, seeing Taoist Yuhua and others attacking more and more violently, Xiao Qiong was furious, and the true soul body performed a burst of flames, which turned out to be black and white, revealing extremely terrifying energy fluctuations .

Everyone ignored it and continued to attack.

"You are looking for death!" Xiao Qiong would rather slow down the speed of forming the Nascent Soul body, and suddenly poured out those black and white fires.

In an instant, the whole Tongtianjian world roared endlessly, and the sword energy was instantly wiped out under the burning of black and white fire, leaving nothing behind.

The attacks of those people were burned by one of them, and they also collapsed one after another, disappearing completely.

Taoist Yuhua and the other three sub-sages tried to stop him one after another, and at the same time ordered everyone to retreat, so as not to block his sharp edge.

"Is this the fire of yin and yang? How many kinds of Taoism has Xiao Qiong mastered?" Daoist He Huan said incredulously.

"His talent is no worse than that of Fu Zu. If he was born a generation earlier, he would even surpass Fu Zu. If he hadn't gone astray back then, Fu Zu would not have saved him!" Wan Jianyi said solemnly.

After a while, those yin and yang fires became more and more intense, and the pressure on the three of them also increased, leading everyone to retreat again and again, almost retreating to the edge of the altar island.

Han Feng was more vigilant, he took Murong Xue out of that area earlier, and headed in the opposite direction, but he did not leave the altar island. After all, Murong Xue still had to fuse the ninth sword pill, and it was not good for him to stay away from the world center of Tongtian Sword. Her refinement.

"No, if this continues, we will have to be kicked out of here, then we will have no chance to stop this guy!" Taoist Yuhua said.

"Then what else can we do? The fire of yin and yang is the fire of the great way, even if it has not yet formed, it is not something we can contend with!" Daoist Hehuan said helplessly.

"Forget it, it's time to take out that sword talisman, I hope to use the special environment here to suppress this guy!" Wan Jian said suddenly, stretched out his hand to grab it in the void, and there was an extra talisman in his hand, which turned out to be a sword. The shape is very special.

But as soon as his Dao Talisman appeared, the entire Heavenly Sword World hummed endlessly, as if welcoming its appearance.

"This is a sword talisman refined by a sage. I can't activate it by myself, and I need everyone's assistance!" Wan Jianyi said loudly.

After saying this, he didn't care whether everyone agreed or not, and directly transmitted the method of mobilization to everyone.

At this time, no one dared to hold back. After digesting his mobilization method, they cast spells one after another towards the sword talisman, with different colors.

Xiao Qiong seemed to have sensed the changes here, and immediately mobilized the Yin-Yang Fire to rush over, but they were jointly resisted by their group.

Not long after, the sword talisman released an incomparably brilliant brilliance, the sword intent was extremely strong, and a wave of saintly power spread, instantly filling the entire altar island.

Those yin and yang fires were all suppressed by the power of the saint, and they couldn't be so rampant anymore.

At the same time, bursts of sword light began to emerge from the altar, converging in the sword talisman, forming a huge sword in an instant, like splitting the river and sea, splitting the fire of yin and yang, and slashing fiercely at the place. A picture of Tai Chi Eight Diagrams.


The world was in turmoil, and a crack appeared in the outer world of the Taiji Eight Diagrams, and invisible sword power frantically poured into it, trying to obliterate Xiao Qiong's true soul.

But at this moment, layers of black light appeared on the opponent's body surface, and endless suction emerged, swallowing this sword power, and disappeared.

"Damn it, it's the way of devouring again!" Wan Jianyi's face changed, and he immediately made a tactic, gathered everyone's strength, once again condensed a big sword through the sword talisman, and slashed over.

However, after taking a breath, Xiao Qiong unleashed a more majestic Dao of Devouring, condensed into a shield, and successfully blocked the opponent's sword.

When the two collided, there was only a dull sound, and no sparks were stirred up.

Almost at the same time, the cracks in the outer world of the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although there was still invisible sword power remaining on it, trying to stop it, it couldn't really stop it.

After three breaths, there was only a trace of the other party's gap, which was almost completely healed.

But at this moment, a strange force penetrated in, and landed on Xiao Qiong's true soul soundlessly, causing him to scream immediately, making a horrible sound, as if he had suffered some great trauma.

"It's you who plot against me!" Xiao Qiong's real soul turned around suddenly, his eyes shone with dazzling light, and looked at Han Feng on the other side.

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