host country

0400 God's gift

Yu Xian rode on a horse and shared his experience with Nanchuan Ghost King.

The Nanchuan Ghost King showed an indifferent attitude towards this.

After all, there is a fight, and it doesn't matter where it happens.

Yu Xian remembered the previous events, and finally couldn't help asking, "What does it mean that the ghost Ji is here again?"

Hearing Yu Xian's words, Nanchuan Ghost King gave him a strange look.

Yu Xian frowned, not knowing what he meant.

It was not until several miles away that Nanchuan Ghost King looked at Yu Xian and asked without thinking, "Do you know why many people fail?"


Yu Xian looked over.

The Nanchuan Ghost King didn't look at Yu Xian either, as if he was talking to himself, "It's because of the lack of reverence for the unknown."


Yu Xian's expression remained unchanged, and he nodded again.

He already understood the hint of Nanchuan Ghost King.

It's not that the Nanchuan Ghost King doesn't want to communicate with him, but because they don't know anything about Yu Xian's gods or Yu Xian's own situation.

For the Shouwu clan, they are not only in contact with Yu Xian himself, but also a god.

This made them have to cautiously test a little bit.

But these are also Yu Xian's trump cards, and Yu Xian will naturally not expose them easily.

After a while.

Nanchuan Ghost King looked at Yu Xian and said slowly, "Do you know why I contracted with a starving ghost?"

"Huh? I don't know."

Yu Xian was puzzled, according to what Mrs. Bone said, isn't contract slavery just to find the inner attachment?

"It's because of a gift." Nanchuan Ghost King looked towards the north of Chishui seriously and piously.

"Gift?" Yu Xian became more and more surprised, "What do you mean?"

The seriousness and devotion of Nanchuan Ghost King's face remained unchanged, and he said lightly, "A long time ago, my father Wu Qing and others and I took the liberty to enter the cave of a god. Although the god passed away, his will remained. She, was irritated It's..."

Yu Xian's expression remained motionless.

According to Madam Bone, Wu Qing and those ghost kings became greedy at that time, trying to capture that god and become a slave ghost.

Nanchuan Ghost King's words were a bit evasive.

"In order to evacuate from there, my younger sister Wu Yan decided to stay behind. She used the witch dance to please the god. And I am responsible for the praise."

Yu Xian couldn't help but look at the Nanchuan Ghost King with admiration. This fat man doesn't look very reliable, but he is so responsible at the critical moment.

The Nanchuan Ghost King continued, "Although the god is not interested in my praise, she is obsessed with Wuyan's dance and thinks it is extremely beautiful. So, she gave us a long life and a youth that is not bad."

Yu Xian was envious when he heard this.

Why didn't Ban Lan say that.

Another thought.

Well, it doesn't count.

At least I got the power of a mother, with two hundred catties of inexhaustible strength...

Nanchuan Ghost King stopped here again.

Yu Xian was already used to this rhythm, and his mind returned to the marching side.

Zhang Yi and Xiang Cun are both young, and they made reckless and decisive decisions. Although Shen Mi and Lou Fa are veteran generals, they are not brave enough to be defeated generals.

According to Yu Xian's estimate, such an army of iron and simple people will soon attract the attention of the Hanzhong Army.

Just as Yu Xian was thinking, something flashed by the corner of his eye.He raised his head sharply and saw a bird hovering at a very high place.

Could it be Chen Chao?

Just as Yu Xian was about to inform the former army, the ghost king of Nanchuan next to him spoke quietly again.

"Wu Yan and I served that god in the north of Chishui for 20 years, because I'm not very pleasing, and the gods don't value my existence. Except that I can't leave the sealed place, I am basically free."

Yu Xian was sensitive to the four words.

Sealed land!

Why is it a sealed place?

Nuba is the daughter of the Yellow Emperor, and she supported Yinglong in the battle for the deer, and made great achievements in battle.

Regardless of her background and achievements, female demons are extremely outstanding, who can ban her?

Girl, beautiful...

A daughter of the Yellow Emperor, a righteous daughter of the Yellow Emperor.

Why did the two gods who were almost at odds not end well?

Yu Xian thought of the forbidden place where the fox skull was sealed, and the five-colored bull buried nearby in rusty armor.

The battle for the deer, the battle for Muye...

If you only look at the tip of the iceberg, there seems to be no winner.

The Nanchuan Ghost King didn't know that Yu Xian was thinking repeatedly, and said to himself, "During those 20 years, the gods showed me her generosity."

Yu Xian no longer thought about it.

Nanchuan Ghost King, as a person who has actually come into contact with the gods, his personal experience is extremely precious.

Yu Xian made up his mind to listen carefully, but the Nanchuan Ghost King remained silent again.

This is broken...

Yu Xian was speechless.

After waiting for a while, Yu Xian heard the soft voice beside him, "Every quarter of an hour, the gods will give me a grain of rice and a drop of water."

Ok?Yu Xian stared at Nanchuan Ghost King with wide eyes.

Nanchuan Ghost King showed a smiley expression on his face, "And I have lived like this for 20 years by virtue of the gift of the gods. Because I have a long life gifted by the gods, and a youth that is not bad..."

Yu Xian shuddered.

I can only eat one grain of rice and one drop of water every quarter of an hour, and I have lived like this for 20 years!

You can't even want to die!

Such a horrible experience.

Yu Xian trembled just thinking about it.

This Nanchuan ghost king is simply a living hungry ghost.

At this moment, Yu Xian even had an illusion that the silver gourd hidden in his lungs also became hot.

He suddenly remembered a scene that happened in the past.

That time, Yu Xian went to ask Meili for help.

Then it was rolled up by an incomparably huge tail, and it was slowly held up to break through the clouds, until it was nine days away.

There is a dazzling sun, stars everywhere, and Ban Lan's huge face that seems to be smiling but not smiling.

Yu Xian came back to his senses and didn't dare to think about it.

Nanchuan Ghost King looked at Yu Xian calmly, "So, whenever I think of these gifts from God, I will be more cautious, and I will also be more hungry."

Nanchuan Ghost King said, suddenly a little ghost jumped out of him.

A greedy light appeared in the little ghost's eyes, revealing his dark white teeth.

It looked at the war horse that Nanchuan Ghost King was riding with salivation, and bit the horse's head.

The horse hissed in pain and jumped up.

Although the horse's head didn't have any scars, but seeing how the horse struggled in pain, it was unclear what kind of trauma it had suffered.

The greedy brat salivated and bit the horse's head. In just a moment, the healthy horse fell to the ground in convulsions, and was silent in a blink of an eye.

The Nanchuan Ghost King fell off his horse, but he didn't show any anger, but looked at the kid dotingly.

When he raised his head again, perhaps because he was very close, Yu Xian clearly found that the Nanchuan Ghost King had aged a lot.

Nanchuan Ghost King noticed Yu Xian's gaze, looked at each other calmly and said, "Get to know each other. I am Bashan Ghost King, the elder brother of Ghost Ji Wuyan."

Yu Xian was dumbfounded, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind for a moment.

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