Han Feng didn't reach out to pick them up, the purple light shook them to the ground and landed beside the man, but nothing abnormal appeared.

Mo Shang's expression was as usual, as if he knew Han Feng would do this, he quietly looked up at Han Feng.

Han Feng didn't show any embarrassment at all. He stretched out his hand, and the five space storage bags fell into his hands. When the purple light was wrapped around them, they were refined, and his soul power immediately penetrated into it. There are pieces of spirit stones in the bags. Although they are only medium-grade spirit stones, the number is astonishing, no less than [-]. In total, there are nearly [-] medium-grade spirit stones, which is not a small fortune. up.Of course, in addition to spirit stones, there are also many elixir, although they are only at the fourth to sixth level, but they are also a huge fortune in the outside world.

"That's all?" Han Feng said indifferently.

"To be honest, we have allocated some talismans and talisman vessels, but they have basically been consumed. I can swear to God!" Mo Shang said hastily.

"I have a lot of these things, and I'm not a rarity!" Han Feng said with a straight face, "Tell me, what good will you do me if I keep you here!"

"There are many benefits. I can accompany you to the Red Flame Valley, help you avoid unnecessary troubles, and help you search for information in advance to help you obtain that treasure as soon as possible! In addition, after going out, I can still be used by you, the Linglong Hall where I am is dedicated to betraying all kinds of news, and my younger brother is not talented, so he can still get along in Linglong Hall, he is so thin!" Mo Shang's eyes lit up, Said quickly.

"Oh, tell me, what information do you know about Scarlet Flame Valley now?" Han Feng asked casually with a flash of his eyes.

"Now, many extreme people, including the four major sects, have gathered there, but the ape king of Red Flame Valley led many fire apes to block the river of flames, unable to make any progress, unable to land on Red Flame Island, This situation has been going on for several days!" Mo Shang said.

"How is it possible, the four major sects are so powerful, and there are disciples from other sects, how can they be stopped by a group of strange beasts?! Don't lie to me!" Han Feng stared.

"Don't dare, dare not." Mo Shang shook his head hurriedly, and quickly explained: "Don't underestimate those fire apes, each adult fire ape has a strength of [-] catties, and is good at fire attacks, which is completely comparable to some low-level The so-called Tianjiao of the sect. Adult fire apes are also divided into three levels. The first is the red-haired fire ape, which has the worst strength. There are more than a hundred silver-haired adult fire apes. As for the third ape king, it is a golden-haired fire ape. Some people estimate that in our realm, it has already broken through the limit of power, with millions of divine power, each punch can smash a hill, it can be said that it alone can resist the might of a group of extreme people. The Great Sect has its own ghosts, and they are not in harmony at all. Under the obstruction of it and many adult fire apes, they will naturally not be able to succeed! Maybe when more extreme people rush over, it is possible to break the deadlock!"

Han Feng pondered for a while, thought for a while, and then asked: "Red Flame Valley, how far is it from here?"

Mo Shang quietly waited for Han Feng's reply, but he didn't expect to be asked such a question. He couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then reacted, and quickly said: "At my speed, there are still four days to go."

"Okay, I see, you guys go!" Han Feng waved his hand and said calmly.

Mo Shang was stunned for a moment, as if he had misheard, he asked hesitantly, "Shouldn't the five of us take you to Scarlet Flame Valley?"

Han Feng shook his head, his figure swayed, and he left in an instant. His voice came from a distance: "It seems that you are still loyal, so let's bypass you this time! Remember, accept it when you see it. Otherwise, next time you won’t be as lucky as this time!”

Mo Shang stayed on the spot, and the other four also looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

After a long time, Mo Shang stood up abruptly, quickly put an escape talisman hidden in his hand into the space storage bag, stomped his feet fiercely, and said in a low voice: "Go!" Going to the forest behind, it seemed that he had followed Han Feng's suggestion and stopped staying here to block the way and rob, but he didn't go to Scarlet Flame Valley either, so he didn't know where he was going.

The other four followed closely behind, and within a few flashes, they also disappeared.

After this delay, Han Feng had completely lost sight of the three members of Yuxianzong.Fortunately, along the way, apart from the three of them rushing to the long-famous Scarlet Flame Valley, there were also monks from other sects rushing there. He was worried about how to get to Scarlet Flame Valley, which was one of the reasons why he didn't need the five people to lead the way.

Of course, as there are more and more monks around, the frictions between various sects and sects also increase. It is radiant.

Han Feng was alone, and he became the target of oppression by many sects, but they all stole chickens and lost nothing. They were beaten up by Han Feng until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen. Instead, they lost their own space storage bags. He made a dowry for Han Feng!Even some monks who were too vicious were shot to death by Han Feng without mercy.

As time passed, Han Feng also fell in love with this kind of business. He would appear in crowded places, pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, and blackmail those monks who don't have eyes.

But after the second day, his business could no longer continue. The monks in the surrounding tens of miles on this road have spread his reputation of black belly. Let's start, lest we can't avoid it.

Han Feng had no choice but to give up, and he didn't dare to rob them blatantly. If so, it might cause public outrage. No matter how powerful he is, he would never dare to do so recklessly.

He turned to a more remote place to avoid those monks. Anyway, he found out from a team that robbed him the previous time and knew how to get to Red Flame Valley.

Time passed, and another half day passed. Han Feng's speed was naturally much faster. After a day and a half, he finally arrived at the area where Scarlet Flame Valley was located.

It turned out that this place was actually a place where a large area of ​​volcanoes gathered. The magma was flowing and the smoke was soaring into the sky.

In the sky, some areas are filled with smog, which is densely packed, completely covering the radiance of the cold moon. From time to time, dull thunder sounds from inside the smoke cloud, and occasionally one or two glaring lightning strikes, passing through, in the thick Circles of white light appeared at the bottom of the dark clouds.

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