Lord of the Runes

Chapter 122 Fire Lotus

Looking at the scene in front of him, Han Feng couldn't help but feel a little weird. Isn't this secret world the medicine garden of Jianyun Villa?How could such a situation arise?Could it be that a great war took place here?

With many questions in mind, he slowed down and ran towards the center with a step of tens of feet.

Although the environment here is harsh, there are still many kinds of strange beasts living here, and the strange beasts that occasionally appear are extremely powerful.When Han Feng was passing by a bare mountain peak, there was a poisonous snake with a triangular head, red and yellow all over its body, suddenly sprang out from the dry sand and launched an attack. It was extremely fast, turning into a crippled Ying suddenly bit Han Feng.

With a clicking sound, it was stopped by Han Feng's purple body shield, but the white venom it spewed out actually corroded a puff of green smoke on the purple light of his body shield, continuously penetrating in.

Han Feng was startled, and immediately took out the broken sword, and cut it in two with a cold light.

The venomous snake rolled down on the gravel ground, the scarlet blood stained the gravel ground, but it was not completely dead, the part of its head rolled endlessly, suddenly ejected, and attacked Han Feng again.

"Huh!" Han Feng snorted heavily, and the purple light on his body shield unfolded, and a majestic force exploded, directly shaking it away, and the opponent flew more than ten feet away, and finally fell into a hot magma stream, melting Make a few wisps of black smoke, dead without a whole body.

He has encountered seven or eight such poisonous snakes since he entered this volcanic area. In addition, there are other strange beasts, most of which are small in size, but they are all extremely fast and highly poisonous. Ordinary monks with perfect Qi storage come here alone, and they really can't survive for too long.

Han Feng stopped thinking about it, put away the broken sword, and moved forward again.

Half an hour later, on the edge of a low mountain surrounded by magma, he found a strange flower. It grew on the edge of the magma river, and it was not disturbed by the billowing heat. It bloomed like a lotus. The whole body is bright red, exuding a unique fragrance, refreshing.

"Fire Lotus!" Han Feng immediately called out its name. It was also shown in Ye Yuntian's Cannian message, exactly as he said.

Han Feng was happy in his heart, but he didn't rush to pick them rashly. Instead, he released his soul power to check carefully, and then he crossed the zhang Xu wide magma river and came to the other side.

But just as he reached out to pick it, a red shadow suddenly shot out from the magma river and hit it straight, bringing a gust of strong wind that seemed to be substantial, covering a radius of several feet where he was.

Han Feng's face was calm and he didn't panic at all. He dodged sideways, raised his left hand, and punched out. He collided with the front and made a thunderous sound. The roar was endless, the energy flew up, the flames splashed, and the stones fell on the ground. The sand flew, leaving deep marks one after another, like cutting with a knife.

Fortunately, the fire lotus had its own protective body with fiery red rays of light. Although it swayed and swayed, it was blocked and not destroyed.

Han Feng was as stable as Mount Tai, motionless. On the other hand, the red shadow was blown away by the shock, but when he turned over, he landed firmly on the magma, floating and not moving, revealing its body. It was actually a red frog. Fist-sized, but slightly bulging eyes were black and bright, turning around, looking at Han Feng like a human being.

"Quack quack..."

It suddenly let out a cry, it seemed to be yelling at Han Feng, and it seemed to be telling something, and it didn't know what it meant.

Han Feng guessed that most of it was describing that this was its territory, and it was not allowed to trespass, otherwise it would not matter if it was shot or killed.

Han Feng naturally ignored the other party, and quickly took out the broken sword. Without further ado, he turned around and slashed towards the fire lotus, pulling out a sword glow that was about ten feet long, trying to break its own protective flame .

"call out!"

There was a sharp sound without warning, and a bloody arrow-like thing came in an instant and shot directly at Han Feng.

Han Feng was always on the lookout for the opponent, so naturally he wouldn't take it lightly. With one left hand, the purple light of the body shield immediately condensed into a shield, which became as big as Zhang Xu, blocking the opponent's blow.

bang bang bang...

There were several consecutive loud bangs, and a huge force came, his figure swayed slightly, and the sword light that was slashed out suddenly deflected, failed to hit the fire lotus, and fell on the side ground, leaving a trail deep ravine.

With a wrong foot, Han Feng stabilized his body. He looked sideways at the lava river, but his face showed surprise. It turned out that seven red frogs appeared there at some point, and one of them was bigger than the other frogs. His size was fully doubled, exuding a powerful aura that was incomparably powerful, no less than the extreme people he had seen before.

It turns out that there are so many powerful alien beasts guarding here, no wonder this fire lotus has not been picked by anyone for so many days!

But since he saw this fire lotus, he naturally wouldn't let it go so easily. He turned around and looked at the eight frogs head-on.

"Quack quack..."

The biggest frog was glowing red, and it was silent, but the seven frogs behind it were screaming non-stop, like thunder, resounding all over the field, and it could be heard hundreds of meters away.

Han Feng stared at the biggest frog vigilantly, and when he was about to strike first, a burst of red light suddenly shot out. The speed was so fast that lightning and flint were not enough to describe it. If it wasn't for the purple light on his body protecting him all the time, it condensed instantly. A purple light shield came out to block it, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable, but it was so, he was blown away several feet away, as if hit by a mountain, his whole body trembled, and the true energy in his body was turbulent .

The next moment, all the frogs stepped on the surface of the magma river, their bodies shone with light, they opened their mouths wide, and continuously spewed out streams of red light, all of them flew towards Han Feng.

Han Feng's soul power was concentrated, and this time he saw clearly what the red light was. It turned out to be objects formed by condensed magma, shaped like shuttles, and bombarded like cannonballs. The speed was not only as fast as lightning, And it was full of momentum, each one seemed to have a hundred thousand catties of strength, even if his defense was extremely strong, he was knocked out piece after piece of purple light.

After a while, Han Feng suffered dozens of magma bombs, and the purple light all over his body became dim, but he still didn't fall down. Instead, he held his breath and walked to the back of the fire lotus. , did not dare to continue firing, but a frog on the left failed to defend the attack, and shot a shot, which hit the flame of the fire lotus's body, causing it to shake immediately.


Han Feng snorted, took a deep breath, quickly stabilized his figure, took out the broken sword, and took the opportunity to slash at the fire lotus with lightning speed.


The flames of the fire lotus' body protection cracked in response to the sound, revealing its body.

Without further ado, Han Feng grabbed its branch, pulled it out with mud, and threw it into the storage ring containing the spiritual liquid in an instant. Then he kicked his feet, jumped back, and dodged a few shots. At the same time as the magma bomb, he fled towards the back of the mountain.

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