host country

0288 Bite

Following Tang Zhou's yelling, the big white wolf quickly woke up from his lethargy.

Yu Xian choked it tightly with one hand, and slammed it heavily on the white wolf's head with the other.

Before hitting him a few times, the white wolf kicked vigorously with its lower limbs, and Yu Xian couldn't hold it tightly, and the white wolf dodged away from his vitals.

Yu Xian was startled, it was a mighty monster after all, even if it strangled its throat, it would still be able to get rid of it.

Yu devoted herself to being a mother, but she was not enough to see it in front of the big white wolf.

Seeing the roaring water dragon transformed into by Tang and Zhou, Yu Xian activated the "Shield of Intellectual Impairment" without thinking.

Immediately, crystal scale-like pieces of armor appeared on Yu Xian's body. With the stimulation of Yu Xian's magic power, the scales on it became more and more compact.

Before Yu Xian could form the crystal barrier in the future, a strong momentum knocked him down on his back.

The water dragon transformed by Tang and Zhou also roared past Yu Xian.

Yu Xian quickly glanced at himself, seeing that there was no scar on his body, he was struggling to get up.

Unexpectedly, the big white wolf rushed over ferociously, holding Yu Xian firmly with its two sharp front paws, and biting Yu Xian with a "click" sound with its big scarlet mouth.

Yu Xian was in absolute defense at this time. Although he was unable to fight back, his body was extremely strong.

The white wolf gnawed for a while, but failed to accomplish anything, and instead used its sharp front paws to plan on Yu Xian's body.While planing, he also urged the demon method.

As the evil spirit overflowed, the head of the great white wolf suddenly became as huge as a basket.

Then the scarlet mouth opened, directly took Yu Xian's head into his mouth, and bit down hard.

Yu Xian was so frightened that his wits flew out of his wits.

When had he experienced such a fierce fight, now he can only count on the mentally handicapped shield to hold it.

The big white wolf's teeth were closed, biting Yu Xian's head with a "crack bang bang bang" sound.

But even if it tried its best, it still couldn't hurt Yu Xian half a point.

Yu Xian became worried.

The crystal scales on his body had been slowly consumed by the big white wolf's bite.

The defense produced by this "shield of mental retardation" relies on cognitive impairment.

People who practice the Tao have self-cognition and reflection, so their cognitive barriers are more difficult to break, and they are more likely to be trapped by demons.

In a sense, this secret method is against the sky against Taoism, Confucianism, but in the face of pure force attacks, it will produce a certain amount of consumption.

At this time, Li Su's attack also arrived in time!

He spat out the "Daoxuwu Hook Spear" from his mouth, and stabbed it forcefully on the ground.

Then he held the magpie bow in his hand and shot at Tang Zhou and the big white wolf one arrow at a time.

Li Su's arrows had been passed down from his ancestor Li Guang, not only were they shot densely and quickly, but also the arrows were so powerful that the two shooters had to devote their energy to deal with Li Su.

Tang Zhou was born as a monk, so he didn't dare to get too close.

The great white wolf was completely suppressed and couldn't lift his head up.

Seeing Yu Xian's critical situation, Li Su immediately shot all his arrows at the big white wolf.

A few of the arrows were at quite tricky angles, they actually scattered the demonic aura from the white wolf in one fell swoop, and shot heavily at the big white wolf.

The white wolf roared angrily, and a large amount of blood was already showing on the white fur.

Tang Zhou watched vigilantly, and then his body softened as if involuntarily.

The puddle of water formed by Tang Zhou burrowed around like a spirit snake, and then swam towards Li Su in all directions.

Li Su was concentrating on shooting the big white wolf.

Many streams of water suddenly converged behind Li Su, and then stood up like a cobra.

The water flowing from the man immediately turned into a Tang Zhou with a strange smile.

Tang Zhou hadn't used any means yet.

Li Su just laughed, and threw the bow in his right hand casually, and with his left hand he pulled out the "Back to Wu Hook Spear" and stabbed back forcefully.

The whole movement is smooth and flowing, as if it has been prepared for a long time.

Tang Zhou, who originally planned to assassinate Li Su, was stabbed by the Daoxuwu hook with a look of astonishment, and then the demon spirit on the weapon was touched.

A monster like a mad dog jumped out of the spear, greedily devouring Tang Zhou's dharma body.

Tang Zhou's body in the water immediately shattered and fled.

It seemed that the failure of the sneak attack made him a little embarrassed. Tang Zhou's sinister voice echoed everywhere, "I never thought you would have such luck. It seems that I have really underestimated you."


Li Su laughed.

"It's not good for you to sneak up on anyone, but you came to sneak up on me! Could it be that my famous military skills are for nothing?"

Tang Zhou stopped talking immediately, and the water flowed all over the ground, looking for a better opportunity to fight.

The big white wolf over there couldn't take it anymore.

Li Su's random arrows had caused him a lot of losses. If it wasn't for attracting Li Su to cover Tang Zhou, the white wolf would have already started dodging.

Now the white wolf had no choice but to offer Yu Xian, and it was meaningless to attract Li Su's attention, so he immediately fled away with his tail between his legs.

Yu Xian was so miserably attacked by the white wolf, how could he let him go easily?

He shouted, "Want to run?!"

The crystal scale armor on his body was swept away.

After disarming the defense, Yu Xian activated Zhou Gong's Dreaming Technique again.

It's just that the white wolf didn't confront Yu Xian head-on at this time, and the effect was extremely poor.

The great white wolf just swayed slightly, and then continued to run away.

When he ran not far away, the big white wolf slowly turned his head, and his blue Youyou eyes were still fixed on Yu Xian.

Yu Xian felt a little troublesome.

It's not easy for these two guys to pack up.

A big monster with a tyrannical physique in itself, and an incarnation of water that is almost inexhaustible.

Yu Xian looked around for a while, and said with a sneer, "Okay, now I will let you see Lao Tzu's military methods."

As he spoke, he took out a handful of beans from his pocket and threw them out.

The beans were plump and firm, originally full of hope for germination and growth.

When he landed, he became a brave warrior as if he had flesh and blood.

As Yu Xian kept throwing beans, a large number of soldiers appeared out of thin air.

Yu Xian just had a thought, and those soldiers in black and black armor rushed towards the scattered Southern Huns soldiers who were looting.

The cavalry of the Southern Huns was extremely strong. Although the soldiers in black and black armor were much weaker, under the constant onslaught, many cavalrymen of the Southern Huns were captured and killed in front of everyone.

Yu Xian laughed loudly and said, "How about it? Come out and obediently fight to the death with Lao Tzu."

The gaze of the great white wolf became deeper and deeper, but Yu Xian took a step forward without fear.

Tang Zhou's voice came from all directions again.

"King Zuo Xian, today Pindao and you were both seriously injured, why rush to deal with this kid. And now Luoyang has become a sea of ​​flames, which is extremely harmful to my Taoism, why don't we retreat first!"

Hearing the words, the great white wolf spat out the words of others, and said viciously, "If you want to go, you go! I have such soldiers under my command, I can't die in vain."

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