Lord of the Runes

Chapter 138 Changes

Han Feng refined it for a while, but found that it was still in vain, he sighed secretly, stopped refining, and put it into a space storage bag in his arms.

He turned his eyes, took out the broken sword and the Yixin stone, and found that the broken sword was more than an inch long, and the head-sized Yixin stone was completely turned into an ordinary stone, without any starlight emerging .

He casually threw away the waste Yixin Stone, turned to hold the broken sword, and slowly injected some true energy, the broken sword immediately lit up, and the runes emerged, and began to actively devour his true energy at an increasingly faster speed, Like a bottomless pit, it startled him a lot, and he quickly let go.

Han Feng was astonished. In just one or two breaths just now, the Broken Sword had swallowed nearly half of his true energy, which had reached a terrifying level.

He didn't dare to try again, so he had to put away the broken sword and put it in a space storage bag. Then, as if thinking of something, he put a big stack of some unused talismans in his storage ring, And throw it into the space storage bag where it is located, and let it devour the rune power contained in those talismans by itself, and maybe it will bring him more surprises in the near future.

After finishing these things, he smiled wryly, and had no choice but to continue to take the elixir, silently practicing exercises to restore his true energy.

Time flies, and another stick of incense has passed.

Han Feng suddenly opened his eyes, and he took out a cyan jade tablet, which was the messenger jade tablet of Sanyemen.

He injected his true energy, a blue light flashed on it, and two small characters quickly appeared, which were Murong Xue's message: "Come quickly!"

Han Feng was surprised and thought to himself that the battle in the depths of Chiyan Island should not be over so soon, why did he call himself so soon?

Although Han Feng thought so, he stood up immediately, jumped off the big tree, and ran to the depths of Chiyan Island.

He and Murong Xue had exchanged the aura of the messenger jade card before, and within a hundred miles, each other could find out the location of the other party through the messenger jade card, so he would not get lost, and rushed to her place with a clear purpose. The place.

In a short time, he had traveled more than ten miles, but as he got deeper, the interference of the mysterious power inside became more intense, so that the communication jade token in his hand became unstable, and Murong Xue's position disappeared from time to time. He knew the general direction, so he wouldn't be completely lost.

After a while, after several twists and turns, he finally ran out of the dense forest, and suddenly a dazzling light shot up to the sky in front of him, which was extremely dazzling even hundreds of meters away.

He stopped and stopped. Looking from a distance, he found a shadowy figure in front of him. It seemed that a large number of monks had gathered.

He lowered his head and glanced at the communication jade tablet, and after entering a seal formula, he found that the jade tablet did not respond at all, obviously being greatly disturbed here.

When he was at a loss, a white figure suddenly sprang out from one side of the jungle, and it came to him in the blink of an eye. The white light faded, revealing a beautiful woman, it was Murong Xue. Touching him, his lips moved slightly, and he quickly said via voice transmission: "Follow me, this is where the rare treasure is, and they won't be able to succeed in a while, let's snatch the white lotus first, the situation there has changed! "

Han Feng was stunned for a moment, and just when he was about to ask what happened, Murong Xue turned around and left, as if he was in a hurry.

He had no choice but to swallow his stomach full of questions, followed by him, and rushed into the jungle again.After a while, his eyes lit up again, and he walked out of the forest again and came to an open place. Unlike the previous bright place, this place did not affect the diffusion of his soul power. It is wide, and in the middle is actually a pool of magma, which is three to four hundred feet in size, but there is a soft light swaying in the wind at the center of the pool, and the fragrance is floating thousands of feet.

As soon as he rushed in, he smelled the fragrance, but after inhaling it, it made his body dry and hot, as if swallowing a piece of coal, it was unbearably hot.He hurriedly held his breath and activated the technique of tortoise breath, but those aromas would still seep into his body incessantly, so he had to silently exercise the Spirit Refining Vajra Art to forcibly refine it. Fortunately, it was effective, and the special spiritual power transformed by these aromas was unexpectedly It can also slowly improve his physical body.

There are also a lot of monks gathered here, dozens of hundreds of them, Han Feng's soul power is swept away, and he finds that these people are all extreme warriors, but at this moment they are standing by the edge of the magma pool and watching, each of them is frowning , I don't know what is going on.

"I believe you have also noticed those special scents. The closer you get to the fire pool, the thicker it becomes. Even I can't go deep into the fire pool for hundreds of feet, otherwise I will fall into the magma." Murong Xue suddenly flashed beside him. , looked at the magma pool in front of him, and whispered: "In the magma, the heat is rolling, even for extreme people, it is difficult to resist!"

Han Feng was surprised when he heard the words, and he looked a little unresponsive, and asked, "The last time you gathered together to launch an attack, didn't such a thing happen?"

"That's why I said there was an accident." Murong Xue glanced at his absent-minded appearance, and said calmly.

"Where's the Fire Ape King? On the side where the treasure was born?" Han Feng suddenly woke up and asked hastily.

"Missing her!" Murong Xue said.

"You asked me to come here because you want me to break into this fiery pool?" Han Feng pondered for a while, thought for a while, and suddenly raised his head to look at Murong Xue.

Murong Xue didn't speak, but nodded slightly.

"You can't even get in, how can you expect me to succeed?" Han Feng asked back.

"Your physical body is very strong, you can try it!" Murong Xue said.

Han Feng was silent, he didn't dare to try it rashly, if he was not careful, he would really die.

"After the matter is completed, I will exchange it with you for two top-quality medicines!" Murong Xue said with a flash of eyes, and suddenly said through voice transmission.

Han Feng's heart skipped a beat. The top-grade medicine is the twelfth-grade elixir, and the white lotus is no more than this level. Obviously, Murong Xue is determined to win the white lotus, so she actually gave such a bargaining chip.But after thinking about it, he shook his head and said with a smile: "Senior Sister, the conditions you offer are very attractive, but unfortunately I don't need the best medicine."

Murong Xue took a deep look at Han Feng, her tone was flat, and she asked through voice transmission, "Then what do you want?"

"One of your favors!" Han Feng grinned, and after finishing speaking, regardless of whether Murong Xue agreed, he rushed forward, and in a few breaths he went to the edge of the magma fire pool, where no one was standing, took out the A Fufeng Talisman rose into the sky, rushed into the fire pool, disappeared in a flash, and quickly flew to the center.

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