Lord of the Runes

Chapter 1530 Leverage

It sounds cumbersome, but in fact it is just a breath.

Taoist Cailian and Bailihuan looked at each other, and stopped casting spells one after another, and stopped injecting the power of law into the Tai Chi Bagua picture.

The rest of the enlightened monks also stopped tacitly, causing the light of the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams to converge, and the defensive light curtain around the phantom of the Taoist also dimmed a bit.

Han Feng and Murong Xue made a quick decision, attacked again fiercely, broke through it in one fell swoop, hit the Taoist phantom, causing him to retreat several tens of feet.

"What do you mean!" Ling Yuntian glanced at them coldly, and without hesitation to get angry, he led his disciples to fly up, and personally protected the phantom of the Taoist priest, blocking the attacks of Han Feng and Murong Xue one after another.

"You are unkind, then don't blame me for being unrighteous!" Ling Yuntian saw that he was barely able to support himself, but Taoist Cailian and the others stood by and had no intention of helping at all. He was furious and said in a cold voice After saying this, he suddenly made a formula and recited the incantation.

Suddenly, invisible power was released from the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams, drowning everyone in the blink of an eye, causing the power of law in their bodies to surge, escape uncontrollably, and merge into the phantom of the Taoist priest in the body to help it recover its physical body.

"Ling Yuntian, what are you doing?!" Everyone turned pale with shock, and many of them cursed, but no matter how they cast spells to stop it, they couldn't prevent the power of their laws from spreading outward.

As for the other three Dao-enlightened monks in Jiuxiao Palace, they didn't complain at all. They threw themselves into the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams for the first time and disappeared without a trace, feeling like sacrificing their lives for nourishment.

"It's just using your strength, there is no other meaning. After the matter is completed, we will share this opportunity together!" Ling Yuntian pinched the magic formula in his hand faster, and rays of light sank into the body of the phantom of the Taoist priest , making its aura stronger, and its appearance gradually became clearer, with kind brows and kind eyes, extremely refined.

"Is this Taoist Xiao Qiong?" Taoist Cailian said hesitantly.

At this time, he was also using various methods to prevent the abnormality of his body, but after a while, they couldn't do anything.

"Didn't he fall as early as in ancient times?" Wan Jianyang widened his eyes and asked in a low voice.

"Hmph, there must be someone behind, and we are going to use our power to revive him!" Bai Lihuan snorted coldly.

"Then what should we do now? We can't just take advantage of the traitor Ling Yuntian!" Wan Jianyang said viciously.

"Hey, I've been on guard for a long time, and his tricks can't stop me!" Bailihuan laughed suddenly, his body suddenly turned into an illusion, and disappeared in an instant, without any breath of him, and he didn't know that he had used it. What secret method.

When he reappeared, he had already gone to Ling Yuntian's side, a spear pierced out, and a blue light burst out, engulfing Ling Yuntian in an instant.


Ling Yuntian's body exploded all of a sudden, but he didn't have any blood energy. It turned out to be just a phantom, but at the moment just now, it could be confused with the real one, even Bailihuan didn't notice the clue.

"Brother Baili, I knew I couldn't trap you, but it's a pity that you can't do anything to me either!" Ling Yuntian's figure appeared on the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams picture at some point, and he still maintained the seal in his hand, firmly controlling the surrounding people. The invisible force, the force of the law that attracted them escaped, and continuously merged into the body of the Taoist phantom.

Bailihuan didn't say anything, and with a flick of his wrist, he controlled the blue spear to slash towards Ling Yuntian.

However, at this very moment, the phantom of the Taoist priest moved suddenly, moved over like lightning, raised one hand, and grabbed his long spear suddenly, and with a tug, his body was like a sieve.

Bailihuan was so surprised that he had to mobilize more power of law to urge the spear, trying to break free from his hand, but unfortunately it didn't help. Instead, his power of law kept pouring into the opponent's body along the spear, Made a wedding dress for him to make his breath stronger.

"As expected of the strongest sub-sage back then, he has such abilities before he is resurrected!" A strange sound suddenly sounded from Bailihuan's long spear, like a knife cutting leather, it was extremely ear-piercing.

Immediately afterwards, the long spear flashed with light, and it turned into a blur, and became invisible, even the phantom of this Taoist priest could not be imprisoned.

Bailihuan followed and disappeared almost at the same time.

The next moment, he appeared nearly a thousand feet away, sweating profusely, holding the blue spear tightly with both hands.

"Taoist Yuhua, I know you are still alive, why don't you come out and stop Xiao Qiong!" The blue spear still made a strange sound on its own.

Bailihuan seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and there were not many surprises.

Wan Jianyang and Ling Yuntian were a little bit surprised, because when they were in the deep source of Dizang, Taoist Yuhua hid his body and was not discovered by them.

Taoist Master Cailian looked calm, as if he was unknown, and remained silent.

"Master Cailian, don't think that you can cover up the existence of Taoist Yuhua if you don't speak. Don't be afraid to tell the truth. My long spear was transformed by my master who opened the valley. He is also a sub-sage, so he can naturally perceive you. Where is the aura of becoming a Taoist in the body." Baili Huan smiled suddenly.

"And you, Wan Jianyang! Don't hide it anymore, hurry up and resurrect your first-generation patriarch, don't think about being a fisherman! None of us at the helm are fools!" Li Huan pointed a gun at Wan Jianyang.

"Forget it, at this point, I can only use your strength!" Wan Jianyang exhaled slowly, and a sword formula suddenly condensed in his hand, and the sword embryo reappeared.

A strong sword light emerged, cutting off the invisible power of the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams Picture, allowing Wan Jianyang to regain his freedom.

The difference is that the dantians of those monks at the early stage of enlightenment uncontrollably condensed a sword embryo, which echoed with each other, and a massive amount of power gushed out crazily, passing through the sword embryo into Wan Jianyang's chest On the hilt sword embryo.

"Wan Jianyang, it turns out that you have always harbored evil intentions!" Many monks at the early stage of enlightenment roared again and again, but there was nothing they could do, their bodies were out of control, and they could only let Wan Jianyang and Ling Yuntian plunder their power of law.

Most of these people were members of the eight major families, which made the eight ancestors glared at them, but the eight of them couldn't break Ling Yuntian's restraint for a while, and could only watch this situation continue.

"Don't worry, I'm just relying on your strength, and I won't kill you. I still have a sense of proportion in front of the enemy. Besides, you are not the only ones who are giving. I am fully releasing the power of law just like my fellow disciples. "The old god Wan Jianyang is here, and said calmly.

The facts are exactly as he said, without exception, the other three Dao-enlightened monks of the Wanjian Sect all condensed a sword embryo in front of their chests, and the power of the billowing law was transferred through them, and merged into the sword embryo in front of his chest. .

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