Lord of the Runes

Chapter 1548 Resolve

"Is the ninth sword pill ready soon?" Murong Xue turned to look at Han Feng and asked a little anxiously.

"It will take some time!" Han Feng also frowned, knowing that the situation was urgent, he quickly replied.

At the same time, he used his own origin to speed up the ancestor talisman to resolve the restriction of the ninth sword pill.

But after a few breaths, Xiao Qiong's method of devouring contained in the ninth sword pill began to grow stronger, as if it had life, and I don't know why.

"Damn it, Xiao Qiong is interfering with me to resolve his devouring method!" Han Feng said.

"Naturally, those people are attacking us, let him have a breather, you can see the light of that Tai Chi Eight Diagrams picture!" Murong Xue was not surprised. Situation, the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams picture is indeed shining brightly, extremely dazzling.

However, Wan Jianyi and the others also realized the problem, and quickly allocated part of their energy to attack the Tai Chi Bagua diagram to delay the opponent's resurrection.

Hua Lianque changed his strategy again, and continued to harass the crowd by roaming, trying to give them a chance to breathe.

"At this point, all of us will join hands to push my sixth-rank world treasure, and we will surely be able to break through the defense of one of them!" Taoist Yuhua suddenly suggested.

"If the power of the sixth-rank world treasure can be fully activated, it is indeed possible to break the current deadlock." Daoist Hehuan nodded.

The long spear in his hand is only a ninth-rank world treasure, and it hasn't fully aroused its true power. He knows in his heart how terrifying a sixth-rank world treasure is.

Wan Jianyi also understood, and immediately nodded his head in agreement.

The three sub-sages have reached a consensus, and the rest of the enlightened monks naturally have no objections.

In a short while, dozens of them condensed into a unified team again, and through the method of ninety-nine regression, they poured the power of their own laws into the sixth-rank world treasure in an endless stream, allowing it to arouse the light like stars , extremely dazzling.

During this process, it's not that Hua Lianque didn't try to obstruct it, but with the support of the three sub-sages, he didn't have a good chance, so he could only watch them condense into a big formation.

But he is also an extremely cunning person, and immediately shouted: "This woman is about to control the entire Tongtianjian world, we must hurry up and eliminate her, otherwise everything will become her possession, including the entire human world! "

As he said that, he rushed to the outside of the cylindrical mask under Murong Xuebu, and shot with both hands continuously, shooting out patches of black flames, and the law of devouring raged.

Although the cultivation level he showed at this moment is only at the level of the late enlightenment period, his actual combat power is not much worse than that of ordinary sub-sages. This has a lot to do with the way he cultivated.

The Dao of Devouring is an extremely domineering way, and he has already achieved success in cultivation and is almost perfect, which is why he has been able to toss for so long and restrain so many enlightened monk teams.

"Xiao Qiong, you are a typical thief shouting catch thief, don't treat everyone as fools, you are our biggest threat, we should get rid of you first!" Naturally, Han Feng would not let him guide the public opinion , immediately retorted aloud.

"Hmph, you all have to die!" Taoist Yuhua roared, urging the sixth-rank world treasure with all his strength, gathering the power of everyone, letting it release an incomparably bright light, and the power of various laws emerged.

The next moment, it shot out a huge black light beam, which slammed into the light shield under Murong Xuecloth, causing a sudden shaking, and the light scattered, as if it would be pierced at any time.

Immediately afterwards, this sixth-grade world treasure turned slightly, and shot out another cyan light beam to hit the Tai Chi Bagua picture, which also caused a shock.

"You are so stupid, even I attacked together, how much power you have, if you spread it out like this, it will only let that girl successfully control the world!" Xiao Qiong cursed.

"Although what Xiao Qiong said is based on his own standpoint, it is not unreasonable. Even if we gather the strength of all of us, it will be difficult to deal with these two people at the same time. It is better to break one of them first, and then deal with the other!" He Huan The Taoist preached.

"In the opinion of brother, which one should we deal with first?" Taoist Yuhua asked back.

"Judging from the current situation, we should get rid of the girl first. Although she has the protection of her ancestors, her accumulation is still shallow and she cannot resist our attack for a long time." Taoist Hehuan analyzed.

"Brother Wan's opinion?" Taoist Yuhua asked Wan Jianyi.

"I agree with Daoist He Huan's point of view. It is true that we should destroy the girl first. I had thought of dealing with her first, but the situation was unclear at the time and it was not appropriate to divide our energy. Now that things have happened, we can't delay any longer!" Wan Jianyi said slowly.

"Okay, then do this!" Taoist Yuhua nodded in response.

"However, before that, we have to rely on the power of Xiao Qiong's puppet to help us!" Taoist Yuhua added after a short pause.

"You don't need to deliberately express your attitude to him. As long as we gather our strength to deal with that girl, he will take the initiative to help us." Daoist Hehuan sneered and responded.

Taoist Yuhua was silent, nodding in agreement.

Immediately afterwards, he activated the sixth-grade world treasure again, condensing a thicker dark blue beam of light, and struck heavily on the protective cover under Murong Xuecloth.


A series of explosions were set off, spreading throughout the world, and endless rays of light were released, drowning everything.

The altar island below erupted with endless sword energy, and seemed to be resisting these impacts by itself, but it was inevitably traumatized, and many places could never recover.

Han Feng, who was hiding in the cylindrical mask, also felt great pressure, but he still gritted his teeth and tried his best to dissolve the way of devouring in the ninth sword pill.

Helpless, with Xiao Qiong as a hindrance, his speed of resolving it became very slow. According to his speculation, it would take at least a stick of incense to succeed.

But looking at Murong Xue's state, let alone a stick of incense, even thirty breaths of time may not be able to sustain it. They must make a quick decision. After purifying the ninth sword pill and refining it for Murong Xue, they will There is a chance of a comeback.

"Looks like we have to damage the origin of the ancestral talisman again!" Han Feng smiled wryly, and immediately activated the spell, sacrificing the origin of the ancestral talisman in exchange for a more powerful force, successfully suppressing the swallowing method inside the ninth sword pill .

The external manifestation of the origin of the ancestral talisman is the seven-colored talisman. Under the urging of Han Feng, it burst out with gorgeous seven-colored brilliance, which was continuously injected into the ninth sword pill, constantly neutralizing those devouring talismans. Dao, let it gradually become weaker.

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