host country

0267 The accident in Luoyang

Yu Xian was only concerned with the ecstasy of getting a hard control skill, but completely ignored one thing.

What does it mean to inherit the phrase "always bring people the warmest expectations" from Duke Zhou.

Those forces watched in bewilderment as the city that was constantly fighting slowly disappeared.

They tried to enter it again, but found nothing.

Yu Xian watched them fall into a heated argument from a distance, and said softly to Guan Hai, "Let's go before dawn."

The tails of these great powers left in Luoyi have been wiped out by Yu Xian and Guan Hai.Once the incident happens, I am afraid there will be twists and turns.

The two of them rushed towards Luoyang quickly before dawn.

Although the five-color bull didn't dare to get too close, it still hangs behind Yu Xian stubbornly.

Yu Xian wrapped himself in a cloud of smoke, and quickly climbed to the top of Luoyang City.

The soldiers guarding the city couldn't see Yu Xian, but only saw the five-colored cow coming aggressively.

They hurriedly beat the golden drum to warn the garrison inside and outside the city.

Yu Xian entered the city, first he released Zuoqiu Junyi with a gourd.

As soon as the old man Zuoqiu came out, his eyes rolled around, "Hey, why did you go back to Luoyang City?"

Yu Xian pointed to the sky, "It's almost dawn, the matter of Wangcheng can only be tomorrow. I don't want to be caught."

When dealing with an old guy like Zuoqiu, you can't tell him the truth.

After hearing this, Zuoqiu Junyi greeted him eagerly, "If you go tomorrow night, brother, don't forget to call me. I still have some insight to ask myself, and it will definitely come in handy."

"It's easy to say, easy to talk." Yu Xian smiled skinny.

Zuoqiu Junyi reluctantly slipped away quietly.

Yu Xian ran to Cai Yong's mansion to put Cai Wenji down.

When Cai Wenji opened her eyes and returned to the familiar environment, she was very happy.Yu Xian expressed his thanks again and again, and promised that there would be something in return in the future.

Cai Wenji didn't have much expectations for this, and she was relieved to be able to come back safely.

Seeing Yu Xian take Guan Hai away, Cai Yan returned to the room with a relaxed face, and patted the maid awake with a smile.

Yu Xian brought Guan Hai back to Dong Zhuo's Prime Minister's Mansion, but still hid in an empty courtyard.

Yu Xian released Wang Li, and then calmly sorted out the harvest this time.

In order to avoid the Yellow Turban traitor Tang Zhou, he had no choice but to release the five-color bull.Unexpectedly, after releasing the five-colored bull, he repaid the debt for stealing the fox's skull at the beginning, and those who were chased and killed by the five-colored bull didn't want to.

It was also during this process that Yu Xian discovered the uniqueness of Luoyi.

After some running around, it can be regarded as a rewarding experience.

The first is to obtain the "Kui Niu War Drum", an extremely rare killing tool.

Secondly, under the blessing of Zhou Gong's blood, Yu Xian's fire of humanity has been greatly improved.Finally, the three lucks that Yu Xian has never forgotten have been realized.With the blessing of Duke Zhou's blood,

Thirdly, it is to get the super control skill of Duke Zhou's Dream Entering Technique.In the future, when Yu Xian meets a guy who fights in close quarters, he can kill him unexpectedly after the opponent gets close.

As for discovering that Bi Lan had colluded with external forces, the fact that Chengmen Xiaowei knew about the backstage of the Southern Xiongnu became a trivial matter.

Yu Xian ordered Guan Hai to take Wang Li to hide. He was going to meet Dong Bai, but it was already daylight, and Yu Xian didn't want to draw too much attention.

After trying twice but failing to find a chance, Yu Xian immediately gave up and found a safe place to sleep.

When I woke up, it was already dusk.

Yu Xian dug out the Xiangfu, intending to find the old man Zuoqiu to find out what happened recently.

Just for Luoyi's affairs, most of Yu Xian's energy was consumed.

Yu Xian really doesn't know how the situation has developed now.

When Yu Xian arrived at the alley that Zuoqiu Junyi often haunted, Yu Xian saw that guy looking impatiently from a distance.

Yu Xian has no confidence in this old man's integrity at all.After careful observation, he made sure there were no traps, so he went out Shi Shiran.

Zuoqiu Junyi was overjoyed to see Yu Xian, "Why did you come here?"

Yu Xian said casually, "After hard work, you should take a good rest anyway."

Zuoqiu Junyi looked at Yu Xian unwillingly, "You came home full of rewards and slept soundly."

After speaking, Zuoqiu Junyi couldn't wait to ask, "How is the plan for tonight?"

"Tonight?" Yu Xian was taken aback, and then remembered the perfunctory treatment he had given him before.

"Not going tonight!"

"What?" Zuoqiu Junyi jumped straight to his feet, "Why don't you go if you're fine."

Yu Xian still needed this guy's help, so he said nonsense immediately, "So many people have been involved in this matter, of course I have to make a decision before making a move."

Zuoqiu Junyi said eagerly, "Brother, don't be modest, those guys are far worse than you."

Yu Xian's eyes flashed, and he asked, "So you know the origins of those people well?"

Zuoqiu Junyi said without hesitation, "Of course, of course I don't know!"

Yu Xian looked at his thieves' appearance and couldn't help hehe.

"Let's talk about it then."

"Huh?" Zuoqiu Junyi was immediately confused.

Yu Xian also hoped to hang Zuoqiu Junyi with this matter.

He immediately changed the topic and asked him, "Has anything important happened in Luoyang City recently? I heard that Dong Zhuo plans to move the capital in a few days."

Zuoqiu Junyi wanted not to answer, but also feared that Yu Xian would be offended, so he could only say, "I won't be able to move for a while."

Yu Xian was very surprised, "Why?"

Dong Zhuo had long thought of moving the capital to Chang'an.Now that there is the factor of the five-colored cow, it has strengthened his idea of ​​leaving as soon as possible.I don't know why there is another variable.

Zuoqiu Junyi replied, "Huangfusong bowed his head to Dong Zhuo, and Dong Zhuo summoned him together. Huangfusong threw off [-] elite soldiers from Fufeng County and came to Luoyang to throw himself into the trap. Now the Han faction in the court is greatly shaken, and the flags and drums are silenced. Dong Zhuo hastened They sent people to take over those Fufeng soldiers and horses. The Xiliang soldiers were tyrannical for a while. Look at what this means, I am afraid that not only will Dong Zhuo not leave in a short time, but he will still have the strength to increase his troops at Hulaoguan."

There is no surprise that Yu Xian will be intimidated by Huangfu Song.

It's just that the Han faction is not a person without vision, so I don't know why they let such a thing happen.

Hearing Yu Xian's question, Zuoqiu Junyi said with emotion, "Speaking of which, this matter is related to the chaos in the palace a few days ago."

"A few days ago, there was a great chaos in the palace. A big demon who was suppressed by the late emperor almost ran out. Fortunately, the seal was not removed at that time, and the big demon had been suppressed for many years, and his breath was weakened. After a lot of effort, he finally managed to escape The demon is trapped. The old man doesn't know why Huangfusong's nephew, Huangfu Li, is involved in this matter, but Dong Zhuo is extremely furious, and must bring Huangfu Li down for questioning."

"Then Dong Zhuo sent Li Ru to spread rumors, saying that Huangfusong was greedy for authority and didn't care about his nephew's life. Huangfusong was a celebrity, but he didn't expect to be burdened by fame in the end."

"Therefore, Huangfusong could only relinquish his military power and enter Luoyang alone to complain for his nephew."

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