Although the inner world of the ancestral talisman suffered heavy losses, it did not reach its limit, and soon returned to calm, but the area of ​​the Central Continent was reduced by half.

"You can still hold on to the opponent's attack!" Han Feng evaluated inwardly as he dispelled the yin and yang energy around him.

Ling Yuntian and others looked at the scene where the entrance to the inner world of the ancestral talisman closed, and were stunned for a moment, as if they were recalling something.

"Is this the power of the ancestral talisman?" Mouton murmured to himself, a dazzling light suddenly burst into his eyes.

"Haha, it turns out that the ancestral talisman has been transferred to you, no wonder you are so confident, fighting alone with so many of us enlightened monks!" Bai Lihuan laughed loudly without concealing it.

Taoist Cailian remained silent, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Ling Yuntian took a deep breath, did not continue to attack, but took out a elixir and took it, calmly adjusting his breath.

The rest of the cultivators who were in the early stage of enlightenment also took out the elixir and swallowed it to restore their strength.

Four consecutive attacks of the Xuantian Baji Formation, even with so many of them, was somewhat unbearable, especially for Ling Yuntian, who was in the main formation, his consumption was even greater.

"Why are you still standing there, continue, even if he has the protection of the ancestral talisman, so what, as long as he has not yet reached the sub-sage level, he will not be able to effectively use the true mysterious power of the ancestral talisman, and he will only use this The soil that forcibly devours it can resist our attack, and it must not take him many times!" Wan Jianyang shouted violently.

"Brother Wan is right, we really want to take it all at once, and we must not give up halfway!" Bailihuan turned his eyes and said in agreement.

Taoist Cailian was noncommittal, but turned to look at Ling Yuntian.

Ling Yuntian didn't speak, and after a few breaths of silence, he opened his mouth and said: "Okay, let's continue!"

After saying that, the magic formula in his hand started again, and beams of light shot into the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams picture on the top.

The rest of the people did the same, pouring the power of various laws into it, making it radiant, even in the inner world of Tongtian Sword, it is difficult to hide its radiance.

The yin and yang qi reappeared and slowly turned into a figure. It was actually a Taoist priest wearing a dark blue Taoist robe. His appearance was indistinct, and he could not see what he looked like at all, but the aura on his body was frightening, seemingly infinite. Approaching the level of Yasheng.

The next moment, the Taoist priest suddenly slapped his palm, and the invisible force rippled out, causing the world inside the Tongtian Sword to roar endlessly, cracks appeared in the void, and the lightning flashed, extremely dazzling.

"What is this?!" Many Dao enlightened monks were startled by this blow and murmured in a low voice.

Han Feng felt it even more deeply, because he was in the center of this invisible force, and before the palm approached, he felt tingling pain all over his body.

If it weren't for the power of the ancestor talisman to surround him, his body might have been destroyed.

At this moment, he has no way out and can only resist!

He didn't open the entrance to the inner world of the ancestral talisman, because he couldn't accommodate that palm. He simply manipulated the origin of the ancestral talisman to shatter half of the continent in the inner world, turning it into pure energy, releasing it in a wonderful form, turning it into a The extremely dazzling beam of light hit that palm fiercely.


There was no explosive sound as expected, just a dull sound.

There is also no intense energy shock wave, only the invisible force of law spreads, raging in the void, piercing through countless black holes, like a pack of wolves, it is extremely terrifying.

At this time, the area where Han Feng was in seemed to be in chaos, like a pot of porridge, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

What's amazing is that the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams picture is still spinning rapidly, and endless light is falling down to cover the area, so that the power in it won't leak out, as if it wants to suffocate Han Feng and Murong Xue inside.

I don't know how long it took, until the halo in that area dissipated, I was finally able to see the situation inside.

I saw that Han Feng and Murong Xue were still standing, but the difference was that Murong Xue had already woken up, with an extra sword in his hand, emitting a soft light, and the sword energy was like flowing water, forming a layer around them. Layer shield, successfully blocked the attack of that figure.

The body of that figure has become much more illusory, as if it will dissipate with the wind in the next moment.

"Why did the girl wake up? Could it be that she has stepped into the sub-sage realm?" Hua Zijie, the patriarch of the Hua family, said.

"It should be, otherwise how can I block the palm of that Taoist phantom!" Long Tianyu, the patriarch of the Long family, nodded in response.

"What are you talking about, why don't you hurry up and inject the power of the law, if they really get out of trouble, it will be a problem for us to escape!" Ling Yuntian suddenly shouted in a low voice with a dignified expression.

Hua Zijie and Long Tianyu were shocked when they heard the words, but after thinking about it carefully, it was true, they were in the inner world of Tongtian Sword, if the girl controlled everything, they might not be able to get out.

They looked at each other, and immediately led all the monks to pour the power of the law into the Tai Chi Bagua picture, making it more radiant and stabilizing the phantom of the Taoist priest.

The rest of the enlightened monks also cast spells one after another, making the phantom of the Taoist priest gradually solidify, and his aura rose again, crossing the bottleneck in one fell swoop and reaching the sub-sage level.

It's just that his state is vacillating, a little repetitive, and it seems that something is missing.

Seeing this, Ling Yuntian suddenly took out a transparent jade bottle from the storage ring, which actually contained a drop of golden yellow liquid, like blood, surrounded by the power of countless laws, which was amazing to watch.

Without any hesitation, he unscrewed the cap of the bottle and guided the drop of blood to fly out. In a split second, it fell into the phantom body of the Taoist priest, where his heart was.

The drop of blood immediately dispersed and merged into all parts of his body, outlining countless meridians and blood vessels, as if recreating flesh and blood, like rebirth.

Han Feng reacted the fastest, without saying a word, the Five Elements ring seal was condensed, wrapped in majestic force, and slammed into it.

It's a pity that the Tai Chi gossip diagram immediately poured down a large piece of light, blocking his five-element ring seal. Even if he detonated it, it would be of no avail and he could not break through the defense.

Murong Xue followed closely behind, striking horizontally with her sword, and the incomparably sharp principles of the way of the sword poured out, hitting the light curtain, causing ripples and radiance to radiate immediately.

Seeing that this layer of light curtain was about to collapse, at this moment, Ling Yuntian changed the formula in his hand, and the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams diagram released billowing yin and yang energy, forming a series of Tai Chi Xuanqing diagrams, like worlds, Murong Xue's sword power decomposed and drained, and disappeared in a short time.

Han Feng didn't want to be reconciled, and tried various tricks in succession, but they couldn't break his defense.

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