"Two different things. When I am resurrected, I think your wife will also control the Tongtian Sword. At that time, I can't do anything to you!" Xiao Qiong said.

"It's useless to talk too much. In a word, you have to stop them from continuing to attack, otherwise I can't do anything." Han Feng made up his mind that he would not promise him anything if he didn't see the other party's actual actions.

"Okay, just as you said, I will give you a chance to breathe first!" Xiao Qiong left this sentence and did not transmit the voice.

Wan Jianyi and the others were still working together to attack Han Feng and Murong Xue's protective shields, but they couldn't break through the stalemate for a long time.

Soon, another thirty breaths passed.

For some reason, their attacks gradually weakened, but Han Feng held on and did not collapse.

On the other hand, those cultivators at the early stage of enlightenment turned pale, and looked like they had consumed too much. Obviously they had no more fighting power, so they had to retreat temporarily, and no longer instilled the power of law into the sixth-rank world treasure.

Perhaps because of this, the opponent's attack became weaker.

But through the power of the ancestral talisman, Han Feng realized that Xiao Qiong was responsible for this process, so he cast a spell secretly to weaken the power of the light beam.

What's even more amazing is that he seems to be able to absorb the other party's power silently.

In fact, the reason why those monks at the early stage of enlightenment were exhausted was probably related to him, maybe he was secretly stealing their power.

Without the ancestral talisman, he would not be able to see all of this.

"Then the cooperation he mentioned just now is not asking for my help, but asking me not to say all of this, so that he can complete the devouring silently?" Han Feng was full of doubts and secretly guessed.

"It's just that why did he tell me in advance? With such ability, isn't he afraid that I will tell it?" Han Feng couldn't figure it out.

"No, he probably thought that I had already discovered his secret, so he pretended to cooperate with me, deliberately delaying the time, and it would still achieve the same effect!" Han Feng woke up suddenly.

He doesn't care about those people's life or death, but once Xiao Qiong is reborn, no one can be sure whether he can compete with him.

With this in mind, he secretly decided to send a message to Wan Jianyi and the other three sub-sages in a special way immediately about the phenomenon he saw, so that they would be on guard.

After the three of them got Han Feng's message, they remained calm and kept attacking Han Feng and Murong Xue.

Hua Lianque, controlled by Xiao Qiong, unhurriedly released the power of devouring, lingering on the beam of light, cheering it, but also stealing its power silently, and followed the vine to find those who were in the early stage of enlightenment. Body, grab their power of law.

This is the wonderful use of his way of devouring!

He is very clear that Wan Jianyi and others may not be able to see through his move, but Han Feng who has the ancestral talisman can definitely see it, so he took the initiative to cooperate with Han Feng, the purpose is to stabilize him Let him turn a blind eye and close his eyes, and when he takes root, even if he wakes up, it won't help.

However, at this moment, Wan Jianyi and the others suddenly changed their spells, the beam of light suddenly shrank, and with a slight vibration, it shattered Xiao Qiong's devouring power and became invisible.

At the same time, the light beam also changed its direction quickly, and shot at the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams, causing it to shake for a while, and even the surrounding world with it was in turmoil.

"What's the matter with you? Didn't you agree to join forces? Why did you sneak up on me again!" Xiao Qiong's voice came out of Hualian's gap, his face full of confusion.

"Hmph, don't pretend to be confused, you are an ambitious wolf, you really can't cooperate with you, die to me!" Wan Jian was furious, grabbed it with one hand, and a long sword emerged out of thin air, held in his hand, and was severely beaten by him. With a chop, a sword light spanned the space, directly attacking Hua Lianque.

"Shameless, turning your face is faster than turning a book!" Hua Lianque, controlled by Xiao Qiong, roared again and again, but he didn't dare to resist, and quickly dodged to dodge. It's just that Wan Jian was prepared early, and the other sword was lying in ambush at Hua On the other side of Lian Que, he was cut by a sword just as he moved there.

But he didn't suffer a serious injury, only because his hands were shining with black light, and he released the power of devouring in time, blocking the sword like a shield.

"Break it!" Wan Jian squeezed the sword formula with one hand, and more long swords emerged there, surrounding Hua Lianque, forming a sword cage, filled with terrifying sword intent, sealing it tightly.

Almost at the same instant, the Yuhua Taoist turned the sixth-rank world treasure, and with a whoosh sound, another beam of light shot out, aiming at Hua Lianque.

This time, he couldn't resist anymore. The beam shot through his chest, leaving a round hole, but no trace of blood flowed out. It looked a little weird.

"Han Feng, you leaked the secret? You are so despicable, you even ignored your promise to cooperate with me, and hit me behind the back!" Hua Lianque's breath suddenly weakened, but he still spoke.

"You didn't have good intentions, but you pretended to cooperate with me. In fact, you wanted to stabilize me and slowly devour their strength. It's a beautiful idea, but unfortunately I wasn't fooled." Han Feng smiled lightly, and the sound transmission came out .

"Hmph, so what, you're still a step too late!" Hua Lian let out Xiao Qiong's voice suddenly, revealing a look of complacency.

Immediately afterwards, his body exploded and turned into a piece of black light. After a slight flash, he returned to the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams without a trace.

At the same time, the bodies of the five monks at the early stage of enlightenment also suddenly exploded, turning into patches of black light as well, sweeping towards the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams picture, disappearing without a trace.

"This guy's purpose all along is to absorb our flesh and blood, otherwise how can he be reborn?" Taoist Yuhua said with a little understanding.

"It's useless to say anything now, attack him quickly, it should be able to prevent him from being resurrected!" Wan Jianyi said solemnly.

Taoist Yuhua nodded heavily, and immediately controlled the sixth-grade world treasure to shoot a beam of light, which hit the Tai Chi Bagua diagram.

However, this time, their joint attack did not have much effect, it only caused a layer of ripples on the surface of the opponent's outer world, without even a trace of turmoil.

"It seems to be useless, what should I do!" A monk in the middle stage of enlightenment said a little nervously.

"Don't panic, we haven't reached the end of the mountain yet, all of us should not have any reservations, and gather all our strength to attack him again!" Wan Jian calmed down and said.

After all, Wan Jianyi is the strongest person among them, his words are still somewhat effective, everyone cheered up, and each took the initiative to use a lot of secret treasures and spirit pills to temporarily improve their cultivation base, which will make them more powerful. The majestic power of law was poured into the sixth-rank world treasure.

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