Lord of the Runes

Chapter 101 Reappearance

Han Feng's face was haggard after repeated battles, and he didn't know what to do for a while. He tried to forcefully break through the opponent's defense with speed, but he was not sure of dodging the lightning attack of these two poisonous snakes. At the same time, he picked off the Jiudongmei plant in the middle .Unless it has a speed far exceeding the speed of sound and can approach silently, it may be successful.But he no longer had the Wind Wing Talisman on him, even if he had it, it would be too powerful, as evidenced by the tragic scene of the blue-robed man just now.

Moreover, he didn't know if there was anything special about this Jiudongmei. If it was also highly poisonous, wouldn't it be a dead end? !After all, Ye Yuntian did not describe this great medicine in detail, but only exhibited a three-dimensional and dynamic pattern about it, briefly introducing its name, shape and preservation method.

Han Feng had no choice but to turn to the remnant talisman in the depths of the soul sea, and kept calling secretly, but there was no response for a long time, and he didn't know what it was up to.

Han Feng sighed and gave up for now.


Suddenly, the blue-robed man lying on the ground let out a hoarse scream, then his eyes turned white, black blood spit out from his mouth, and he lost his breath.

The three-legged tripod that surrounded him and guarded it fell to the ground with a bang, and quickly shrunk to the size of a bowl. Like a dead object, it remained motionless and did not emit any radiance.

Han Feng's eyes flashed, he stopped hesitating, walked over silently, released his true energy, suddenly wrapped around the three-legged tripod, grabbed it, and held it in his hand, he didn't resist at all, but no matter how much he stimulated his true energy There was no response to the sacrifice of soul power, it was like turning into a waste with no spirituality.

Han Feng studied it for a while, but it didn't work, so he simply put it in the storage ring and pondered it later when he had time.Then he turned his head to look at the body of the man in the blue robe. In just a short while, the body of the other party had turned into a pus-filled thing, with yellow and black things gushing out from time to time, making palpitations, making Han feel palpitating. Feng was a little more afraid of the poison of the two poisonous snakes beside Jiu Dongmei. Fortunately, their poison could not attack from a distance, otherwise he would have been hit by accident when he was fighting them just now.

In no time, his body completely turned into a puddle of pus, gradually drying up under the gust of wind, but his clothes, storage ring, and the magic staff on the ground were not damaged at all, and rolled away with the wind.

Han Feng hastily used his true energy, absorbed it from the air, stretched out his right hand emitting a faint golden light, grabbed the staff and its storage ring, and chanted the spell silently, a ball of fire emerged without warning, covering them The fingers burned blazingly, burning all the dirt attached to them, and then released the soul power to sacrifice slowly. After a while, the refining was successful. The first time it penetrated into the storage ring, I was shocked Jump, this guy's net worth is actually more than that of Qiu Tianyi who returned to Yuanjing, not to mention anything else, the internal space of this storage ring is about twice as large, and the value is more than three times higher.

Two piles of spirit stones were placed in one of the small spaces, one large and one small, and the small pile of spiritual light shone in all directions, and they were all high-grade spirit stones, no less than a hundred.And that large pile of spirit stones are all middle-grade spirit stones, tens of thousands.

In addition, there are all kinds of panacea and all kinds of talisman weapons and swords, which are placed in various categories in the inner space, but there are almost no spiritual materials grown in this world, let alone great medicines. People look down on ordinary elixir, and they have just entered this world not long ago.

Han Feng couldn't take his eyes off it, but it was inconvenient to check it carefully at this time. After a while, he withdrew from the storage ring, glanced at the magic staff in his hand, threw it into it, and then put away the storage ring. object ring.

He turned around and glanced at Jiu Dongmei from afar, not daring to think about it anymore, and instead picked other elixir in the vicinity.

Two or three hours passed quickly. Han Feng walked around in a big circle, visited the surrounding area for more than ten miles, found dozens of various types of elixir, and threw them into the space storage bag all at once. In the middle, he tried to rush to the snow mountain above, but when he went deep into the slope for a distance of thousands of feet, the cold wind there was even more violent, carrying bowl-sized hailstones, pounding, even if he resisted with the golden light of the body, it would be more powerful. Feeling strenuous, persisted for a while, then felt powerless, did not dare to be brave, and retreated.

After several twists and turns, he returned to the area where Jiu Dongmei was. After all, it was a great medicine, so he still missed it deep in his heart, so he came back here for no reason.Anyway, the aura of heaven and earth here is much stronger than that in the forest, and it is far away from people, without being disturbed, there are all benefits and no harm.

Han Feng hid at the edge of this area. After taking a few Huiyuan Pills, he jumped onto a big tree, sat cross-legged, breathed silently, adjusted his breath, and recovered his energy.

Time passed, and another two or three hours passed. Han Feng opened his eyes, feeling refreshed. He stood up, stretched his limbs, looked up at the snow-capped mountains in the distance, and wondered what he was thinking.He looked at it for a while, and then locked his eyes on the location of Jiu Dongmei, but it was hazy and he couldn't see clearly unless he unfolded his soul power to look closely.

"Hehe, I finally found you!"

Suddenly, a joyful voice reached Han Feng's ears, frightening him into a panic, he jumped off the big tree in a panic, rushed into the snowy slope, and walked forward with difficulty against the strong wind.

This is the voice of the round-faced girl!

Sure enough, with a flash of white light, two beautiful figures appeared above the forest at some point, hanging out of nowhere, with long hair flying, they were the two peerless beauties that Han Feng had met before.

The round-faced girl is holding a fist-sized emerald green mouse in both hands, and her left hand is stroking its soft hair from time to time, but she can't see what kind of expression it is, only it squints its eyes, and occasionally opens its mouth to yawn. .

"Are you trying to play tricks on him again?" the girl with the oval face said helplessly.

"Hee hee, it's fun like this." The round-faced girl said with a playful smile.

In fact, they could have approached Han Feng silently and captured him without making a sound in advance, but the round-faced girl is playful by nature and just likes to play tricks on people, so she sounded a warning to Han Feng in advance.

"Anyway, he can't escape, what are you afraid of?" The round-faced girl was full of confidence, and suddenly released her soul power, covering a radius of [-] zhang in an instant, more than half stronger than Han Feng.

"Hey, there are three Jiudongmei trees in there!" The round-faced girl's eyes lit up suddenly, and she said to herself.

"Oh, Jiudongmei is a twelfth-level elixir, which is very useful for breaking through the bottleneck of the alchemy realm, especially its toxin is unique, even in our Jiuxiao Palace, it is a rare thing. I can't give it to others!" The melon-faced girl's expression became serious for the first time, and she immediately pulled the round-faced girl into the snowy slope area.

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