In just ten breaths of time, the way of devouring inside the ninth sword pill disappeared completely, and finally resolved it, but the original colorful talisman of the ancestral talisman also became dim.

Han Feng's soul power was almost exhausted. If he hadn't been able to use the Nine Refining Mysterious Art to absorb the remaining soul from the outside world to replenish his soul power, he would have passed out long ago.

At the moment when the ninth sword pill was successfully purified, Xiao Qiong's true soul shook for a moment, as if he was implicated and suffered a little backlash, which made him very uncomfortable.

"It's done!" Han Feng suppressed his discomfort, and sent the ninth sword pill to Murong Xue, allowing him to refine it immediately.

Murong Xue was also about to reach her limit, she got the ninth sword pill, and began to refine it without saying a word, and obtained more original power from it, which made her aura rise steadily.

In another short time of ten breaths, Murong Xue's aura climbed to the point where it could be compared with Wan Jianyi.

What's even more frightening is that rays of light began to rise from the entire altar, and sword shadows emerged, like a big sword with a handle, surrounding the surrounding area with surging sword intent.

Seeing this scene, Wan Jian seemed to realize something, immediately urged Taoist Yuhua, and said, "Quick, her power to control this world is much stronger, let's stop her!"

As he spoke, he did not hesitate to spit out a mouthful of blood, and tried his best to bless that sixth-rank world treasure.

Seeing that he was in such a hurry, the others also felt the crisis, and they used various means to pour the sixth-rank world treasure into it, causing it to explode with stronger power, and finally condensed a beam of light as thick as a thumb.


There was a sharp sound, the beam of light traveled through the space, and in an instant, it went to the mask under Murong Xue's cloth, pierced on it, and penetrated easily, as if the mask that was impenetrable before became a piece of paper at this moment.

But before they had time to be happy, another piece of sword glow emerged, blocking the beam of light, sparking incomparably brilliant flames between each other, making chi-chi noises and ear-piercing.

Hua Lianque, who was controlled by Xiao Qiong, was in a hurry. He took a step forward, stretched out his hands, and began to release an extremely thick black light from his whole body, like a big black hole, and an extremely terrifying suction burst out, like countless ropes. Wrapped tightly around the cylindrical mask under Murong Xuecloth, pulling desperately, trying to tear it apart.

Murong Xue looked dignified, took a deep breath, lightly tapped her jade hand forward, the sky filled with sword aura, and countless lightsabers emerged, slashing at these suction ropes in unison, making clang and bang bangs non-stop.

"You can't break my way!" Hua Lianque said, of course it was Xiao Qiong's voice.

After he said this, he moved his hands and fingers together, and one after another mysterious magic formula pierced into the void, immediately making those suction ropes shine black, and their power increased greatly, not only blocking Murong Xue's lightsaber chops, but also started Corroding her cylindrical mask, blue smoke rose everywhere.

Murong Xue had no choice but to mobilize the original power of the Tongtian Sword to resist the opponent's erosion, but the effect was not very good, it only slowed down the erosion of the opponent's way of devouring, and it was only a matter of time before it was broken.

Right at this moment, Taoist Yuhua gathered the strength of all the people to shoot a thumb-thick light beam through the sixth-grade world treasure, stabbing the cylindrical mask like a sharp knife, causing it to vibrate endlessly.

Seeing this, Han Feng immediately activated the ancestral talisman, using its special purification power to resist the corrosion of the Dao of Devouring.

Murong Xue also tried her best to resist the beam of light that those people jointly shot, successfully resisted, and escaped disaster again.

"Purification? Another ancestral talisman!" Hua Lianque, controlled by Xiao Qiong, was so angry that he shouted coldly.

But he has no good solution for a while, not to mention his puppet body, even if his true soul makes a move, it can't help the purification power of the ancestor talisman, and it can only delay for some time.

However, at this moment, a beam of light suddenly shot towards his puppet body.

He was startled, moved sideways hastily, and managed to dodge, but his left shoulder was rubbed, blood splashed immediately, and his face suddenly became white as paper.

That ray of light was shot by that sixth-grade world treasure, and after injuring him, it landed on Murong Xue's mask again, and it exploded and roared non-stop.

"You want to kill me together?" Hua Lianque, controlled by Xiao Qiong, turned his head and glared at Wan Jianyi and the others, with an extremely gloomy expression.

Wan Jianyi didn't make a sound, Taoist Yuhua said calmly: "It's just a scratch, and it didn't cause the fall of your clone."

The implication is that he just wants to get rid of the puppet clone Xiao Qiong.

It's right to think about it, Taoist Yuhua and others naturally don't want Xiao Qiong to really come back to life, and if they have a chance to restrain the other party, they won't be merciful.

If it wasn't for their current strength being limited, they couldn't deal with Xiao Qiong and Murong Xue at the same time, otherwise they would have cooperated with his avatar, they would have killed them long ago, and wiped out their brains.

Xiao Qiong was furious, apart from anything else, he manipulated this puppet clone to attack Wan Jianyi and the others, feeling like he would never die.

It's not that he is confused, but that at his level, he can't stand this contemptuous attitude.

"Xiao Qiong, you are crazy, could it be that you are willing to watch that girl control the world?" Daoist He Huan shouted loudly.

Hua Lianque, controlled by Xiao Qiong, ignored them and continued to attack them fiercely. The way of devouring spread out, evolving into countless black blades, slashing towards the opponent one after another.

Wan Jianyi and the others are not vegetarians, let alone the teamwork, the strength is stronger than Xiao Qiong's puppet clone, which not only blocks his attacks, but also shoots beams of beams through the sixth-grade world treasure from time to time, hitting hard on the puppet. On the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams.

Seeing this scene, Han Feng secretly heaved a sigh of relief. As long as they didn't really cooperate, then he and Murong Xue would have a greater chance.

"How long will it take you to completely refine the ninth sword pill?" Han Feng asked Murong Xue.

"It will take at least three sticks of incense!" Murong Xue said solemnly, "Also, even if I refine the ninth sword pill, it will still take a long time to integrate into the world of Tongtian Sword, it cannot be done overnight. "

"After you obtain all the power of the ninth sword pill, how far can your strength go?" Han Feng asked.

"It's not weaker than Xiao Qiong's current state, and it can even be slightly higher." Murong Xue responded after thinking for a while.

"Then there is nothing to be afraid of. It is impossible for Xiao Qiong to be resurrected within three incense sticks. As long as you are stronger than the other party, you will deal with him first and prevent him from resurrecting, and then you will slowly integrate into it." This world, completely control this world." Han Feng said.

"Also, during this time, I'll support you, so you don't have to be distracted to defend against their attacks." Han Feng thought for a while, then whispered.

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