host country

0398 The incident in Langzhong

Yu Xian rolled up his hair lazily, staring out the window with empty eyes.

Is this battle still to be fought?

If he continues to procrastinate like this, he might as well take the time to go to Sun Jian's place to see if he can get the armillary sphere back.

Now that there is "one or two", picking up a "one bucket" with an armillary sphere is not a problem at all.

With the armillary sphere, maybe Yu Xian can really use the power of the formation to fight against Pang De.

Just when Yu Xian was hesitating whether to take a errand, he suddenly heard Wu Yi report from outside.

"National Teacher, State Shepherd is here to invite you."

"Huh?" Yu Xian's eyes sharpened, "What's the matter?"

Wu Yi replied nervously in a low voice, "National Teacher, something happened to the Langjiang Navy, and the generals leading the troops have rushed over to discuss the matter."

"Langjiang Navy?" Yu Xian immediately realized, "Is it Chao Chen?"

According to Liu Yan's original plan, Qianwei's prefect Ren Qi was the second echelon, and the goal was to directly attack Jiameng Pass.

Therefore, Qianwei's army divided up and settled in Langzhong and Xichong, preparing to advance both by land and water, and meet in front of Jiameng Pass.

Prefect Ren Qi led the army in Xichong, and Chen Chao took over the Langjiang water army.

Later, Chen Chao somehow followed Chen Tiaoer's advice and became a puppet at his mercy.

As a result, the Langzhong Barracks became a major destabilizing factor.

Liu Yan was not careless, and arranged for Yan Yan to bring a large number of archers to deploy along the coast, and asked Ren Qi to send powerful generals to take over the Langzhong barracks as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, many days passed peacefully, but something happened suddenly.

Yu Xian immediately said to Wu Yi, "It's not too late, let's go and have a look."

Having broken the situation in Hanzhong earlier, Yu Xian took advantage of Sun Jian's undefeated situation to try to recapture the "armillary sphere" and "one fight".

Sun Jian was not strong enough at this time, but he broke out about the clothes belt edict early, which would inevitably arouse the jealousy of Yuan Shao and other strong men.

If according to the historical inertia, this guy is murdered, and Yu Xian goes to deal with him again, he will have to face the Sun Ce who beheaded Yu Ji.

That guy is not only difficult to deal with, but also extremely disgusting to Taoists.

The two Ran Linfangs came in through the pass, and when they looked up, they saw famous and famous figures in the Yizhou Army, and even the Nanchuan Ghost King stood alone in the corner.

Seeing Yu Xian coming in, Nanchuan Ghost King raised his glass from afar.

He was wearing a big red robe, and he didn't care about all the civil and military affairs. He just thought about it for himself, and he was quite a master.

Liu Yan got up quickly and greeted a seat at the upper end, "National Teacher, come and sit down here."

Yu Xian nodded and stepped forward.

After Yu Xian entered the banquet, Liu Yan said, "Since the national teacher has arrived, there is no need to wait any longer. Let Wang Shang tell you the specifics."

Hearing this, Wang Shang sat up straight on the table.

Looking around, he said solemnly, "Just last night, a rebellion suddenly broke out in the Langzhong camp. The rebels killed the captain Qianwei sent to the prefect, and then raided the Langjiang navy. The rebel general Chen Chao flew into the navy camp to gather people close to him. , The inside should cooperate with the outside, and take down the navy camp. So far, Langzhong City, and the Langjiang navy have completely fallen into the hands of the rebels. Zhenglangjiang, our army has no soldiers to use, and there is no danger to defend."

The generals in the tent heard some rumors before they came, but they didn't expect the situation to be so troublesome.

They all had different expressions and whispered.

Lu Chang was the first one who couldn't help it. He didn't wait for Wang Shang to finish, and asked, "What happened to Ren Qi?" They are all unreliable. What is the intention of this prefect?"

As soon as Lu Chang said this, most of the people in the tent fell silent.

Ren Qi and Jia Long relied on the support of the local wealthy families, and they had always been aloof from the Yizhou Mufu. It would not be wise to pick this matter up now.

Some local officials in Yizhou felt that Lu Chang, an outsider, was causing trouble and wanted to instigate the relationship between the Yizhou Mufu and the Yizhou wealthy family.

Liu Yan looked around calmly, and immediately reprimanded Lu Chang pretendingly, "How can you mess yourself up when the enemy is in front of you? Yizhou Mufu is everyone's Yizhou Mufu, and it is also the Yizhou Mufu of everyone here. I I believe that Prefect Qianwei will never betray Yizhou Mufu, and he will never betray everyone here."

After finishing, Liu Yan said to Wang Shang again, "You continue."

Only then did Wang Shang turn his gaze away from Lu Chang, and said, "Everyone, Zhou Mu has already asked Zhang Song to bring the Zhaoyun flag to cover the Langjiang River with clouds and mist. He also asked Huang Quan to use the wind beads to fix the clouds and mist." , so as not to be blown away by the strong wind. In addition, Captain Yan Yan led the archers to fortify along the coast, so Chen Chao did not dare to act presumptuously for a while."

Going up from the Langjiang River was originally sailing against the current, but now that the wind on the Langjiang River was restrained by Huang Quan with the "Wind Fixing Bead", Chen Chao wanted to transport the army to Jiameng by water, which had become an almost impossible task.

Coupled with the fact that the Langjiang River is now shrouded in clouds and fog, and it is impossible to see through the reality of the Yizhou Army, Chao Chen's rebel army may have been completely trapped in Langzheng.

After hearing Wang Shang's words, Yu Xian felt a little weird.

Liu Yan arranged so carefully, how could he be easily taken away from the Langzhong barracks and the Langjiang water army before.


Just thinking about it, Liu Yan coughed lightly, "Such an accident happened, I was really caught off guard. Now our army has not finished repairing, reinforcements are on the way, and even the captain of Tsing Yi has no news for the time being. Everyone, what should I do? "

Liu Yanwan glanced down casually.

This time Lu Chang didn't speak, instead Zhang Su said in a low voice, "There has been a change in Ren Qi, if you don't calm down, I'm afraid nothing will happen."

Liu Yan looked over, "Oh? What do you think about Engagement?"

Zhang Su thought for a while, and said, "The marching Sima has fought many battles, and it's quite hard. Why don't you let him go back to Zitong for a while to rest? He is from Anhan, and he has some friendship with Ren Qi."

When everyone in the tent heard this, those who were originally absent-minded cheered up.

What does this mean?

Marching Sima Zhao Wei has been out of anger recently, but he is a rare general in the army.Put this character in Zitong just to appease Ren Qi?

Who can believe this?

Moreover, Zhao Wei is from the wealthy family of Anhan, and Anhan, Zitong and Xichong Kingdom just formed a corner.

Think about it again, Liu Yan asked Ren Qi to divide his troops into Xichong and Langzhong in the name of advancing both land and water.


Some uninformed people have heightened their vigilance, for fear of accidentally falling into the trap that has been laid out long ago.

Liu Yan said calmly, "Yes."

Zhang Su continued, "Sun Zhao, Lieutenant of the Captive Commander, has not yet returned. Should he be urgently ordered to support the army?"

I'm coming.

Everyone is like a bright mirror in their hearts.

Sun Zhaona, the school lieutenant who was begging for captives, went to Jia Long to ask for soldiers and horses, and Jia Long did indeed give Sun Zhao some strong men.Now urging Sun Zhao is naturally to prevent Jia Long.It is also to get the soldiers out as soon as possible, so as not to provoke Jia Long to respond because of the changes on Ren Qi's side.

From this point of view, Liu Yan's previous remarks were nothing more than lies and pretense on the surface.

It's just that I don't know where Liu Yan's confidence came from. He dared to free up his hands to weaken Jia Long and Ren Qi when he crusaded against Hanzhong.

Liu Yan listened to Zhang Su's words, nodded and said, "Very good."

Then he looked at the people in the tent and asked, "Everything Zhang is doing is suitable. But Chen Chao is trapped, and Chen Tiaoer will not sit idly by. I heard that the fourth general of Jiamengguan learned his art from Minshan Zhou Zhongzhi, and his skills are beyond compare. Test. What if they help Chen Tiao'er and send troops to attack?"

After Liu Yan finished, the generals under him talked a lot.

Lu Chang was not a local, so he didn't know what was going on, so he immediately asked, "Know yourself and the enemy in the art of war, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. I don't know who the four generals of Jiameng Pass are? What skills does Zhou Zhongzhi of Minshan Mountain have?"

After hearing this, Liu Yan gestured to Wang Lei who was sitting at the bottom.

Wang Lei immediately sat up straight, and said, "The lower officials are local people, and they know the truth. The Fourth Commander of Jiameng Pass, Liu Gui, Leng Bao, Zhang Ren, and Deng Xian, are all extraordinary in martial arts and possess extraordinary abilities. As for Zhou Zhongzhi, whose real name is Zhou Qun..."

When Yu Xian heard this, he suddenly realized.

It was him.

This is also a strange person in history.

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