host country

Chapter 419 Sunny is also a scene, rain is also a scene

Yu Xian immediately felt a little unreasonable.

If Guo Jia had noticed the big hole, it shouldn't have been done like this.

Now that he's not wronged deeply, he may try hard to survive, and there is still room for redemption.

Guo Jia, as the most intelligent person in the world, will never reach the level of "since he has already gone against the sky, then make a mistake to the end".

Zhang Lu shook his head when he heard the words, "I can't decide about the little girl."

Guo Jia's eyes moved slightly, and he glanced at Yu Xian.

Yu Xian immediately straightened his waist.


Don't think about it.

Accepting this guy as a disciple, he will probably follow the robbery in the future, Yu Xian is not that hard to think about it.

I heard Guo Jia say to Zhang Lu in a deep voice, "Teacher, I have a secret matter to discuss with you, can I let the idlers leave first?"


Yu Xian was angry.

Waiting for idlers? !

He was about to scold him when he heard Zhang Lu say, "Huh? Is this important?"

Guo Jia pursed her slender lips, and said seriously, "If I, Guo Fengxiao, say something, maybe there will be a bloody storm in Shu."

Zhang Lu frowned upon hearing this.

"Since this is the case, Pindao is not a person who does not know the importance, Yu Xian, you should step down first."

Although Yu Xian was not reconciled, he could only retreat disgruntled.

In his mind, all he could think about was the deep meaning of Guo Jia's actions.

When he got outside the hall, Bai Yunzi was still waiting there.

Seeing Yu Xian coming out, he asked with some doubts on his face, "Just now the head teacher seems to have used the method of the primordial spirit coming out of the body. I don't know why and where did he come?"

Yu Xian replied, "For Guo Jia's affairs, the head teacher went to Yuzhou."

"Oh? How did this matter turn out?"

Yu Xian really couldn't bear to harm the teacher's reputation, so he could only say, "It seems that there is no major problem."

Bai Yunzi nodded when he heard the words, and asked again, "Will you continue to wait for your nephew, or find a cave to rest."

Yu Xian naturally wanted to know what kind of tricks Guo Jia was playing.

Immediately said, "I'll just wait here for a while."

Bai Yunzi smiled after hearing this, "Since that's the case, then the poor Taoist will go back to the cave to practice."

After finishing speaking, he leisurely left.

As soon as Bai Yunzi left, the sacrificial wine named Yan Pu looked at Yu Xian and said with a smile, "It's boring to wait, why don't you and I play a game of chess?"

Yu Xian knew that this guy was Zhang Lu's confidant, so he couldn't refuse.

Although his chess skills are poor, he can only bite the bullet.

The two sat on the square stone in front of the hall, and after less than a stick of incense, they both knew each other's level well.

Yu Xian is a match for dishes, and Yan Pu is a match for chess.

The two struck out with heavy fists, killing happily, and both felt that they cherished each other.

Unknowingly, after more than an hour, Yu Xian stretched himself, and suddenly realized that Guo Jia hadn't come out yet.

Yu Xian looked at Heming Palace with some surprise.

What did Guo Jia say that fascinated Zhang Lu so much?

Yu Xian was distracted, Yan Pu was about to urge him, when he suddenly turned to look at Shandao.

"Hey, why is little master here?"

Yu Xian turned his head and looked together.

A girl with a red leather gourd on her waist was walking quickly from the mountain road, she was getting closer, she glanced at the two of them, and said in surprise, "Yu Xian!"

It was Zhang Lu's beloved daughter Zhang Qiying who came.

The two went to Baishi Mountain together to compete with the Wugui disciples there. Yu Xian also learned a lot of Wugui Dao knowledge from her, so it can be said that they are good friends.

Yu Xian was also a little happy to see Zhang Qiying, and immediately felt a little bit in his heart.

Then he asked, "Senior Sister, what are you doing here?"

Zhang Qiying heard the words and said with a smile, "Half an hour ago, my father Yuanshen came to me and said that he had found a disciple for me and asked me to come to accept him. Unexpectedly, I, Zhang Qiying, now have my own disciple. Haha, Ha ha ha ha--"

Yu Xian frowned.

this is.

Zhang Lu agreed to Guo Jia's request?

Judging from Zhang Lu's previous remarks, it seems that he does not intend to interfere with Zhang Qiying's future inheritance. How could his attitude change drastically this time, and Zhang Qiying took the initiative to accept disciples?

Yu Xian was puzzled, but he had to remind Zhang Qiying.

"Senior Sister, I know a little about the apprentice you want to accept. He has unfinished disasters. If you accept him, I'm afraid you will be implicated."

Zhang Qiying was startled when she heard the words, "Is that so? Does my father know?"

Yu Xian was not sure how much Guo Jia had explained to Zhang Lu, so he could only say, "Maybe he knows, maybe he doesn't."

The communication between the two was not deliberately kept secret, and Yu Xian also deliberately reminded Zhang Lu.

But after speaking, there was no movement in the hall.

Zhang Qiying looked at the main hall and said with a smile, "I guess my father has his own ideas."

Yu Xian was helpless, but he couldn't change anything.

When Zhang Qiying entered the Heming Palace, Yu Xian became absent-minded when playing chess.

He no longer had any luck.

Guo Jia's level is right there, when he gave Cao Cao a bloodbath, Cao Cao dared to go shopping with Yuan Shao when he was at a big disadvantage.If Xu You hadn't sold Yuan Shao at a critical moment, Cao Cao would have died in that wave.

Yan Pu looked at Yu Xian with a smile, and pointed to the chessboard, "Should we continue?"

Yu Xian gave up, "I can't. I'll go down the mountain after a while. There must be a reason for Guo Jia's ability to persuade the head teacher. Now my mind is not on this, let him go."

For Yu Xian now, the most important problem is to solve the demon Ban Lan who has entangled him.

The matter of Heming Taoist Palace is nothing compared to this.

Especially after knowing the origin of Shu, Yu Xian became more determined in his mind.

Yan Pu put away the chess pieces and said with a smile, "Then you go."

Yu Xian looked at the sun to the west, and asked Yan Pu with a smile, "Sacrifice the wine and do the math for me, how is the moonlight tonight?"

Yan Pu laughed, "Sunshine is also a scene, rain is also a scene, let's go."

Yu Xian cupped his hands, turned and left.

As soon as we arrived at the foot of Heming Mountain, the sky was completely dark.

Yu Xian led the horse and walked out of the mountain gate slowly.

When traveling in the first half of the night, the moonlight is like washing, and the fields are silvery white.

When traveling in the second half of the night, the wind and rain were precarious, like weeping and complaining.

Sure enough, it's all scenery.

Yu Xian walked unhurriedly for a few days and arrived at Jiange Pass.

When the demon peach saw Yu Xian, the peach branches swayed slightly, and the tree was full of peach blossoms again.

Yu Xian smiled, "That person is no longer here."

But there was still a strong wind blowing, blowing all the fallen peach blossoms into the Jiange.

Yu Xian inquired with Wang Lei, who stayed behind, and learned that the Yizhou army had moved their camp to Jiameng Pass, and now the army was attacking Baishui Pass in turn.

"Then how did the Langzhong rebels deal with it?"

Yu Xian had a history of collaborating with the enemy before, so Wang Lei hesitated before saying, "The Langzhong rebels have already fled south, and they are heading towards Jiangzhou by water."

The deployment of the Yizhou Army was mainly to prevent the Langzhong rebels from going north to join up with the Jiameng Pass defenders, but they did not take too many precautions in the south.

The city wall of Anhan along the way is strong enough to hold on, and Jiangzhou in the south also has a small navy that can be used.

If this rebel army, which has completely run out of supplies, goes south, it may not last long before it will face collapse.

There are many barbarian commanders in Berkshire itself, so how could they sit back and watch these routs harm their territory.

The Yizhou army didn't even need to take action themselves, they could just sit back and watch the rebel army perish.

After hearing this, Yu Xian didn't take it seriously.

According to historical records, Ren Qi eventually rebelled.

Although there is some deviation in time at this moment, with the introduction of Chen Chao, maybe Ren Qi will be able to make up his mind soon.

If Ren Qi, the prefect of Qianwei, made a move, Jia Long would never sit idly by.

If Liu Yan can't quickly inflict heavy damage on the Hanzhong army, making them lose their ability to counterattack, then the rebellion within Yizhou is likely to put the Yizhou army in a dilemma.

Yu Xian didn't ask too many questions, and asked directly, "Zhou Mu asked me to do something for Tsing Yi Captain Dong Fu, do you know where Dong Fu is?"

If you can see Liu Yan, you can't see Liu Yan, so as not to embarrass each other.

It's just that Dong Fu is a little tricky, and he doesn't know if the next task will be troublesome or not.

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