Lord of the Runes

Chapter 139 Breaking In

As soon as Han Feng rushed into the magma fire pool, the aroma of white lotus was too strong. He suddenly felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter. Transformation, and finally achieved a dynamic balance, allowing him to move on.

However, there are inexplicable resistances in all directions here. Even if he has the power of the Fufeng Talisman to bless his whole body, he can only keep walking in the air at a speed of only about ten feet per breath. , His speed was still further slowing down, greatly consuming his rune power, making him crumbling, so frightened that he quickly took out another Fufeng Talisman, pushed it forward, and continued to fly forward slowly.

In no time, Han Feng moved forward for nearly a hundred feet. The fragrance of the white lotus became more intense, and he rushed towards him like a strand of silk. In an instant, he was dripping with cold sweat, standing blankly in mid-air, with purple light flashing all over his body. Running crazily, refining the fragrance pouring into his body into special spiritual power, continuously tempering his body, making his purple skin darker, and at the same time constantly suppressing the golden light inside the purple light, making it more pure Crushed and refined.

Han Feng's sudden appearance in the magma fire pool had already attracted the attention of many monks nearby, but they didn't take it seriously.After all, since this period of time, more than ten people have tried it, but none of them can cross the distance of a hundred feet, and even one person fell into the magma because of this. Only then escaped alive, otherwise, even if he was a man of extremes, he would die in the sea of ​​fire and be reduced to ashes.

Murong Xue came to the edge of the fire pool with a somewhat complicated expression, raised her eyes to look at Han Feng who was in mid-air in the fire pool, with a faint sword aura passing over her body, as if she was ready to rescue him at any time.

But at this moment, Han Feng moved abruptly, moving forward one foot at a time, and after a while he managed to cross a distance of one hundred feet. The fragrance there was already visible to the naked eye, like smoke and mist, filled the air, and in an instant It was wrapped in groups, and the strong hot feeling multiplied, erupting from the inside out, making him feel as if he was in a raging sea of ​​flames, the body temperature of his body soared rapidly, and red circles appeared on the purple skin, like The imprint is general and shocking.

Han Feng trembled unceasingly, and stopped in midair again, unable to move forward, gritting his teeth to resist the attack of these fragrances.He felt more and more that these aromas were the unique poisonous gas of the white lotus, which could induce the heat in his body and burn everything else. If it wasn't for the magic of the Spirit Refining Vajra Technique, it could also refine these poisonous gases. I am afraid he would not be able to hold on. It fell into the magma and turned into ashes.

"Poisonous gas?" Han Feng's eyes lit up, and suddenly he remembered something, and hastily stretched out his right hand tremblingly to take out the Jiudongmei plant from his bosom. One, it was a little more than what I ate in the previous four times.

As soon as Jiu Dongmei entered the mouth, it immediately turned into waves of cold and poured into Han Feng's stomach. A large amount of poison began to spread towards his whole body, and immediately collided with the white lotus fragrance pouring in from outside, and began to damage his body. In the fierce struggle, there was a faint flash of fire, which was so hot that he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, but the color was black and sticky like ink.

However, his body was relaxed, and he resumed his actions, flying forward slowly.

A quarter of an hour later, Han Feng swallowed Jiudongmei all the way, vomited black blood all the way, and moved forward another [-] or [-] feet. The distance from the white lotus was less than [-] feet, but the place was completely covered by the soft light of the white lotus. , he disappeared into it and disappeared.

The monks who stopped by the fire pool to watch had already exploded. Many people jumped into the air and rushed towards the white lotus desperately. But when they got close to Baizhang, they started to crumble and had to give up. Falling to the edge of the pool, one by one's eyes flickered away, surrounded the surroundings, and waited quietly.

They seem to have figured it out, anyway, no matter who picks the white lotus, they have to leave from here. As long as they guard the surrounding area, the other party will not be able to escape smoothly, so they can take advantage of this opportunity and save themselves to pick the white lotus From a certain point of view, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Surprised expression appeared on Murong Xue's face, and she murmured secretly: "What kind of body training technique does this guy practice, so powerful that he can withstand the poison of white lotus!"

After trying it before, she judged that only a person with a strong body can rely on the power of blood to resist the poison of the white lotus fragrance. She had fought Han Feng a few days ago, and with her keen insight, naturally After discovering Han Feng's strong physical body, he called Han Feng to try it out, but he didn't expect it to be feasible.At this moment, the sword energy on her body has become more, and she is always ready to welcome his return.

In fact, how did she know that if Han Feng hadn't practiced the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, he wouldn't be able to forcibly break into this sea of ​​fragrance by relying solely on the power of his blood.

After Han Feng submerged in the radiance of the white lotus, the fragrance disappeared, but the pressure suddenly increased, as if he was standing on a mountain of one hundred thousand catties, he could not move an inch in an instant, and the surrounding temperature was extremely high, even if it was A piece of fine iron placed here will melt and even turn into gas after a long time.

Han Feng's whole body was glowing with purple light, which bloomed layer by layer, blocking most of the heat, but there was still a terrifying and extraordinary heat entering his body, making his true energy vibrate, as if it was about to boil, and like a wild horse running wild, from time to time The impact on the twelve meridians is extremely uncomfortable.

In fact, these heat powers are the medicinal power of the white lotus flower, and Han Feng's deficiency caused the above symptoms.

Within a few breaths, his eyes turned black, and he was about to faint. At this moment, a radiance suddenly lit up in his soul sea, and the residual talisman flashed out, as if responding to the white lotus outside. The medicinal power was very interesting, and a flash of clear light flooded Han Feng's whole body in an instant, sweeping away all the medicinal power that had seeped into his body, relaxing his whole body, and regaining some sobriety.

Han Feng is also a smart man, he gritted his teeth violently, and retracted the purple light that was released from the body, just to ensure that he would not be crushed, and let the white light penetrate into the body, and as soon as they entered, they were crushed. All the talismans were swallowed up, but it didn't cause him much pain.

Moreover, even if the power of the Fufeng Talisman on him is exhausted, he will not fall down.It turned out that while the medicinal power of the white lotus rushed into his body continuously, it also brought him buoyancy in the air, making him absorb the medicinal power overflowing from the white lotus with all his heart.

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