host country

0397 Reaction

Now even Shi Sun Rui, Yang Biao and others were not calm.

This Wang Yun is too careless.

It's agreed that we can't live together, but what about the one who spits on each other?

After waiting for a short time, Dong Bai came to the court hall accompanied by Tian Jing, the head of the Grand Master's Mansion.

Dong Bai is now a feudal emperor, wearing a loose long gown with cross collar and a purple ribbon with a gold seal around his waist, he looks more like a handsome boy.

Although she was raised by many generals of the Xiliang Army, it was the first time she came to the court.

Although Dong Zhuo's family dominates the court, and all Han officials are silent, which one of those important officials in the Han Dynasty does not have a powerful family and powerful support behind them?The tolerance each one develops is very personal.

Dong Zhuo was afraid that Dong Bai would show timidity in front of all the officials, so as soon as she entered the hall, he smiled and ordered, "There is no need to meet the ceremony, just go to Lang Zhongling and sit down."

Dong Bai paused when he heard the words, as if he was thinking about something.

Then, she looked at Dong Zhuo, and said calmly, "Courtesy cannot be broken. If there is no etiquette, I am not so precious as a prince."

Dong Zhuo was taken aback, and allowed Dong Bai to kneel down and salute the Emperor of Han.

Manchao Hanchen looked around in disbelief, and their eyes communicated quickly.

Dong Bai's words and deeds were really beyond their expectations.

There is even a sense of surprise.

——This Weiyang Lord is not simple!

For the important officials of the Han Dynasty, Dong Zhuo never understood why he was unpopular.

If the ceremony collapses and the music goes bad, who will protect the interests of these people?

The Great Han Dynasty is here, and they are all high-ranking ministers.

But if the Han court loses its prestige and local heroes rise together, what are they?

In the final analysis, what they are protecting is not the world of the Liu family, but their status in this reactionary feudal rule.

Although Dong Bai is only a Weiyang Lord now, these Han officials feel close to him from the bottom of their hearts.

This little girl is simply reactionary!

After Dong Bai saluted, he sat down next to Lang Zhong Ling Li Ru according to Dong Zhuo's instructions.

Li Ru now holds the real power in the court and is Dong Bai's uncle, so it can be seen that this little girl came, so she had no choice but to stand up to greet her.

Seeing that Dong Bai was sitting still, Dong Zhuo said, "Good granddaughter, why did I call you here? I must have told you the master. What do you think?"

Dong Bai listened, and got up from the table respectfully, "My granddaughter has thought about it carefully on the way, and I plan to go to Hanzhong myself to find out what happened."

"Huh?" Dong Zhuo frowned upon hearing the words, "You little girl, what are you doing in Hanzhong? Li Ru also said that you can send someone to investigate. You just wait in Changjing. There is a saying that is good, son of a thousand gold... "

Dong Zhuo looked at Li Ru, "What happened?"

Li Ru replied, "Reporting to the grand master, he is the son of a thousand gold, and he will not sit down."

Dong Zhuo nodded, "That's the reason. You can sit in Chang'an safely, why take risks by yourself."

Dong Bai shook his head, and said lightly, "It is precisely because my granddaughter understands this truth that she must do it herself. If my master, Dong Bai, abandons me to help Liu Yan in Yizhou, maybe someone will say I, Dong Bai, have lost my morals. How can I hand over my destiny to some spies and scouts."

Dong Zhuo laughed, waved his hands and said, "That's not the case. Even if the Taoist went to vote for others, he was blind himself. Who dares to say that my precious granddaughter is wrong."

As he spoke, Dong Zhuo stared at the important officials in the palace.

Seeing this, everyone lowered their heads, and no one dared to say anything.

Dong Bai insisted, "Even if others don't say it, I'm afraid that my own people will be suspicious and have other ideas."

Li Ru's heart skipped a beat when he heard this.

Dong Zhuo also narrowed his eyes slightly.

Today's Xiliang soldiers are not what they used to be.

Now there are not only a large number of He Jinyu's troops in the Xiliang army, but also Huangfusong's Jingzhao soldiers and Lu Bu's Bingzhou soldiers.In addition, when Dong Zhuo was defeated and retreated to Guanzhong, he engulfed many young and strong men to join the army.

Although the new Xiliang soldiers obeyed Dong Zhuo's orders, their loyalty was a question mark.

Especially when Dong Zhuo retreated from Luoyang last time, a large number of battalion leaders deserted.

Fortunately, when she was in Luoyang, Dong Bai was rumored to be pregnant with the king's order. In addition, she was not chaotic in the face of danger, and when the Xiliang soldiers were retreating, they retreated calmly.This made many people feel a little more hopeful.

Dong Zhuo also took this opportunity to reorganize his army and horses, which led to the current situation in Guanzhong.

If Yu Xian didn't handle this matter well, it might really affect Dong Bai's reputation.

If the Xiliang army loses this hope, who knows what will happen.

Dong Zhuo hesitated for a while, and asked everyone, "What do you think?"

The important officials of the Han Dynasty knew that they were not asking questions, so they all lowered their eyebrows and were pleasing to the eye.

The military generals of Xiliang whom Dong Zhuo regarded as his confidantes could not speak directly.

They almost watched Dong Bai grow up. In their eyes, Dong Bai was just a child who had just grown up. How could he go out and take such a big risk.

But if he objected, he would inevitably offend that girl again.

Who knows if the little girl will remember her grudge?

When everyone was undecided, veteran Xu Rong got up from the table and said with a smile, "I might as well listen to Lord Weiyang's plan? If there are indeed some tricks, I think it's okay."

"Huh?" Dong Zhuo had no idea at first, but after hearing what Xu Rong said, he felt that it made sense, and immediately asked Dong Bai, "Then tell me what you plan to do."

Dong Bai had a plan in mind, and immediately replied, "General Li Su of Huben Zhonglang has three thousand troops under his command, which are still useful. I plan to let Li Su escort me to Hanzhong. Cai Yan, daughter of Cai Yong, general of Zuo Zhonglang, , known as a talented person, she can join the army for me. In addition, my granddaughter plans to bring a mature and prudent person to help me deal with Su Gu in Hanzhong."

"Oh?" Dong Zhuo asked, "Who do you plan to have?"

Dong Bai glanced at many civil servants, and asked, "I seem to have a younger brother who is an official in the court. I wonder who is Situ Wangyun?"

As soon as Wang Yun heard it, he had a guess in his heart.

He didn't dare to answer, and he didn't dare to speak to death, so he bowed and said, "The little old man is Wang Yun, and he had a relationship with the national teacher before, before."

Dong Bai glanced at Wang Yun, nodded slightly, and asked Dong Zhuo, "How is this person?"

Dong Zhuo nodded in satisfaction, "Zi Shi is a steady person, if he goes, I'm really relieved."

Master Wang is prudent in his work, Li Su is good at martial arts, he can listen to the wind, and is good at investigating.With this civil and military affairs, and the fact that Cai Yan, who is also a woman, accompanied him all the way and acted as a staff officer, it was considered safe to go to Hanzhong.

Dong Zhuo thought for a while and then said, "Since this is the case, I can give it a try. My Xiliang sons and daughters should have experienced more. The former general Zhao Qian was both civil and military, so he was stationed in Wuzhangyuan. If there is an urgent matter, you can ask him help."

After Dong Zhuo finished speaking, he looked at Wang Yun, "Master Zi, what do you have to say?"

Of course Wang Yun didn't want to leave the court and go to some place in the middle of Sichuan.But he never had the courage to directly resist Dong Zhuo, so he could only say now, "The grand master has orders, and the subordinate officials must obey."

Cai Yong was deeply favored by Dong Zhuo for his knowledge and experience, so naturally he was not easy to object.

After deciding on this matter, Dong Zhuo didn't bother to pay attention to any Hanzhong envoys, and directly announced his withdrawal from the court.

After Wang Yun left the court, he felt that this matter was beyond his ability, so he immediately said to Shi Sun Rui and the others, "Today, the old man is humbled, so I wonder if you can come to the cold house for a simple meal?"

Everyone should get down.

Wang Yun went home alone to prepare, to see if he could use the war in the southwest to plan something.

Speaking of which, Liu Yan is also a member of the clan of the Han Dynasty, with a lot of prestige...

Wang Yun went back to the mansion and thought about it for a long time, but couldn't make up his mind.

He simply ignored the matter, and walked to the back garden to relax.

Not long after walking, I saw a beautiful woman combing her hair by the river.

Wang Yun's heart moved, "My adopted daughter is quite intelligent, it would be a good thing if I dedicate her to Dong Bai's side to exchange news with me. Dong Bai is loved by the old thief, maybe she can get some inside information , giving the Xiliang army a fatal blow."

Thinking in his heart, Wang Yun smiled kindly at the stunning woman, "Diao Chan, how about going out with my father for a few days?"

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