host country

0418 See words as faces

Zhang Lu's primordial spirit leaped in the air, unafraid of the harsh wind, and passed out of Yizhou in a blink of an eye.

Where the heart moved, he headed towards Yuzhou.

Although the movement of Yuanshen out of the body is fast, it also has great restrictions.

If there is no corresponding Shinto tablet, or the welcoming ceremony, it is easy to find the possessed object, and can only turn around at an extremely fast speed.

Fortunately, although Taoism has failed in the court, it has always had a wide audience and foundation.

Heming Taoist Palace took the opportunity to deploy people in Taoist temples in some key states and counties.

A family in Yingchuan has enshrined a tablet with the words "Mysterious and mysterious, the gate of all wonders" all the year round.

Zhang Lu's Yuanshen used this as a beacon for positioning.

In just a moment, Zhang Lu's divine sense was attached to the tablet.

The characters "Mysterious and mysterious, the gate of all wonders" were lit up one by one, and Zhang Lu Shi, who was wearing a brocade-patterned Taoist robe, stepped down from the memorial tablet. Although his body was not solid, if he didn't look carefully, he wouldn't be able to notice anything.

The hut was dim and dusty everywhere, and it had been unused for a long time.

Zhang Lu was about to go out to ask this family, when he heard someone laughing from a distance, "The headmaster came here in a mighty way, so majestic, do you really think that there is no one in the Central Plains?"

Zhang Lu paused after hearing the words, stepped forward and Shi Shiran opened the door.

The old door panel shook and made a "squeaky" sound.

However, there was no one outside the door.

Zhang Lu was slightly stunned, his eyes fell on a long table outside the door.

There are four letters lying flat on it.

Each of the four envelopes has a name written on it.

"Zhong Yuanchang", "Xun Wenruo", "Chen Changwen", "Xu Yuanzhi".

I don't know how long these envelopes have been here, they are full of traces of wind and sun, even the paper pages are slightly burnt, and the handwriting is slightly blurred.

However, these four letters were placed neatly as they were just placed, as if the weight on them could not be shaken by any wind or rain.

Zhang Lu's face changed, it's too bad, he's been tricked.

Just as Zhang Lu glanced over the four letters, a faint light slowly appeared on the envelopes.

Immediately, four almost transparent human figures manifested, standing on the envelope.

These four people are of different ages, some are middle-aged and elegant, and some are young and vigorous.The same is that they all looked at Zhang Lu confidently, as if they were looking at prey caught in a trap.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Lu couldn't help but praise,

"See the words like faces! What a brilliant technique!"

The Confucian standing on Zhong Yuanchang's envelope clasped his hands and said with a smile, "It's just a little trick to teach the wrong praise."

Zhang Lu looked at Zhong Yuanchang carefully, and said with emotion, "There are indeed many talents in the Central Plains, and I am not as good as Xishu."

See the word as the face.

It's just a greeting when writing a letter.

Unexpectedly, Zhong Yuanchang realized such a miraculous method in this language.

This person's future is unlimited.

The young scholar standing on the three-character envelope of "Xu Yuanzhi" stared at Zhang Lu, and asked unceremoniously, "How can the head teacher not practice in the mountains, how can he trespass in this secular place?"

Zhang Lu was not angry when he heard this, and said with a smile, "Just strolling around."

Another [-]-year-old scholar named "Chen Changwen" said politely, "This Central Plains is easy to enter, but I'm afraid it will be difficult to leave."

Zhang Lu didn't answer, but asked curiously, "Where was the person who spoke when the poor Taoist came?"

"Xun Wenruo" replied, "Mr. Shui Jing has a visitor today, and he felt something in his heart, so he greeted the head teacher. In case others think that I, Yingchuan Academy, lack manners."

Although the words are polite, they are neither humble nor overbearing, with the determination to be courteous before fighting.

Zhang Lu came here to inquire about Guo Jia's roots, only the Yuanshen came out of his body here.

Now that he was seen through by the onlookers when he first arrived, he naturally knew that things would be difficult.

Zhang Lu said with a smile, "Poverty Dao comes here when it rises, and returns when it's exhausted. Who can do anything to me."

Saying that, the primordial spirit soared into the sky like a long rainbow, and headed west.

Those four faint phantoms hurriedly beat the Confucianism that had been secretly prepared to the figure.

It's just that Zhang Lu's Yuanshen is extremely fast, and they don't know if they have made meritorious deeds.

Just as Zhang Lu's Yuanshen was running away, in a back garden dozens of miles away, two old men who were playing chess looked at the sky at the same time.

One of them glanced at it and tapped it in the lotus pond beside him.

The sparkling pool immediately became smooth as a mirror, reflecting the departing rainbow.

The other chess player saw it, clapped his hands and laughed, "This Lu dared to come to Zhongzhou with his soul out of his body. He really underestimated the heroes of the world."

While speaking, the long rainbow has gone away at an extremely fast speed and disappeared.

However, on the smooth mirror reflection in the pool, there is still a long rainbow soaring into the sky.

The man said again, "Brother Decao, you are worthy of the name of Shuijing."

Sima Decao laughed, "I've been calculating Zhang Lu for some time, but I never thought that today I could win a move."

Then Sima Decao ordered his servants to say, "The gate of this courtyard will be sealed later, and no one is allowed to enter."

The two boys who were serving at the side quickly responded.


In Heming Palace.

Zhang Luyuan's spirit came out of his body, and Yu Xian was beside him to protect the Dharma.

While lamenting that the boss is awesome, while thinking about it leisurely, I don't know what it would be like to have the soul out of the body.

It's a pity that he has already laid the Dao foundation, and he followed Zhongxuanzi to practice the power of the five elements and cultivate the energy of longevity.

If there is no accident, there should be no chance for this path.

Yu Xian guarded Zhang Lu's body for a while, and suddenly his brain opened.

The primordial spirit coming out of the body is like a person going to the sky, what if at this moment, he enters Zhang Lu's sea of ​​consciousness with Zhou Gong's dream-entering technique?

Will you travel thousands of miles with the head teacher?


This idea seemed to have opened Pandora's box, and the more Yu Xian thought about it, the more itchy he felt.

Or, try?

But what if the teacher is killed like this?

Yu Xian was struggling in his heart when suddenly a tyrannical power of primordial spirit came from afar.

Yu Xian hurriedly sat upright, with piercing eyes, as a loyal guardian.

That tyrannical primordial spirit rushed into Heming Palace fiercely.

A gust of wind blew in, and a lot of sand and dust were involved, and even the burning oil lamp shook.

Then Zhang Lu slowly opened his eyes, his face was full of exhaustion.

Yu Xian quickly asked, "Why did the head teacher come back so quickly? Did the trip go smoothly?"

He asked in his mouth, but there was some judgment in his heart.

It should be not going well, otherwise it will take some time to find someone to inquire about.

How long has this taken now?

Zhang Lu shook his head when he heard the words, and sighed, "Hey, I was plotted against. As soon as I went, I was blocked by people, and four people surrounded me."

Yu Xian, "...."

Yu Xian really couldn't figure out what kind of picture this is.

Looking at Zhang Lu's sullen look.

Yu Xian could only worry about it, "Headmaster..., are you alright?"

Zhang Lu sighed again, "It's a bit of a disadvantage."

Yu Xian was really drunk.

Inquired about the news and was bullied.

Boss, don't you want to lose face?

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