Yu Xian was in an extremely bad mood.

Although the story of the first witch clan was bizarre, it was still within his guess.

——The Nanchuan Ghost King, who had been tortured like hell, finally relieved the burden of guardianship after his younger sister Wu Yan regained her freedom.

The eldest brother Bashan Ghost King who came to the rescue ended his nightmare life with his own hands.

Nanchuan Ghost King has lived enough.

But the god has not forgotten her servant...

Not long after the Nanchuan Ghost King died, his soul was inexplicably detained, guarding near the corpse and continuing to praise God.

In order to take away the soul of his second brother, the Bashan ghost king did not hesitate to destroy all his cultivation, and re-contracted the starving ghost contract that the Nanchuan ghost king had transformed into.

The originally unrestrained Bashan Ghost King has since become a glutton.

as he said.

Whenever he thinks of the god's gift to his younger brother, he will be extremely hungry...

Yu Xian's complexion was cloudy and uncertain.

With a shake of both arms, an endless stream of power is self-generated.

The endless physical strength made him like a tiger wolf, like a leopard, capable of biting and biting the most powerful warriors, and running down the horse Zhang Liao was riding.

and this……

It is also a gift from God.

Yu Xian felt as if he had stepped into a deep well, dark and bottomless.

Seeing that Yu Xian was silent, Bashan Ghost King knew that what he said to him was enough to touch him.

No matter what the relationship between Yu Xian and the god behind him is, both parties must have a basis for cooperation.

Looking at the dead war horse, his throat squirmed, he simply ignored Yu Xian, pulled out the dagger from his waist, and cut the dead war horse's throat.

Bashan Ghost King raised his robe sleeve with one hand, put his mouth on the horse's neck and swallowed blood continuously.

Eating and eating, a happy and satisfied smile appeared on his face.

From time to time, he said softly, "Eat, eat."

Yu Xian looked at it for a while, then jumped off the horse.

Use the back of your finger to lightly rest on the side of Bashan Ghost King's neck.

With a light touch, he immediately stopped.

Bashan Ghost King was not angry at Yu Xian's reckless behavior, but raised his bloody face and asked calmly, "What are you thinking?"

Yu Xian was silent for a while, and replied honestly, "I'm thinking, there must be enough awe for the unknown."

Bashan Ghost King looked relieved.

After a while, I said, "Very good. Since you are smart enough, I can ask Wu Yan to continue talking with you."

Then he stood up and shook his blood-stained robe.

Yu Xian glanced at the Yizhou army who were making a fuss around him, signaling to continue marching.

Bashan Ghost King changed his horse.

The two still walked side by side.

"A gift from the gods?" Yu Xian pursed his lips lightly, thinking to himself, "Perhaps, it's not that there is no way to solve it."

When he was in Luoyang, his evil disciple Sun Diaochan once used an evil method to steal that endless power from him!

Although it caused her own destiny to fall into the pink maze, and the country fell into the city, the country fell into the city, but the price was rewarded.

Because the power of the silver gourd was almost exhausted, Banlan was unable to continue to make up the gift, but Yu Xian recovered this power from the "mysterious wooden box".

Then if you find that beautiful and wicked grandson, let her absorb this power without leaving a drop.

Then replace it with the power of the "mysterious wooden box", will it be possible to eliminate this hidden danger while retaining the power of the mother?

It's just that the matter in Hanzhong is over now, and I can't find Diao Chan, the evil grandson, for a while.

Some messy things appeared in Yu Xian's mind from time to time.

God willing.



And monsters.

Bashan Ghost King watched for a long time, and asked slowly, "What are you thinking?"

Yu Xian didn't hide it from him, facing this ally who was suspected of having the same illness, he slowly said some words he got from Chong Xuanzi.

"I've heard people say that gods are hoes, knives and axes, bells and chimes, and tools for defecation."

"Huh?" Bashan Ghost King's expression became serious.

After a while, Yu Xian was not seen continuing to speak.

He looked over wonderingly, and saw Yu Xian looking back with an innocent face.

Bashan Ghost King suddenly came to his senses, laughed and said, "Very good."

After a while, Yu Xian continued, "The destiny is to let the hoe know that he should plow the ground, let the knife and ax know that he should chop, make the bells and chimes resonate with gold, and make the utensils of defecation willing to be obscene."


Bashan Ghost King nodded and waited calmly.

This time, Yu Xian didn't stay silent for too long, and said slowly, "If there is a doomed person who fails to awaken his destiny? Then, the demon will come..."

Bashan Ghost King waited for a long while, seeing that Yu Xian didn't speak anymore, he immediately fell silent, slowly thinking about what Yu Xian wanted to convey to himself.

Yu Xian raised his head, and the flying birds hovering in the sky were no longer there.

He looked around, "Where is Wu Yi?"

Wu Yi left Yu Xian tactfully when he was whispering with Nanchuan Ghost King before, but when he heard Yu Xian's summons, he hurriedly rode a few steps forward, "Here is the humble job."

Yu Xian ordered, "Go and tell Zhang Yi and Xiang Cun that the enemy army may have noticed our movements. Just now a bird has been tracking our whereabouts. I suspect that it may be Chen Chao."

Wu Yi asked after hearing the words, "Does the national teacher have any other orders for them?"

Yu Xian thought about it, and it's better not to cause too many troubles.

"There is nothing to order, presumably the state pastor has some arrangements."

Hearing this, Wu Yi cupped his fists and rode away.

It didn't take long for military commanders to pass orders back and forth, ordering the army to speed up and move closer to Yan Yan's garrison.

Yan Yan's archers occupied the favorable terrain near the Langjiang River, and Zhang Song blocked the river with heavy fog, and Huang Quan used the wind-fixing beads to calm the strong wind, which can be said to have trapped the Langjiang navy to death.

As long as Yan Yan's camp is not broken, the rebel army in Langzhong will not be able to escape into Jiameng Pass.

Now that reinforcements from the Yizhou Army are approaching, maybe Chen Chao will jump over the wall in a hurry and take a risky gamble.

It didn't take long for the army to pick up speed, and the lost bird flew back again.

It's just that the bird flew quite high, and even with Yu Xian's eyesight, he couldn't be sure if it was Chao Chen.

Zhang Yi obviously listened to Yu Xian's words. Not long after the bird appeared, he hurriedly rode over to ask for advice, "Master, is it this bird that came just now?"

Yu Xian nodded, "It should be."

Zhang Yi looked up for a while, then frowned, "I'm afraid even Yan Yan's precious bow can't do anything about it at such a height, what should I do?"

After hearing this, Yu Xian had nothing to do.

With the help of hawks and eagles, Chen Chao could come and go freely, but Yu Xian really didn't have a good way to deal with it.

I could only remind him, "It takes time for Super Chen to come and go, and it also takes time for the enemy to respond. If you can grasp the opportunity here and adapt to the situation, you may not be able to take advantage of it."

Although Zhang Yi got something after hearing this, he was still very worried about Chen Chao's affairs.

Every move of my family is under the control of others, this battle is too difficult to fight.

The Bashan Ghost King on the side smiled, "It's so difficult, why not let the disciples of the Wugui Sect have a try."

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