Lord of the Runes

Chapter 100 Snake Venom

The blue-robed man's face changed slightly, and he murmured secretly: "What kind of body training technique is this, so powerful!" But he still didn't give up, and suddenly took out a talisman, concentrating his soul power, pouring it into it continuously, In the blink of an eye, this talisman was pushed away by it, and the gust of wind gathered behind it, and it spread out suddenly, turning into two wind wings.

Suddenly it was the fifth-grade talisman, the wind wing talisman!

The next moment, the wings on his back flapped, and he disappeared for an instant. All the violent wind and snow were swept away by him. In an instant, he passed Han Feng and rushed to the area where Jiu Dongmei was roaring.

Han Feng was in a hurry, but there was nothing he could do. He was knocked away a few steps by the strong wind brought by the opponent, and managed to stabilize his figure. He could only watch helplessly as the opponent snatched away Jiu Dongmei. After all, the three Wind Wing Talismans on him It has been exhausted, and there are only three fifth-grade talismans left at this moment, but they are all defensive and attack attributes.

The man laughed loudly, waved the staff in his hand, and the blue light flashed suddenly. He was able to control the wind wings behind him to close instantly, and landed in front of Jiu Dongmei proudly. He immediately stretched out his hand to pick it, and even He did not forget to look up at Han Feng provocatively.

But at this moment, Jiu Dongmei, who was about a foot high on the left and right sides, suddenly swayed, and suddenly turned into two small snakes, which shot out like lightning, opened their mouths at the same time, and bit the person on the left and right. On the protruding wrist, he immediately retreated to the side of the Jiudongmei in the middle, guarding it tightly.


The man screamed, and hurriedly retreated, retreating tens of feet away immediately, manipulating the wind wings behind him to wrap around himself, resisting the stormy wind and snow from the sky, but his left wrist instantly turned black, and kept going upwards. Even if he tried his best to mobilize his true energy to stop it, he couldn't stop the invasion of the toxin.

He hastily took out bottles of pills and poured them into his mouth like spirit stones, but it was of no avail. The toxin was extremely domineering, ignoring all his defenses, and continued to squirm and invade his arm, just a few breaths Time, it seemed that it was about to pass his wrist joint and advance towards his elbow.

That man was also a decisive person. Seeing that the situation was not going well, he suddenly raised his right hand and pointed it like a knife, condensing a scorching light. With a swipe, he slashed on his left hand. With a slap, his left wrist responded. Landing on the ground, without the support of his true energy, the detached wrist turned into a puddle of pus in an instant, alternating black and yellow, so disgusting.

He looked at the extremely flat fracture of his left hand, his face was extremely pale, he was in a trance for a while, and then suddenly raised his head and roared, the sound shook the whole field.

"It's all you, it's all you, it's all your fault!" The man looked at Han Feng sharply and roared angrily.

Han Feng was a little speechless, but he wasn't one to swallow his anger. He immediately sneered and said, "It's really a poor person who must have something to hate. It's clear that those two poisonous snakes are the culprit. You're blaming me!"

"You..." The man became angry from embarrassment, his soul power suddenly unfolded, he manipulated a fan of the wind behind him, the gust of wind rose suddenly, and he rushed to Han Feng in an instant, holding the staff in his right hand, and suddenly condensed blue lightsabers, counting by ten Counting several feet long, he slashed at Han Feng with his head covered his face. In a short while, even the strong wind around him scattered away.

Han Feng was fearless, as soon as he thought about it, his whole body released a scorching golden light, transforming into golden shields one after another, and uninterruptedly received these blue lightsabers, with bang bang and flying with vigor.

"Huh!" The blue-robed man let out a cold snort from his nostrils, and the wind flapped behind him, instantly circled behind Han Feng, and once again condensed a large blue lightsaber, drowning it.

Han Feng's whole body was filled with golden light, and he caught them all without any injuries. He was so angry that the opponent changed direction one after another and launched fierce attacks around him. From a distance, it was like a sea of ​​blue swords that was higher and higher than the other. A golden reef washed by the wind is spectacular.

However, no matter how the blue sea of ​​swords washes away, the golden reef cannot be wiped away. Even though it is made smaller, it also makes it more resplendent.

"See how long you can last!" The blue-robed man suddenly opened his mouth and spat out a foreign object, which swelled in the wind, shrouded in red light, and only after a while did he reveal his body. The whole body was iron red, and with a single thought, this person slammed towards Han Feng's side.


A loud noise spread in all directions.

Han Feng's golden light swayed for a while, and he could vaguely see his whole body trembling. It seemed that he had suffered tremendous pressure from the blow just now, and his face seemed to turn a little pale.

"Haha, watch my Spirit Repelling Cauldron break your vajra body!" As the man said, he was about to manipulate this treasure to break through Han Feng's golden light body again.

But when he mobilized his soul power again, a little black spot suddenly appeared on the broken part of his left hand, and then his entire arm also appeared with such spots, and then his face, and in a blink of an eye, his whole body was covered with black spots. Covering such black spots, and extremely itchy, the newly condensed soul power dissipated in an instant, and the blue sword light in the sky also disappeared. On the ground, luckily the three-legged tripod was still emitting a faint red light to protect him, preventing the surrounding wind from tearing it to pieces.

Han Feng was stunned for a moment, and then he was greatly relieved. He thought for a moment, tried to run over, and took the opportunity to kill the other party, but seeing that the cauldron was still firmly guarding his body, after careful consideration, he did not act rashly. It's not worthwhile for the other party to fight back when they are dying.He turned his attention to Jiudongmei not far away, and found that the two poisonous snakes beside him had once again turned into two Jiudongmeis with the same breath, which was really unrecognizable.

He braved the strong wind and snow, walked forward quickly, took the last step, stood still more than 20 feet away, raised his fist, and suddenly blasted a golden fist shadow, rushing to Jiu Dongmei in an instant, who was about to Blast it into powder, and the poisonous snakes on both sides of it transformed again, each spewing out a ball of snow-white light, and turned into two light arrows at the same time, breaking through his golden light fist shadow in one fell swoop, and shooting towards him, the speed was extremely fast, almost With a flash of white light, it came to him.

Han Feng was slightly startled, and dodged. Who would have thought that the two poisonous snakes would shoot out such arrows of light continuously, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of arrows of light would shoot one after another, blocking all his dodging routes.

Han Feng flipped his hands, the golden light shone endlessly, and the shadows of his fists flew across, resisting the incoming light arrows from time to time, making violent collisions and roaring continuously.

It wasn't until Han Feng retreated thirty feet back that the two poisonous snakes stopped attacking. It seemed that thirty feet was Jiu Dongmei's absolute domain.

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