host country

0289 I won't leave

Read this chapter after 5 minutes, the phonetic codeword needs to be revised.

The cavalry of the Southern Huns was extremely strong. Although the soldiers in black and black armor were much weaker, under the constant onslaught, many cavalrymen of the Southern Huns were captured and killed in front of everyone.

Yu Xian laughed loudly and said, "How about it? Come out and obediently fight to the death with Lao Tzu."

The gaze of the great white wolf became deeper and deeper, but Yu Xian took a step forward without fear.

Tang Zhou's voice came from all directions again.

"King Zuo Xian, today Pindao and you were both seriously injured, why rush to deal with this kid. And now Luoyang has become a sea of ​​flames, which is extremely harmful to my Taoism, why don't we retreat first!"

Hearing the words, the great white wolf spat out the words of others, and said viciously, "If you want to go, you go! I have such soldiers under my command, I can't die in vain."

After hearing this, Yu Xian was about to sneer.

Suddenly Li Su shouted, "Be careful!"

Yu Xian was taken aback, and before he had time to activate the "shield of mental retardation", he felt a gloomy chill in his heart.

He staggered his body desperately, avoiding the vital parts.

I saw an ice knife sticking to the shoulder blade and piercing Yu Xian's chest fiercely.

Yu Xian turned his head.

Facing Tang Zhou's weird and ferocious smile.

With a backhand hug, Yu Xian wanted to keep Tang Zhou.

Who would have thought that this hug was empty, and a ball of water fell to the ground with a "crash" and soaked in the soil.

It was only then that Yu Xian realized that the guy was trying to induce him deliberately, and even took advantage of the chaos to sneak attack.

Out of the corner of Yu Xian's eyes, he saw the white wolf eager to try, and he immediately turned to the white wolf to assume a defensive posture.

He shouted loudly, "General Li, let's move closer together."

Li Su had this intention a long time ago, he swung the "Daoxuwu Hook Spear" in his hand, picked up the painting magpie bow, and rushed to Yu Xian's side quickly.

It seems that there is no opportunity to sneak attack.

That Tang Zhou quietly appeared again.

Facing Yu Xian's fire-breathing gaze, he smiled evilly, and immediately pulled his hand away, grabbing suddenly in Yu Xian's direction.

The ice skate that stabbed Yu Xian before was crushed immediately, and then turned into a puddle of water, disappearing without a trace.

There was a piercing wound on Yu Xian's chest, and he was still relying on the support of the skates to block the blood flow.

Tang Zhou's little trick drew blood from Yu Xian.

Li Su looked at Yu Xian with concern, "How is it?"

Yu Xian didn't try to be brave either, he squeezed his wound tightly and said to Li Su, "Let them go first!"

While talking, he tried his best to mend the wound with the method of "everything grows in spring".

It's a pity that the wound is too big, and Yu Xian's Taoism is very shallow, and the effect it can play is only a drop in the bucket.

The situation in Luoyang City is extremely chaotic now, and Yu Xian dare not put his life in danger.

Now he is eager to evacuate as soon as possible, find a place to take out the mysterious wooden box, and treat his injuries properly.

Hearing this, Li Su quickly surveyed the surrounding situation.

He said decisively, "We must kill all those Southern Huns before we can leave."

Both Tang Zhou and the Great White Wolf Zuoxian King had been seriously injured. They were in the same situation as Yu Xian, and they were unwilling to fight to the death here.

Although Li Su had some abilities, he was more than capable of protecting himself, but lacked the means to fight those two people on the spot.

What can affect the balance between the two sides now is the large number of Hun cavalry with red flame horses in their hands.

These cavalry have the power of a red flame horse, walking in the city of fire like walking on flat ground.

If he was hanged by these cavalry scouts, then Yu Xian would have no chance to rest at all.

When Tang Zhou and the Great White Wolf Zuo Xianwang recover a bit, it will be enough to deal a fatal blow to them.

Yu Xian immediately sat down cross-legged and said, "General Li will protect me."

Seeing Yu Xian's actions, Great White Wolf Zuo Xianwang immediately started to try.

Li Su shot three arrows at it before forcing it back.

Tang Zhou, who was not far away, looked at Yu Xian's wound with great interest, urging his mana to draw Yu Xian's blood little by little.

His finger seemed to have magic power, with a light hook, Yu Xian's blood boiled for a while, and he couldn't bear it.

Fortunately, Yu Xian's cultivation foundation is solid, and the blood in his body will not be taken away so easily.

Several people stalemate for a while, Yu Xian urged a large number of soldiers to have killed all the nearby Southern Huns cavalry.

Relying on the wood attribute energy extracted from the mysterious wooden box in the liver acupoint, Yu Xian managed to stop the bleeding from the wound.

Yu Xian gave Tang Zhou and the Great White Wolf a hard look, and whispered to Li Su, "Let's go!"

Hearing this, Li Su put his bearded Wu hook spear sideways, and protected Yu and offered him his horse.

Then he shot back the great white wolf Zuo Xianwang, and got on the horse himself.

Only then did the two of them mobilize their horses and flee to the northwest desperately.

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